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package api

// Serializer is an interface that sits between the domain models and the
// database. It is able to serialize and deserialize Applications and Attachments
type Serializer interface {
    // SerializeApplication turns an Application into bytes
    SerializeApplication(Application) ([]byte, error)
    // DeserializeApplication turns bytes into an Application
    DeserializeApplication(accountID int, formType string, formVersion string, body []byte) (Application, error)

    // SerializeAttachment turns an attachment into two byte arrays for storage in the db
    // The first one is the meatadata, and the second one is the body
    SerializeAttachment(attachment Attachment) ([]byte, []byte, error)
    // DeserializeAttachment turns bytes into an Attachment
    DeserializeAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int, metadata []byte, body []byte) (Attachment, error)