

0 mins
Test Coverage
package eqip

import (

// ImportRequest contains information for executing an eqip importRequest
type ImportRequest struct {
    CallerInfo    CallerInfo
    Applicant     UserTemplate
    AgencyID      int
    AgencyGroupID int
    Content       Base64Content

// When processing templates, indicates that execution should stop immediately.
const missingKeyIsError = "missingkey=error"
const missingKeyIsEmpty = "missingkey=zero"

// XML returns an xml representation of an ImportRequest
func (a ImportRequest) XML() string {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.New("import-request.xml").
    var output bytes.Buffer
    err := tmpl.Execute(&output, a)
    if err != nil {
        return "Unable to parse template"
    return output.String()

// NewImportRequest creates an import request to be sent to the webservice. This is a helper func that properly sets up
// the user demographic data, compresses and encodes the xml content and fills in the agency ids
func NewImportRequest(ci CallerInfo, agencyID, agencyGroupID int, app map[string]interface{}, xmlContent string) (*ImportRequest, error) {
    var user UserTemplate
    if err := user.Load(app); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var base64Content Base64Content
    if err := base64Content.Compress(xmlContent); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r := &ImportRequest{
        CallerInfo:    ci,
        Applicant:     user,
        AgencyID:      agencyID,
        AgencyGroupID: agencyGroupID,
        Content:       base64Content,
    return r, nil

// CallerInfo represents the agency and agency user making the web service call
type CallerInfo struct {
    AgencyID   string
    AgencyUser AgencyUser

// NewCallerInfo creates a CallerInfo struct based on agency id and ssn values
func NewCallerInfo(agencyID string, psuedoSSN bool, ssn string) CallerInfo {
    return CallerInfo{
        AgencyID: agencyID,
        AgencyUser: AgencyUser{
            PseudoSSN: psuedoSSN,
            SSN:       ssn,

// AgencyUser represents the Agency User making this call
type AgencyUser struct {
    PseudoSSN bool
    SSN       string

// RequestBody are objects that return XML representations of themselves
type RequestBody interface {
    XML() string

// Body is used for the contents of a SOAP body
type Body interface {

// UserTemplate stores an applicants demographic information
type UserTemplate string

// Load will use the application data in the user template.
func (t *UserTemplate) Load(app map[string]interface{}) error {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.New("user.xml").
    var output bytes.Buffer
    if err := tmpl.Execute(&output, app); err != nil {
        return err
    *t = UserTemplate(output.String())
    return nil

// Base64Content is a string that can compress and convert itself to base64
type Base64Content string

// Compress the `Base64Content` using zlib.
func (b *Base64Content) Compress(content string) error {
    var zlibBytes bytes.Buffer
    gw := zlib.NewWriter(&zlibBytes)
    _, err := gw.Write([]byte(content))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := gw.Flush(); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := gw.Close(); err != nil {
        return err
    base64Str := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(zlibBytes.Bytes())
    *b = Base64Content(base64Str)
    return nil

// NewSOAPEnvelopeTemplate populates the envelope element for a SOAP request
func NewSOAPEnvelopeTemplate(action RequestBody, unsigned, signed string) (io.Reader, error) {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.New("envelope.xml").
    var output bytes.Buffer
    err := tmpl.Execute(&output, struct {
        RequestBody RequestBody
        Signed      string
        Unsigned    string
        RequestBody: action,
        Signed:      signed,
        Unsigned:    unsigned,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return bytes.NewReader(output.Bytes()), err

// SOAPFault contains information about a webservice error. The general structure for SOAP 1.1
// fault is the following:
//<xs:complexType name="Fault" final="extension">
//      <xs:sequence>
//          <xs:element name="faultcode" type="xs:QName"/>
//          <xs:element name="faultstring" type="xs:string"/>
//          <xs:element name="faultactor" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
//          <xs:element name="detail" type="tns:detail" minOccurs="0">
//      </xs:sequence>
// The application specific error information is placed in the <detail /> element which is why we
// extract those values directly with this struct.
// For instance:
//      <S:Fault>
//          <detail>
//              <ns2:EqipWSException>
//                  <message>This is an error message</message>
//                  <errorMessages>Error1</errorMessages>
//                  <errorMessages>Error2</errorMessages>
//              </ns2:EqipWSException>
//          </detail>
//      </S:Fault>
// The response schema can contain two possible exceptions:
//       EqipWSException
//           Represents a generic error condition in the e-QIP Web Service Interface.
//       CharacerEncodingException
//           Represents an error state due to an invalid String character encoding.
// Both exceptions contain the same structure but only one instance of it will ever be
// returned (if any errors exist).
type SOAPFault struct {
    EqipWSException           *ErrEqipWSException `xml:"Body>Fault>detail>EqipWSException"`
    CharacerEncodingException *ErrEqipWSException `xml:"Body>Fault>detail>CharacterEncodingException"`

// Error returns the appropriate error that contains the error information if any exist
func (f SOAPFault) Error() error {
    switch {
    case f.EqipWSException != nil:
        return f.EqipWSException
    case f.CharacerEncodingException != nil:
        return f.CharacerEncodingException
        return nil

// ErrEqipWSException describes a generic error condition in the e-QIP Web Service Interface.
// This struct implements the Error interface so that it can be handled like typical golang
// errors.
type ErrEqipWSException struct {
    Message       string   `xml:"message"`
    ErrorMessages []string `xml:"errorMessages"`

// Error returns the message associated to the webservice exception.
func (e ErrEqipWSException) Error() string {
    return e.Message

// ImportRequestResponse is the response returned when a request is successful
//    <xs:complexType name="importRequestResponse">
//        <xs:sequence>
//            <xs:element name="return" type="tns:request" minOccurs="0"/>
//        </xs:sequence>
//    </xs:complexType>
type ImportRequestResponse struct {
    Return *Request `xml:"return"`

// Bytes converts the response to a byte array.
func (response *ImportRequestResponse) Bytes() []byte {
    var buffer bytes.Buffer
    enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buffer)
    if err := enc.Encode(response); err != nil {
        return []byte{}
    return buffer.Bytes()

// Keys returns the agency and request keys from the response.
func (response *ImportRequestResponse) Keys() (int, string) {
    if response == nil || response.Return == nil {
        return 0, ""
    ret := response.Return
    akey := ret.InitiatingAgency
    rkey := ret.RequestKey
    if akey == nil || rkey == nil {
        return 0, ""

    return akey.AgencyID, rkey.RequestID

// Request contains information for an ImportRequestResponse
//    <xs:complexType name="request">
//        <xs:sequence>
//            <xs:element name="initiatingAgency" type="tns:agencyKey" minOccurs="0"/>
//            <xs:element name="requestKey" type="tns:requestKey" minOccurs="0"/>
//            <xs:element name="userAlreadyExisted" type="xs:boolean"/>
//        </xs:sequence>
//    </xs:complexType>
type Request struct {
    XMLName           xml.Name
    InitiatingAgency  *AgencyKey  `xml:"initiatingAgency"`
    RequestKey        *RequestKey `xml:"requestKey"`
    UserAleadyExisted bool        `xml:"userAlreadyExisted"`

// IsAlive is a no-op method that allows for testing that the e-QIP Agency Web Service Interface is available and operating
// <xs:complexType name="isAlive"><xs:sequence/>
type IsAlive struct{}

// XML returns the xml representation of IsAlive
func (a IsAlive) XML() string {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.New("is-alive.xml").
    var output bytes.Buffer
    err := tmpl.Execute(&output, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return "Unable to parse template"
    return output.String()

// IsAliveSOAPResponse is a wrapper struct containing success and failure information
type IsAliveSOAPResponse struct {
    ResponseBody []byte

// SetResponseBody sets the responses body value.
func (r *IsAliveSOAPResponse) SetResponseBody(b []byte) {
    r.ResponseBody = b

// ImportSOAPResponse is a wrapper struct containing success and failure information
type ImportSOAPResponse struct {
    ImportRequestResponse *ImportRequestResponse `xml:"Body>importRequestResponse"`
    ResponseBody          []byte

// SetResponseBody sets the responses body value.
func (r *ImportSOAPResponse) SetResponseBody(b []byte) {
    r.ResponseBody = b

// AgencyKey represents the identifier for an Agency in e-QIP
//    <xs:complexType name="agencyKey">
//        <xs:sequence>
//            <xs:element name="agencyId" type="xs:int"/>
//        </xs:sequence>
//    </xs:complexType>
type AgencyKey struct {
    AgencyID int `xml:"agencyId"`

// Attachment represents a document that is attached to an e-QIP investigation request
//      <xs:complexType name="attachment">*/
//          <xs:sequence>
//              <xs:element name="attachmentBytes" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
//              <xs:element name="attachmentDescription" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
//              <xs:element name="attachmentFileName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
//              <xs:element name="attachmentKey" type="tns:attachmentKey" minOccurs="0"/>
//              <xs:element name="documentType" type="tns:documentType" minOccurs="0"/>
//              <xs:element name="methodOfTransmission" type="tns:attachmentTransmissionMethod" minOccurs="0"/>
//          </xs:sequence>
//      </xs:complexType>
type Attachment struct {
    AttachmentBytes       string         `xml:"attachmentBytes"`
    AttachmentDescription string         `xml:"attachmentDescription"`
    AttachmentFileName    string         `xml:"attachmentFileName"`
    AttachmentKey         *AttachmentKey `xml:"attachmentKey"`
    DocumentType          string         `xml:"documentType"`
    MethodOfTransmission  string         `xml:"methodOfTransmission"`

// AttachmentKey represents an identifier for an attachment within the e-QIP system
//      <xs:complexType name="attachmentKey">
//          <xs:sequence>
//              <xs:element name="attachmentId" type="xs:int"/>
//          </xs:sequence>
//      </xs:complexType>
type AttachmentKey struct {
    AttachmentID int `xml:"attachmentId"`

// RequestKey uniquely identifies an Investigation Request within the e-QIP system
//    <xs:complexType name="requestKey">
//        <xs:sequence>
//            <xs:element name="requestId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
//        </xs:sequence>
//    </xs:complexType>
type RequestKey struct {
    RequestID string `xml:"requestId"`