package controllers
import (
// Context represents the context for all requests that do not need authentication.
type Context struct {
Settings *helpers.Settings
templates *helpers.Templates
mailer mailer.Mailer
// StaticMiddleware provides simple caching middleware for static assets.
func StaticMiddleware(path string) func(web.ResponseWriter, *web.Request, web.NextMiddlewareFunc) {
staticMiddleware := web.StaticMiddleware(path)
return func(rw web.ResponseWriter, r *web.Request, next web.NextMiddlewareFunc) {
// We want clients to cache these assets but it's important that they are
// up to date. If the javascript bundle does not match the server API,
// undefined behavior could happen.
rw.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, must-revalidate")
staticMiddleware(rw, r, next)
// Index serves index.html
func (c *Context) Index(w web.ResponseWriter, r *web.Request) {
type pingData struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
BuildInfo string `json:"build-info"`
const (
pingDataStatusAlive = "alive"
func (p pingData) isSystemHealthy() bool {
return p.Status == pingDataStatusAlive
// toJSON returns a json representation of the pingData.
// if it fails to return something, it will return an error in JSON.
// also returns a boolean determining if the call succeeded.
func (p pingData) toJSON() ([]byte, bool) {
pingBody, err := json.Marshal(p)
// Would only ever come up when adding new fields to pingData and it
// wasn't tested properly. This will only happen when trying to marshal things
// that don't result in proper JSON.
if err != nil {
return []byte("\"status\": \"error\": \"data\": \"" + err.Error() + "\""),
return pingBody, true
func createPingData(c *Context) pingData {
return pingData{
Status: pingDataStatusAlive,
BuildInfo: c.Settings.BuildInfo,
// Ping is just a test endpoint to show that indeed the service is alive.
func (c *Context) Ping(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
data := createPingData(c)
dataJSON, conversionSuccess := data.toJSON()
if !data.isSystemHealthy() || !conversionSuccess {
// Also, should log out the data in the case of error so we can look at logs
// later to see what's wrong.
// LoginHandshake is the handler where we authenticate the user and the user authorizes this application access to information.
func (c *Context) LoginHandshake(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
if token := helpers.GetValidToken(req.Request, rw, c.Settings); token != nil {
// We should just go to dashboard if the user already has a valid token.
dashboardURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Settings.AppURL, "/#/dashboard")
http.Redirect(rw, req.Request, dashboardURL, http.StatusFound)
} else {
// Redirect to the Cloud Foundry Login place.
err := c.redirect(rw, req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error on oauth redirect: ", err.Error())
// OAuthCallback is the function that is called when the UAA provider uses the "redirect_uri" field to call back to this backend.
// This function will extract the code, get the access token and refresh token and save it into 1) the session and redirect to the
// frontend dashboard.
func (c *Context) OAuthCallback(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
code := req.URL.Query().Get("code")
state := req.URL.Query().Get("state")
if len(code) < 1 {
// TODO: error.
// Ignore error, Get will return a session, existing or new.
session, _ := c.Settings.Sessions.Get(req.Request, "session")
if state == "" || state != session.Values["state"] {
// Assume we'll use the standard config
tokenExchangeConfig := c.Settings.OAuthConfig
// Since we use an opaque token, we'll clone the normal config
// but add a parameter the URL requesting the token format be opaque (smaller).
tokenExchangeConfig = &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: c.Settings.OAuthConfig.ClientID,
ClientSecret: c.Settings.OAuthConfig.ClientSecret,
RedirectURL: c.Settings.OAuthConfig.RedirectURL,
Scopes: c.Settings.OAuthConfig.Scopes,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
TokenURL: c.Settings.OAuthConfig.Endpoint.TokenURL + "?token_format=opaque",
// Exchange the code for a token.
token, err := tokenExchangeConfig.Exchange(c.Settings.CreateContext(), code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to get access token from code " + code + " error " + err.Error())
// TODO: Handle. Return 500.
// Now, since CF (unlike UAA) hasn't yet been updated to understand an opaque access token,
// we'll use our new opaque refresh token to immediately refresh a standard JWT access token.
// The combined size of an opaque refresh token + a JWT access token is small enough to meet
// our needs (fits in a secure cookie).
originalRefreshToken := token.RefreshToken
token.AccessToken = "" // wipe out our access token
token.Expiry = time.Time{} // and to be sure, force an expiry
token, err = c.Settings.OAuthConfig.TokenSource(c.Settings.CreateContext(), token).Token()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to get access token from code " + code + " error " + err.Error())
// TODO: Handle. Return 500.
// Now, keep our original refresh token, it was smaller (and can be used over and over)
token.RefreshToken = originalRefreshToken
session.Values["token"] = *token
delete(session.Values, "state")
// Save session.
err = session.Save(req.Request, rw)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("callback error: " + err.Error())
// Redirect to the dashboard.
dashboardURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Settings.AppURL, "/#/dashboard")
http.Redirect(rw, req.Request, dashboardURL, http.StatusFound)
// TODO. Redirect to the original route.
// Logout is a handler that will attempt to clear the session information for the current user.
func (c *Context) Logout(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) {
session, _ := c.Settings.Sessions.Get(req.Request, "session")
// Clear the token
session.Values["token"] = nil
// Force the session to expire
session.Options.MaxAge = -1
session.Save(req.Request, rw)
logoutURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Settings.LoginURL, "/")
http.Redirect(rw, req.Request, logoutURL, http.StatusFound)
func (c *Context) redirect(rw web.ResponseWriter, req *web.Request) error {
session, _ := c.Settings.Sessions.Get(req.Request, "session")
state, err := c.Settings.StateGenerator()
if err != nil {
return err
session.Values["state"] = state
err = session.Save(req.Request, rw)
if err != nil {
return err
http.Redirect(rw, req.Request, c.Settings.OAuthConfig.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOnline), http.StatusFound)
return nil