package controllers_test
import (
. ""
var oauthTests = []BasicSecureTest{
BasicConsoleUnitTest: BasicConsoleUnitTest{
TestName: "Basic Valid OAuth Session",
SessionData: ValidTokenData,
ExpectedResponse: NewStringContentTester("test"),
ExpectedCode: 200,
ExpectedLocation: "",
BasicConsoleUnitTest: BasicConsoleUnitTest{
TestName: "Basic Invalid OAuth Session",
SessionData: InvalidTokenData,
ExpectedResponse: NewJSONResponseContentTester(`{"status": "unauthorized"}`),
ExpectedCode: 401,
func TestOAuth(t *testing.T) {
mockSettings := helpers.Settings{}
mockSettings.OAuthConfig = &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: "ClientID",
ClientSecret: "ClientSecret",
RedirectURL: "",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
AuthURL: "",
TokenURL: "",
mockSettings.StateGenerator = func() (string, error) {
return "state", nil
for _, test := range oauthTests {
// Initialize a new session store.
store := MockSessionStore{}
store.ResetSessionData(test.SessionData, "")
mockSettings.Sessions = store
// Setup a test route on the API router (which is guarded by OAuth)
response, request := NewTestRequest("GET", "/v2/test", nil)
router := controllers.InitRouter(&mockSettings, &helpers.Templates{}, &mocks.Mailer{})
secureRouter := router.Subrouter(controllers.SecureContext{}, "/")
apiRouter := secureRouter.Subrouter(controllers.APIContext{}, "/v2")
apiRouter.Get("/test", func(c *controllers.APIContext, rw web.ResponseWriter, r *web.Request) {
// Make the request and check.
router.ServeHTTP(response, request)
if !test.ExpectedResponse.Check(t, response.Body.String()) {
t.Errorf("Test %s did not contain expected value.\nExpected %s.\n Found (%s)\n.", test.TestName, test.ExpectedResponse.Display(), response.Body.String())
if response.Code != test.ExpectedCode {
t.Errorf("Test %s did not meet expected code.\nExpected %d.\nFound %d.\n", test.TestName, test.ExpectedCode, response.Code)
func TestPrivilegedProxy(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range proxyTests {
// We can only get this after the server has started.
testServer := CreateExternalServerForPrivileged(t, test)
test.EnvVars[helpers.UAAURLEnvVar] = testServer.URL
// Construct full url for the proxy.
fullURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", testServer.URL, test.RequestPath)
c := &controllers.SecureContext{Context: &controllers.Context{}}
response, request, _ := PrepareExternalServerCall(t, c, testServer, fullURL, test)
c.PrivilegedProxy(response, request, fullURL, EchoResponseHandler)
VerifyExternalCallResponse(t, response, &test)
var proxyTests = []BasicProxyTest{
BasicSecureTest: BasicSecureTest{
BasicConsoleUnitTest: BasicConsoleUnitTest{
TestName: "Basic Ok Proxy call",
SessionData: ValidTokenData,
EnvVars: GetMockCompleteEnvVars(),
ExpectedResponse: NewStringContentTester("test"),
ExpectedCode: http.StatusOK,
ExpectedHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Tic-Secret": "tic",
"X-Client-IP": "",
// What the "external" server will send back to the proxy.
RequestMethod: "GET",
RequestPath: "/test",
RequestHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Forwarded-For": ",,",
Handlers: []Handler{
RequestMethod: "GET",
ExpectedPath: "/test",
Response: "test",
ResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
BasicSecureTest: BasicSecureTest{
BasicConsoleUnitTest: BasicConsoleUnitTest{
TestName: "Proxy response containing format string",
SessionData: ValidTokenData,
EnvVars: GetMockCompleteEnvVars(),
ExpectedResponse: NewStringContentTester("hello%world"),
ExpectedCode: http.StatusOK,
ExpectedHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Tic-Secret": "tic",
"X-Client-IP": httptest.DefaultRemoteAddr,
// What the "external" server will send back to the proxy.
RequestMethod: "GET",
RequestPath: "/test",
Handlers: []Handler{
RequestMethod: "GET",
ExpectedPath: "/test",
Response: "hello%world",
ResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
func TestProxy(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range proxyTests {
// Create the external server that the proxy will send the request to.
testServer := CreateExternalServer(t, &test)
// Construct full url for the proxy.
fullURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", testServer.URL, test.RequestPath)
c := &controllers.SecureContext{Context: new(controllers.Context)}
response, request, _ := PrepareExternalServerCall(t, c, testServer, fullURL, test)
c.Proxy(response, request, fullURL, EchoResponseHandler)
VerifyExternalCallResponse(t, response, &test)