

0 mins
Test Coverage
package api

import (

// ValidationResult is an interface to be used by errors that return a properly formatted struct
// to be used to send for client-side validation requests.
type ValidationResult interface {
    Result(fieldname string) interface{}

// ErrorStackResults is an interface to be used to represent a collection of interfaces.
// This currently has no additional methods
type ErrorStackResults interface{}

// ErrorStack contains a list of ErrorStackResults that have been captured.
type ErrorStack []ErrorStackResults

// HasErrors checks if any errors exist
func (stack ErrorStack) HasErrors() bool {
    return len(stack) > 0

// Error is string representation of an ErrorStack and displays
// the total number of errors. This is to implement the error type.
func (stack ErrorStack) Error() string {
    var pretty string
    for _, e := range stack {
        pretty += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", e)
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d Errors: %s", len(stack), pretty)

// Result creates a struct that is properly formatted for the client-validation.
func (stack ErrorStack) Result(fieldname string) interface{} {
    return struct {
        Fieldname string
        Errors    ErrorStack
        fieldname, stack,

// Append adds an error to the list of errors. For those that implement the ValidationResult interface,
// the return value for Result(fieldname) will be used to populate the stack. This is to  properly format
// error/validation information that is to be returned to the client-side.
func (stack *ErrorStack) Append(fieldname string, err error) {
    if err == nil {
    switch t := err.(type) {
    case ValidationResult:
        *stack = append(*stack, t.Result(fieldname))

        fmt.Printf("Error [%v] has no Result(string) field implemented\n", err)
        *stack = append(*stack, err)

// NewErrorStack creates a new stack of errors for a particular field.
func NewErrorStack(fieldname string, err error) ErrorStack {
    var stack ErrorStack
    stack.Append(fieldname, err)
    return stack

// ErrFieldInvalid represents an error for a field with an invalid value.
type ErrFieldInvalid struct {
    Message string

// Error returns the string representation of a Field Invalid error.
func (e ErrFieldInvalid) Error() string {
    return e.Message

// Result creates a struct that is properly formatted for the client-side validation.
func (e ErrFieldInvalid) Result(fieldname string) interface{} {
    return struct {
        Fieldname string
        Error     string

// ErrFieldRequired represents an error for a field that requires data.
type ErrFieldRequired struct {
    Message string

// Error is a basic representation of a Require Field error.
func (e ErrFieldRequired) Error() string {
    return e.Message

// Result creates a struct that is properly formatted for the client-side validation.
func (e ErrFieldRequired) Result(fieldname string) interface{} {
    return struct {
        Fieldname string
        Error     string

// ErrInvalidLocation represents an error for location information with additional options.
type ErrInvalidLocation struct {
    Message     string
    Suggestions []GeocodeResult

// Error returns the error message.
func (e ErrInvalidLocation) Error() string {
    return e.Message

// Result creates a struct that is properly formatted for the client-side validation.
func (e ErrInvalidLocation) Result(fieldname string) interface{} {
    return struct {
        Fieldname   string
        Error       string
        Suggestions []GeocodeResult