package helpers
import (
const (
// 7 days at most.
expirationConstant = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
// Settings is the object to hold global values and objects for the service.
type Settings struct {
// OAuthConfig is the OAuth client with all the parameters to talk with CF's UAA OAuth Provider.
OAuthConfig *oauth2.Config
// Console API
ConsoleAPI string
// Login URL - used to redirect users to the logout page
LoginURL string
// Sessions is the session store for all connected users.
Sessions sessions.Store
// Generate secure random state
StateGenerator func() (string, error)
UaaURL string
// Log API
LogURL string
// TemplatesPath is the path to the templates directory.
TemplatesPath string
// High Privileged OauthConfig
HighPrivilegedOauthConfig *clientcredentials.Config
// A flag to indicate whether profiling should be included (debug purposes).
PProfEnabled bool
// Build Info
BuildInfo string
// Set the secure flag on session cookies
SecureCookies bool
// Inidicates if targeting a local CF environment.
LocalCF bool
// URL where this app is hosted
AppURL string
// SMTP host for UAA invites
SMTPHost string
// SMTP post for UAA invites
SMTPPort string
// SMTP user for UAA invites
SMTPUser string
// SMTP password for UAA invites
SMTPPass string
// SMTP from address for UAA invites
SMTPFrom string
// SMTPCert is x509 TLS cert
SMTPCert string
// Shared secret with CF API proxy
TICSecret string
// CSRFKey used for gorilla CSRF validation
CSRFKey []byte
// CreateContext returns a new context to be used for http connections.
func (s *Settings) CreateContext() context.Context {
ctx := context.TODO()
// If targeting local cf env, we won't have
// valid SSL certs so we need to disable verifying them.
if s.LocalCF {
httpClient := http.DefaultClient
httpClient.Transport = &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, httpClient)
return ctx
// InitSettings attempts to populate all the fields of the Settings struct. It will return an error if it fails,
// otherwise it returns nil for success.
func (s *Settings) InitSettings(envVars *env.VarSet) (retErr error) {
defer func() {
// While .MustString() is convenient in readability below, we'd prefer
// to convert this to an error for upstream callers.
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch err := r.(type) {
case error:
if !env.IsVarNotFound(err) {
// Set return code to the actual error
retErr = err
s.TemplatesPath = envVars.String(TemplatesPathEnvVar, "./templates")
s.AppURL = envVars.MustString(HostnameEnvVar)
s.ConsoleAPI = envVars.MustString(APIURLEnvVar)
s.LoginURL = envVars.MustString(LoginURLEnvVar)
s.UaaURL = envVars.MustString(UAAURLEnvVar)
s.LogURL = envVars.MustString(LogURLEnvVar)
s.PProfEnabled = envVars.MustBool(PProfEnabledEnvVar)
s.BuildInfo = envVars.String(BuildInfoEnvVar, "developer-build")
s.LocalCF = envVars.MustBool(LocalCFEnvVar)
s.SecureCookies = envVars.MustBool(SecureCookiesEnvVar)
// Safe guard: shouldn't run with insecure cookies if we are
// in a non-development environment (i.e. production)
if s.LocalCF == false && s.SecureCookies == false {
return errors.New("cannot run with insecure cookies when targeting a production CF environment")
// Setup OAuth2 Client Service.
s.OAuthConfig = &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: envVars.MustString(ClientIDEnvVar),
ClientSecret: envVars.MustString(ClientSecretEnvVar),
RedirectURL: s.AppURL + "/oauth2callback",
Scopes: []string{"", "cloud_controller.write", "cloud_controller.admin", "", "openid"},
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
AuthURL: envVars.MustString(LoginURLEnvVar) + "/oauth/authorize",
TokenURL: envVars.MustString(UAAURLEnvVar) + "/oauth/token",
s.StateGenerator = func() (string, error) {
return GenerateRandomString(32)
var err error
// Initialize CSRF key
s.CSRFKey, err = hex.DecodeString(envVars.MustString(CSRFKeyEnvVar))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode hex env var %q: %v", CSRFKeyEnvVar, err)
// Initialize Sessions.
sessionAuthenticationKey, err := hex.DecodeString(envVars.MustString(SessionAuthenticationEnvVar))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode hex env var %q: %v", SessionAuthenticationEnvVar, err)
// Initialize cookiestore
sessionEncryptionKey, err := hex.DecodeString(envVars.MustString(SessionEncryptionEnvVar))
if err != nil {
return err
store := sessions.NewCookieStore(sessionAuthenticationKey, sessionEncryptionKey)
store.Options.HttpOnly = true
store.Options.Secure = s.SecureCookies
s.Sessions = store
// Want to save a struct into the session. Have to register it.
s.HighPrivilegedOauthConfig = &clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: envVars.MustString(ClientIDEnvVar),
ClientSecret: envVars.MustString(ClientSecretEnvVar),
Scopes: []string{"scim.invite", "cloud_controller.admin", ""},
TokenURL: envVars.MustString(UAAURLEnvVar) + "/oauth/token",
s.SMTPFrom = envVars.MustString(SMTPFromEnvVar)
s.SMTPHost = envVars.MustString(SMTPHostEnvVar)
s.SMTPPass = envVars.String(SMTPPassEnvVar, "")
s.SMTPPort = envVars.String(SMTPPortEnvVar, "")
s.SMTPUser = envVars.String(SMTPUserEnvVar, "")
s.SMTPCert = envVars.String(SMTPCertEnvVar, "")
s.TICSecret = envVars.String(TICSecretEnvVar, "")
return nil