

35 mins
Test Coverage
package saml

import (

    saml "github.com/RobotsAndPencils/go-saml"

// Service implements the handling of SAMl requests and responses.
type Service struct {
    Log      api.LogService
    Env      api.Settings
    provider saml.ServiceProviderSettings

// CreateAuthenticationRequest creates a SAML 2.0 authentication request based on the service provider settings.
// If configured to sign the request then the Base64 XML will be signed.
func (service *Service) CreateAuthenticationRequest() (string, string, error) {
    var encoded string
    var err error

    // Generate the AuthnRequest and then get a base64 encoded string of the XML
    request := service.provider.GetAuthnRequest()
    if service.provider.SPSignRequest {
        encoded, err = request.EncodedSignedString(service.provider.PrivateKeyPath)
    } else {
        encoded, err = request.EncodedString()

    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err
    requestAsXML, _ := request.String()
    service.Log.Debug("SAML authentication request", api.LogFields{"xml": requestAsXML})

    return encoded, service.provider.IDPSSOURL, err

const (
    authnResponseXMLName  = "Response"
    logoutResponseXMLName = "LogoutResponse"

// ResponseType returns an "enum" that indicates what type of response the encoded message represents
func (service *Service) ResponseType(encoded string) (api.SAMLResponseType, error) {
    response, err := saml.ParseEncodedResponse(encoded)
    if err != nil {
        service.Log.WarnError(api.SamlParseError, err, api.LogFields{})
        return "", err

    xmlName := response.XMLName.Local
    switch xmlName {
    case authnResponseXMLName:
        return api.AuthnSAMLResponseType, nil
    case logoutResponseXMLName:
        return api.LogoutSAMLResponseType, nil
        service.Log.Fatal("Unknown SAML response type", api.LogFields{"SAMLResponseType": xmlName})
        return "", errors.New("Unknown SAML response type")

// ValidateAuthenticationResponse validations a SAML authentication response.
func (service *Service) ValidateAuthenticationResponse(encoded string) (string, string, error) {

    authnResponseXML, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encoded)
    service.Log.Debug("SAML authentication response", api.LogFields{"xml": string(authnResponseXML)})

    response, err := saml.ParseEncodedResponse(encoded)
    if err != nil {
        service.Log.WarnError(api.SamlParseError, err, api.LogFields{})
        return "", "", err

    // err = response.Validate(&service.provider)
    err = service.validate(response, string(authnResponseXML))
    if err != nil {
        service.Log.WarnError(api.SamlInvalid, err, api.LogFields{})
        return "", "", err

    username := cleanName(response.Assertion.Subject.NameID.Value)
    if username == "" {
        service.Log.WarnError(api.SamlIdentifierMissing, err, api.LogFields{})
        return "", "", err

    var sessionIndex string
    for _, authnStatement := range response.Assertion.AuthnStatements {
        if authnStatement.SessionIndex != "" {
            sessionIndex = authnStatement.SessionIndex

    if sessionIndex == "" && service.Env.True(api.SamlSloEnabled) {
        service.Log.Warn("SAML Auth Response does not include a SessionIndex. WSO2 is probably misconfigured and SLO will not work correctly.", api.LogFields{})
        return "", "", errors.New("the SAML Auth Response does not include a SessionIndex. WSO2 is probably misconfigured and SLO will not work correctly")

    return username, sessionIndex, nil

// Example configuration:
//  - PublicCertPath:              "../default.crt",
//  - PrivateKeyPath:              "../default.key",
//  - IDPSSOURL:                   "http://idp/saml2",
//  - IDPSSODescriptorURL:         "http://idp/issuer",
//  - IDPPublicCertPath:           "idpcert.crt",
//  - SPSignRequest:               "true",
//  - AssertionConsumerServiceURL: "http://localhost:8000/saml_consume",
func (service *Service) configure() {
    service.provider = saml.ServiceProviderSettings{
        PublicCertPath:              service.Env.String(api.SamlPublicCert),
        PrivateKeyPath:              service.Env.String(api.SamlPrivateCert),
        IDPSSOURL:                   service.Env.String(api.SamlIdpSsoURL),
        IDPSSODescriptorURL:         service.Env.String(api.SamlIdpSsoDescURL),
        IDPPublicCertPath:           service.Env.String(api.SamlIdpPublicCert),
        SPSignRequest:               service.Env.True(api.SamlSignRequest),
        AssertionConsumerServiceURL: service.Env.String(api.SamlConsumerServiceURL),

    if service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL == "" {
        service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = service.Env.String(api.APIBaseURL) + "/auth/saml/callback"


func (service *Service) validate(response *saml.Response, original string) error {
    if response.Version != "2.0" {
        return errors.New("unsupported SAML Version")

    if len(response.ID) == 0 {
        return errors.New("missing ID attribute on SAML Response")

    if len(response.Assertion.ID) == 0 {
        return errors.New("no Assertions")

    if len(response.Signature.SignatureValue.Value) == 0 {
        return errors.New("no signature")

    if response.Destination != service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL {
        return errors.New("destination mismatch exception: " + service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL + " not " + response.Destination)

    if response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.Method != "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer" {
        return errors.New("assertion method exception")

    if response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.Recipient != service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL {
        return errors.New("subject recipient mismatch, expected: " + service.provider.AssertionConsumerServiceURL + " not " + response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.Recipient)

    expires := response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.NotOnOrAfter
    notOnOrAfter, e := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, expires)
    if e != nil {
        return e
    if notOnOrAfter.Before(time.Now()) {
        return errors.New("assertion has expired on: " + expires)

    err := saml.VerifyResponseSignature(original, service.provider.IDPPublicCertPath)
    if err != nil {
        if service.Env.True(api.SamlVerifyInsecure) {
            service.Log.WarnError(api.SamlVerificationError, err, api.LogFields{})
        } else {
            return err

    return nil

// cleanName applies some basic sanitization of the NameID for storage.
func cleanName(nameID string) string {
    // Trim any leading or trailing whitespace characters.
    nameID = strings.TrimSpace(nameID)

    // Check for any special whitespace characters within the string and
    // remove them.
    for _, c := range []string{"\n", "\t", "\r"} {
        nameID = strings.Replace(nameID, c, "", -1)

    // The database only allows the username to be 200 characters.
    // Passing an empty substring to `strings.Count()` returns the number of
    // runes + 1.
    if strings.Count(nameID, "")-1 > 200 {
        runes := []rune{}
        for i, r := range nameID {
            if i > 199 {
            runes = append(runes, r)
        nameID = string(runes)

    return nameID

// CreateSLORequest creates an encoded SAML Logout Request suitable for sending to the identity server
func (service *Service) CreateSLORequest(username string, sessionIndex string) (string, string, error) {
    req := newLogoutRequest(service.provider.IDPSSODescriptorURL, service.provider.IDPSSOURL, username, sessionIndex)

    signedRequest, err := req.signedRequest(service.provider.PublicCertPath, service.provider.PrivateKeyPath)
    if err != nil {
        service.Log.WarnError("Failed to sign the SLO Request.", err, api.LogFields{})
        return "", "", err
    encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(signedRequest))

    return encoded, service.provider.IDPSSOURL, err