from typing import Dict
from django import forms
from django.forms.utils import flatatt
from django.utils.html import escape
DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSIONS = (".xlsx", ".xls", ".csv")
class UploadWidget(forms.widgets.FileInput):
This widget represents an upload widget that the user can
easily drag-and-drop files into.
It is tightly coupled to upload.js.
def __init__(self, attrs=None, degraded=False, required=True,
extra_instructions='XLS, XLSX, or CSV format, please.',
self.required = required
self.degraded = degraded
self.accept = accept
self.extra_instructions = extra_instructions
self.existing_filename = existing_filename
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
final_attrs: Dict[str, str] = {}
if attrs:
final_attrs['accept'] = ",".join(self.accept)
final_attrs['is'] = 'upload-input'
id_for_label = final_attrs.get('id', '')
widget_attrs = {}
if self.degraded:
widget_attrs['data-force-degradation'] = ''
nojs_preamble = ''
if self.existing_filename:
if self.required:
raise AssertionError(
'Using an existing filename is incompatible with '
'the "required" attribute'
widget_attrs['data-fake-initial-filename'] = self.existing_filename
nojs_preamble = (
'You\'ve already uploaded '
'<code>{}</code>. '.format(
) +
'You can keep using it or select a new file to replace it.'
label_txt = 'Choose file'
final_attrs['aria-label'] = label_txt
return "\n".join([
'<upload-widget%s>' % flatatt(widget_attrs),
' <span class="nojs-preamble">%s</span>' % nojs_preamble,
' %s' % super().render(name, value, final_attrs),
' <div class="upload-chooser">',
' <label for="%s">%s</label>' % (id_for_label, label_txt),
' <span>%s</span>' % self.extra_instructions,
' </div>',