

0 mins
Test Coverage
package http

import (


// SessionCookieName is the name of the cookie that is used to store the session
const SessionCookieName = "eapp-session-key"

// SessionMiddleware is the session handler.
type SessionMiddleware struct {
    log     api.LogService
    session api.SessionService

// NewSessionMiddleware returns a configured SessionMiddleware
func NewSessionMiddleware(log api.LogService, session api.SessionService) *SessionMiddleware {
    return &SessionMiddleware{

// Middleware for verifying session
func (service SessionMiddleware) Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        sessionCookie, cookieErr := r.Cookie(SessionCookieName)
        if cookieErr != nil {
            service.log.WarnError(api.RequestIsMissingSessionCookie, cookieErr, api.LogFields{})
            RespondWithStructuredError(w, api.RequestIsMissingSessionCookie, http.StatusUnauthorized)

        sessionKey := sessionCookie.Value
        account, session, err := service.session.GetAccountIfSessionIsValid(sessionKey)
        if err != nil {
            if err == api.ErrValidSessionNotFound {
                service.log.WarnError(api.SessionDoesNotExist, err, api.LogFields{})
                RespondWithStructuredError(w, api.SessionDoesNotExist, http.StatusUnauthorized)
            if err == api.ErrSessionExpired {
                service.log.WarnError(api.SessionExpired, err, api.LogFields{})
                RespondWithStructuredError(w, api.SessionExpired, http.StatusUnauthorized)
            service.log.WarnError(api.SessionUnexpectedError, err, api.LogFields{})
            RespondWithStructuredError(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)

        service.log.AddField("account_id", account.ID)

        newContext := SetAccountAndSessionInRequestContext(r, account, session)
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(newContext))

// SessionCookieService writes session cookies to a response
type SessionCookieService struct {
    secure bool

// NewSessionCookieService returns a SessionCookieService
func NewSessionCookieService(secure bool) SessionCookieService {
    return SessionCookieService{

// AddSessionKeyToResponse adds the session cookie to a response given a valid sessionKey
func (s SessionCookieService) AddSessionKeyToResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, sessionKey string) {
    // LESSONS:
    // The domain must be "" for localhost to work
    // Safari will fuck up cookies if you have a .local hostname, chrome does fine
    // Secure must be false for http to work

    cookie := &http.Cookie{
        Secure:   s.secure,
        Name:     SessionCookieName,
        Value:    sessionKey,
        HttpOnly: true,
        Path:     "/",
        // Omit MaxAge and Expires to make this a session cookie.
        // Omit domain to default to the full domain

    http.SetCookie(w, cookie)


// DeleteSessionCookie removes the session cookie
func DeleteSessionCookie(w http.ResponseWriter) {
    cookie := &http.Cookie{
        Name:   SessionCookieName,
        MaxAge: -1,
    http.SetCookie(w, cookie)

// -- Context Storage
type authContextKey string

const accountKey authContextKey = "ACCOUNT"
const sessionKey authContextKey = "SESSION"

// SetAccountAndSessionInRequestContext modifies the request's Context() to add the Account
func SetAccountAndSessionInRequestContext(r *http.Request, account api.Account, session api.Session) context.Context {
    accountContext := context.WithValue(r.Context(), accountKey, account)
    sessionContext := context.WithValue(accountContext, sessionKey, session)

    return sessionContext

// AccountAndSessionFromRequestContext gets the reference to the Account stored in the request.Context()
func AccountAndSessionFromRequestContext(r *http.Request) (api.Account, api.Session) {
    // This will panic if it is not set or if it's not an Account. That will always be a programmer
    // error so I think that it's worth the tradeoff for the simpler method signature.
    account := r.Context().Value(accountKey).(api.Account)
    session := r.Context().Value(sessionKey).(api.Session)
    return account, session