

0 mins
Test Coverage
package api

import (



// Application represents a single SF application
type Application struct {
    AccountID   int
    formType    string
    formVersion string
    sections    map[string]Section

// BlankApplication returns a constructed Application
func BlankApplication(accountID int, formType string, formVersion string) Application {
    return Application{
        AccountID:   accountID,
        formType:    formType,
        formVersion: formVersion,

// Section returns a single section of the application, by identifier
func (a Application) Section(identifier string) Section {
    return a.sections[identifier]

// SetSection sets a section in the application
func (a *Application) SetSection(section Section) {
    sectionPayload := section.Marshal()
    id := sectionPayload.Type

    if a.sections == nil {
        a.sections = make(map[string]Section)

    a.sections[id] = section

// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller to custom marshal our JSON.
func (a Application) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    applicationPayload := make(map[string]map[string]Payload)

    for _, section := range catalogue {
        entity := a.Section(section.Payload)
        if entity == nil {

        if _, ok := applicationPayload[section.Name]; !ok {
            applicationPayload[section.Name] = make(map[string]Payload)
        applicationPayload[section.Name][section.Subsection] = entity.Marshal()

    // set the metadata for the form
    metadata := make(map[string]string)
    metadata["type"] = "metadata"

    metadata["form_type"] = a.formType
    metadata["form_version"] = a.formVersion

    // Since `applicationPayload` is typed to have a Payload as the map value and we
    // want to have a simpler metatadata section, we have to copy to a less-typed
    // map and then add the metadata.
    unsafeApplication := make(map[string]interface{})
    for k := range applicationPayload {
        unsafeApplication[k] = applicationPayload[k]
    unsafeApplication["Metadata"] = metadata

    return json.Marshal(unsafeApplication)


// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller
func (a *Application) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error {
    unsafeApplication := map[string]map[string]json.RawMessage{}

    unErr := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &unsafeApplication)
    if unErr != nil {
        return unErr

    for _, section := range catalogue {

        nameSection, ok := unsafeApplication[section.Name]
        if !ok {

        rawPayload, ok := nameSection[section.Subsection]
        if !ok {

        var payload Payload
        payloadErr := json.Unmarshal(rawPayload, &payload)
        if payloadErr != nil {
            return payloadErr

        entity, entityErr := payload.Entity()
        if entityErr != nil {
            return entityErr

        //TODO: Make this cleaner.
        section, ok := entity.(Section)
        if !ok {
            return errors.New("We unmarshalled a section that was not a section")



    return nil

// FormType is the type of the form
func (a Application) FormType() string {
    return a.formType

// FormVersion is the version of the form
func (a Application) FormVersion() string {
    return a.formVersion

// Hash returns the SHA256 hash of the application state in hexadecimal
func (a *Application) Hash() (string, error) {
    jsonBytes, jsonErr := json.Marshal(a)
    if jsonErr != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Unable to generate hash")

    // TODO: do we care about excluding some sections from the hash? Here would be where.
    hash := sha256.Sum256(jsonBytes)
    return hex.EncodeToString(hash[:]), nil

// ClearNoBranches clears all the branches answered "No" that must be
// re answered after rejection
func (a *Application) ClearNoBranches() error {

    for _, sectionInfo := range catalogue {
        section := a.Section(sectionInfo.Payload)

        clearable, ok := section.(Rejector)
        if ok {
            clearErr := clearable.ClearNoBranches()
            if clearErr != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(clearErr, fmt.Sprintf("Error clearing the 'No' responses from %s", sectionInfo.Payload))
    return nil

// SectionInformation represents a structure to quickly organize the different
// sections and subsections with the payload type(s).
type SectionInformation struct {
    Name       string
    Subsection string
    Payload    string
    hashable   bool

var (
    catalogue = []SectionInformation{
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "ApplicantName",
            Payload:    "identification.name",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "Contacts",
            Payload:    "identification.contacts",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "OtherNames",
            Payload:    "identification.othernames",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "ApplicantBirthDate",
            Payload:    "identification.birthdate",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "ApplicantBirthPlace",
            Payload:    "identification.birthplace",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "ApplicantSSN",
            Payload:    "identification.ssn",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Identification",
            Subsection: "Physical",
            Payload:    "identification.physical",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Bankruptcy",
            Payload:    "financial.bankruptcy",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Gambling",
            Payload:    "financial.gambling",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Taxes",
            Payload:    "financial.taxes",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Card",
            Payload:    "financial.card",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Credit",
            Payload:    "financial.credit",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Delinquent",
            Payload:    "financial.delinquent",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Financial",
            Subsection: "Nonpayment",
            Payload:    "financial.nonpayment",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "History",
            Subsection: "Residence",
            Payload:    "history.residence",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "History",
            Subsection: "Employment",
            Payload:    "history.employment",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "History",
            Subsection: "Education",
            Payload:    "history.education",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "History",
            Subsection: "Federal",
            Payload:    "history.federal",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Relationships",
            Subsection: "Marital",
            Payload:    "relationships.status.marital",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Relationships",
            Subsection: "Cohabitants",
            Payload:    "relationships.status.cohabitant",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Relationships",
            Subsection: "People",
            Payload:    "relationships.people",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Relationships",
            Subsection: "Relatives",
            Payload:    "relationships.relatives",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Citizenship",
            Subsection: "Status",
            Payload:    "citizenship.status",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Citizenship",
            Subsection: "Multiple",
            Payload:    "citizenship.multiple",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Citizenship",
            Subsection: "Passports",
            Payload:    "citizenship.passports",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Military",
            Subsection: "Selective",
            Payload:    "military.selective",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Military",
            Subsection: "History",
            Payload:    "military.history",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Military",
            Subsection: "Disciplinary",
            Payload:    "military.disciplinary",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Military",
            Subsection: "Foreign",
            Payload:    "military.foreign",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Passport",
            Payload:    "foreign.passport",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Contacts",
            Payload:    "foreign.contacts",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Travel",
            Payload:    "foreign.travel",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "BenefitActivity",
            Payload:    "foreign.activities.benefits",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "DirectActivity",
            Payload:    "foreign.activities.direct",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "IndirectActivity",
            Payload:    "foreign.activities.indirect",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "RealEstateActivity",
            Payload:    "foreign.activities.realestate",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Support",
            Payload:    "foreign.activities.support",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Advice",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.advice",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Conferences",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.conferences",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Contact",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.contact",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Employment",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.employment",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Family",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.family",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Political",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.political",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Sponsorship",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.sponsorship",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Ventures",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.ventures",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Foreign",
            Subsection: "Voting",
            Payload:    "foreign.business.voting",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "DrugClearanceUses",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.clearance",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "PrescriptionUses",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.misuse",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "OrderedTreatments",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.ordered",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "DrugPublicSafetyUses",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.publicsafety",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "DrugInvolvements",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.purchase",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "DrugUses",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.usage",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "VoluntaryTreatments",
            Payload:    "substance.drugs.voluntary",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "NegativeImpacts",
            Payload:    "substance.alcohol.negative",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "OrderedCounselings",
            Payload:    "substance.alcohol.ordered",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "VoluntaryCounselings",
            Payload:    "substance.alcohol.voluntary",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Substance",
            Subsection: "ReceivedCounselings",
            Payload:    "substance.alcohol.additional",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "ActivitiesToOverthrow",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.activities-to-overthrow",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Advocating",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.advocating",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "EngagedInTerrorism",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.engaged-in-terrorism",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "MembershipOverthrow",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.membership-overthrow",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "MembershipViolence",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.membership-violence-or-force",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "TerrorismAssociation",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.terrorism-association",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "TerroristOrganization",
            Payload:    "legal.associations.terrorist-organization",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "NonCriminalCourtActions",
            Payload:    "legal.court",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Debarred",
            Payload:    "legal.investigations.debarred",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "History",
            Payload:    "legal.investigations.history",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Revoked",
            Payload:    "legal.investigations.revoked",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "PoliceOtherOffenses",
            Payload:    "legal.police.additionaloffenses",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "PoliceDomesticViolence",
            Payload:    "legal.police.domesticviolence",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "PoliceOffenses",
            Payload:    "legal.police.offenses",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Manipulating",
            Payload:    "legal.technology.manipulating",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Unauthorized",
            Payload:    "legal.technology.unauthorized",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Legal",
            Subsection: "Unlawful",
            Payload:    "legal.technology.unlawful",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Psychological",
            Subsection: "Competence",
            Payload:    "psychological.competence",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Psychological",
            Subsection: "Consultations",
            Payload:    "psychological.consultations",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Psychological",
            Subsection: "Diagnoses",
            Payload:    "psychological.diagnoses",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Psychological",
            Subsection: "ExistingConditions",
            Payload:    "psychological.conditions",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Psychological",
            Subsection: "Hospitalizations",
            Payload:    "psychological.hospitalizations",
            hashable:   true,
            Name:       "Package",
            Subsection: "Comments",
            Payload:    "package.comments",
            hashable:   false,
            Name:       "Submission",
            Subsection: "Releases",
            Payload:    "submission.releases",
            hashable:   false,

// Catalogue eturns an array of the sub-sections of the form
func Catalogue() []SectionInformation {
    c := make([]SectionInformation, len(catalogue))
    copy(c, catalogue)
    return c

// EqipClient returns a new eqip.Client, configured with the WS_* environment variables.
func EqipClient(env Settings) (*eqip.Client, error) {
    url := env.String(WsURL)
    if url == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingURL)
    key := env.String(WsKey)
    if key == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingKey)

    return eqip.NewClient(url, key), nil

// EqipRequest returns a new eqip.ImportRequest, configured with the WS_* environment variables.
func (a *Application) EqipRequest(env Settings, xmlContent string) (*eqip.ImportRequest, error) {
    var ciAgencyUserPseudoSSN bool
    var agencyID int
    var agencyGroupID int

    // This is perhaps silly. I think that things might work with just the raw application sections
    // but I think that rather than expose that it will be better to keep the JSON as the interface
    // same as we are doing in xml.go, FWIF
    jsonBytes, jsonErr := json.Marshal(a)
    if jsonErr != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Unable to marshal application")

    var data map[string]interface{}
    unmarhalErr := json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &data)
    if unmarhalErr != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Unable to re-un-marshal application")

    ciAgencyIDEnv := env.String(WsCallerinfoAgencyID)
    if ciAgencyIDEnv == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingCallerInfoAgencyID)
    ciAgencyUserSSNEnv := env.String(WsCallerinfoAgencyUserSSN)
    if ciAgencyUserSSNEnv == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingCallerInfoAgencySSN)
    // Parse agency id
    agencyIDEnv := env.String(WsAgencyID)
    if agencyIDEnv == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingAgencyID)
    i, err := strconv.Atoi(agencyIDEnv)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    agencyID = i

    // Parse agency group id if necessary
    agencyGroupIDEnv := env.String(WsAgencyGroupID)
    if agencyGroupIDEnv != "" {
        i, err := strconv.Atoi(agencyGroupIDEnv)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        agencyGroupID = i

    ciAgencyUserPseudoSSNEnv := env.String(WsCallerinfoAgencyUserPseudossn)
    if ciAgencyUserPseudoSSNEnv == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingCallerInfoAgencyPseudoSSN)
    b, err := strconv.ParseBool(ciAgencyUserPseudoSSNEnv)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(WebserviceMissingCallerInfoAgencyPseudoSSN)
    ciAgencyUserPseudoSSN = b

    ci := eqip.NewCallerInfo(ciAgencyIDEnv, ciAgencyUserPseudoSSN, ciAgencyUserSSNEnv)
    return eqip.NewImportRequest(ci, agencyID, agencyGroupID, data, xmlContent)