

Test Coverage
{% extends "styleguide_base.html" %}
{% load styleguide %}

{% block styleguide_body %}

  {% guide %}
  <div class="sidenav-layout__content">
  <div class="card">
  <div class="content">
  <h1>CALC Style Guide Documentation</h1>

    Welcome to the CALC Style Guide Documentation! Here you'll find guidelines
    on how to update and add new content to the
    <a href="{% url 'styleguide:index' %}">CALC Style Guide</a>.

  {% guide_section "Overview" %}
    The style guide is a Django app in the {% pathname "styleguide" %} directory. The
    bulk of its textual content is in {% pathname "styleguide/templates/styleguide.html" %},
    which is a standard Django template.

    Supporting the style guide is the {% template_tag_library "styleguide" %} template tag
    library, which provides some of the technical infrastructure to display the
    guide and ensure its content is accurate.

  {% guide_section "Verified source code links" %}

    Providing direct links to source files on GitHub is a great way to
    familiarize newcomers with the codebase and figure out where all
    the code related to a particular piece of front-end technology is

    The {% template_tag "styleguide" "pathname" %} template tag
    is useful for linking to any CALC source file or directory relative to
    the root of the repository. The relative path is displayed along with a
    hyperlink to view the file or directory on GitHub.

    At render time, the existence of the file or directory is
    also verified and an exception is thrown if it doesn't
    exist, to prevent documentation rot.

  {% template_example %}
  See {% pathname "" %} for some basic info.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

    More specialized template tags are available for linking to specific
    types of source files.


    You can link to SASS relative to the root of CALC's SASS directory in
    {% pathname SCSS_DIR %}:

  {% template_example %}
  See {% scss "base/_debug.scss" %} for some debug-specific SASS.
  {% endtemplate_example %}


    You can link to JS relative to the root of CALC's JS directory in
    {% pathname JS_DIR %}:

  {% template_example %}
  See {% js "common/ga.js" %} for Google Analytics stuff.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

  <h4>Web components</h4>

    The {% template_tag 'styleguide' 'webcomponent' %} tag can be used to
    link to the source code for a web component (also known
    as a custom element).

  {% template_example %}
  We use an {% webcomponent '<upload-widget>' %} with a nested
  {% webcomponent '<input is="upload-input">' %} to
  progressively enhance the front end.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

    Determining the source file of a web component is actually
    non-trivial, and a <code>SOURCE_FILENAME</code> property
    needs to be defined on the prototype of every web component
    mentioned in the style guide, or else an alert will be displayed.

    Under the hood, this is accomplished via the
    {% webcomponent '<a is="web-component-link">' %} component. See
    its source code for more guidance on how to define the
    <code>SOURCE_FILENAME</code> property on your custom elements.

  <h4>Python objects</h4>

    You can link to the source code of any Python object, too:

  {% template_example %}
  See {% pyobjname '' %} for this
  page's Django view.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

  <h4>Django templates</h4>

    You can also link to a template via its template path:

  {% template_example %}
  See our admin overrides at {% template_link "admin/base.html" %}.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

    You can also render just the GitHub URL for the template source
    with the {% template_tag 'styleguide' 'template_url' %} tag.

  <h4>Template tags</h4>

    You can link to the source code for
    <a href="">custom template tags</a>
    via {% template_tag 'styleguide' 'template_tag' %}, and
    tag libraries via
    {% template_tag 'styleguide' 'template_tag_library' %}:

  {% template_example %}
  The {% template_tag 'styleguide' 'template_tag' %} tag from
  the {% template_tag_library 'styleguide' %} library is nice.
  {% endtemplate_example %}

  {% guide_section "Example areas" %}

    The {% template_tag "styleguide" "example" %} tag can be used
    to provide inline example areas with their HTML source code

  {% template_example %}
  {% example %}
  <p>CALC's about page URL is at {% url 'about' %}.</p>
  {% endexample %}
  {% endtemplate_example %}

    It's important to note that the code snippet shown is the
    the example's source <em>after</em> it's been processed by the templating
    engine. If you instead want the original, "raw" source
    to be shown in the code snippet, you can use the
    {% template_tag "styleguide" "template_example" %} tag:

  {% template_example %}
  {% template_example %}
  <p>CALC's about page URL is at {% url 'about' %}.</p>
  {% endtemplate_example %}
  {% endtemplate_example %}

  <h4>Full-page examples</h4>

    It's sometimes useful to have example areas
    be contained in their own iframes that can be popped-out into
    separate browser tabs for further inspection. This can be done
    using the {% template_tag "styleguide" "fullpage_example" %} tag.

    To use this tag, you'll need to make a template in the
    {% pathname "styleguide/templates/styleguide_fullpage_examples" %}

    For example, suppose we've created a simple template at
    {% template_link inception_path %}
    with the following content:

  <pre><code class="language-django">{{ inception_source }}</code></pre>

    Note the presence of
    <code>{% templatetag opencomment %}&nbsp;BEGIN SNIPPET&nbsp;{% templatetag closecomment %}</code>
    <code>{% templatetag opencomment %}&nbsp;END SNIPPET&nbsp;{% templatetag closecomment %}</code>:
    these aren't just comments, they actually specify what
    should be shown in the source code area of the example. This allows us
    to easily omit code that's necessary for the rendering of
    the template, but extraneous to the concept being communicated.

    We can embed the template as a full-page example area by passing
    the name of the template without its file extension:

  {% template_example %}
  {% fullpage_example "inception" %}
  {% endtemplate_example %}

    Sometimes we may not want to show any source code in the example, which
    can be accomplished by passing an extra argument to the tag:

  {% template_example %}
  {% fullpage_example "inception" show_html=False %}
  {% endtemplate_example %}

  {% guide_section "Sections" %}

    The {% template_tag "styleguide" "guide" %} tag can be used to create
    a table of contents (TOC). Between its start and end tags,
    {% template_tag "styleguide" "guide_section" %} can be used to
    add individual sections, which are linked from the TOC.

  {% fullpage_example "guide" %}

    Currently, the TOC is flat rather than hierarchical: 
    there's no way to define subsections of sections. You can manually
    create subsections by using the <code>&lt;h4&gt;</code> tag,
    but these won't be listed in the TOC.

  {% endguide %}
{% endblock %}