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Test Coverage
package helpers

var (
    // ClientIDEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the registered
    // Client ID for this web app.
    ClientIDEnvVar = "CONSOLE_CLIENT_ID"
    // ClientSecretEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the
    // Client Secret associated with the registered Client ID for this web app.
    ClientSecretEnvVar = "CONSOLE_CLIENT_SECRET"
    // HostnameEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the hostname
    // of this web app.
    HostnameEnvVar = "CONSOLE_HOSTNAME"
    // LoginURLEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the
    // base login URL endpoint that this app should use to authenticate users.
    // UAAURLEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the
    //  base uaa URL endpoint that this app should use to get tokens.
    // APIURLEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the
    // base api URL endpoint that this app should use to access Cloud Foundry data.
    // LogURLEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the
    // endpoint to the loggregator.
    // PProfEnabledEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents if the pprof routes
    // should be enabled. If no value is specified, it is assumed to be false.
    PProfEnabledEnvVar = "PPROF_ENABLED"
    // BuildInfoEnvVar is the environment variable key that represents the particular build number
    BuildInfoEnvVar = "BUILD_INFO"
    // NewRelicLicenseEnvVar is the New Relic License key so it can collect data.
    NewRelicLicenseEnvVar = "CONSOLE_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE"
    // SecureCookiesEnvVar is set to true or 1, then set the Secure flag be set on session coookies
    SecureCookiesEnvVar = "SECURE_COOKIES"
    // LocalCFEnvVar is set to true or 1, then we indicate that we are using a local CF env.
    LocalCFEnvVar = "LOCAL_CF"
    // TemplatesPathEnvVar is the path to the templates directory.
    TemplatesPathEnvVar = "TEMPLATES_PATH"
    // SMTPHostEnvVar is SMTP host for UAA invites
    SMTPHostEnvVar = "SMTP_HOST"
    // SMTPPortEnvVar is SMTP post for UAA invites
    SMTPPortEnvVar = "SMTP_PORT"
    // SMTPUserEnvVar is SMTP user for UAA invites
    SMTPUserEnvVar = "SMTP_USER"
    // SMTPPassEnvVar is SMTP password for UAA invites
    SMTPPassEnvVar = "SMTP_PASS"
    // SMTPFromEnvVar is SMTP from address for UAA invites
    SMTPFromEnvVar = "SMTP_FROM"
    // SMTPCertEnvVar is cert for TLS connection
    SMTPCertEnvVar = "SMTP_CERT"
    // TICSecretEnvVar is the shared secret with CF API proxy for forwarding client IPs
    TICSecretEnvVar = "TIC_SECRET"
    // CSRFKeyEnvVar is used for CSRF token. Must be 32 bytes, hex-encoded, e.g. openssl rand -hex 32
    CSRFKeyEnvVar = "CSRF_KEY"
    // SessionAuthenticationEnvVar used to sign user sessions. Must be 32 or 64 hex-encoded bytes, e.g. openssl rand -hex 64
    SessionAuthenticationEnvVar = "SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_KEY"
    // SessionEncryptionEnvVar used to encrypt user sessions. Must be 16, 24 or 32 hex-encoded bytes, e.g. openssl rand -hex 32
    SessionEncryptionEnvVar = "SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY"