

0 mins
Test Coverage
package api

import (


// BasicAuthMembership stores basic authentication information for the account.
type BasicAuthMembership struct {
    ID           int
    AccountID    int
    Account      *Account
    PasswordHash string
    Created      time.Time

// Save the basic membership.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) Save(context DatabaseService, account int) (int, error) {

    if err := context.Save(entity); err != nil {
        return entity.ID, err

    return entity.ID, nil

// Delete the basic membership.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) Delete(context DatabaseService, account int) (int, error) {

    if entity.ID != 0 {
        if err := context.Delete(entity); err != nil {
            return entity.ID, err

    return entity.ID, nil

// Get the basic membership.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) Get(context DatabaseService, account int) (int, error) {

    if err := entity.Find(context); err != nil {
        return entity.ID, err

    return entity.ID, nil

// GetID returns the entity identifier.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) GetID() int {
    return entity.ID

// SetID sets the entity identifier.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) SetID(id int) {
    entity.ID = id

// Find the basic membership.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) Find(context DatabaseService) error {
    // if entity.ID == 0 {
    //     return context.Where(entity, "Account.username = ?", entity.Username)
    // }
    return context.Select(entity)

// PasswordMatch determines if a plain text password matches its equivalent password hash.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) PasswordMatch(password string) bool {
    return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(entity.PasswordHash), []byte(password)) == nil

// HashPassword converts a plaintext password and generates a hash and updates the
// `PasswordHash` value.
func (entity *BasicAuthMembership) HashPassword(password string) error {
    hashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    entity.PasswordHash = string(hashedPassword)
    return nil