

0 mins
Test Coverage
package session

import (


// Service represents a StorageService internally
type Service struct {
    timeout time.Duration
    store   api.StorageService
    log     api.LogService

// NewSessionService returns a SessionService
func NewSessionService(timeout time.Duration, store api.StorageService, log api.LogService) *Service {
    return &Service{

// generateSessionKey generates a cryptographically random session key
func generateSessionKey() (string, error) {
    secureBytes := securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(32)
    if secureBytes == nil {
        return "", errors.New("Failed to generate random data for a key")

    secureString := hex.EncodeToString(secureBytes)

    return secureString, nil


func hashSessionKey(sessionKey string) string {
    hashed := sha512.Sum512([]byte(sessionKey))
    hexEncoded := hex.EncodeToString(hashed[:])
    return hexEncoded[:12]

// UserDidAuthenticate returns a session key and an error if applicable
func (s Service) UserDidAuthenticate(accountID int, sessionIndex sql.NullString) (string, error) {
    sessionKey, keyErr := generateSessionKey()
    if keyErr != nil {
        return "", keyErr

    // First, check to see if there is an extant session in the DB, expired or otherwise
    extantSession, fetchErr := s.store.FetchPossiblyExpiredSession(accountID)
    // Little uncommon Go logic here. First, return the error if it wasn't a Not Found error
    if fetchErr != nil && fetchErr != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return "", fetchErr
    // Then, if we sucessfully got a session back, deal with that. If we got ErrNoRows, we just want to skip this part.
    if fetchErr == nil {
        if extantSession.ExpirationDate.Before(time.Now().UTC()) {
            // If the session is expired, delete it.
            s.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Creating new Session: Previous session expired at %s", extantSession.ExpirationDate), api.LogFields{"account_id": accountID})
            delErr := s.store.DeleteSession(extantSession.SessionKey)
            if delErr != nil {
                s.log.WarnError("Unexpectedly failed to delete an expired session during authentication", delErr, api.LogFields{"account_id": accountID})
                // We will continue and attempt to create the new session here, anyway.
        } else {
            // If the session is valid, log that this is a concurrent login, and then delete it.
            s.log.Info(api.SessionConcurrentLogin, api.LogFields{"prev_session_hash": hashSessionKey(extantSession.SessionKey)})
            delErr := s.store.DeleteSession(extantSession.SessionKey)
            if delErr != nil {
                s.log.WarnError("Unexpectedly failed to delete an expired session during authentication", delErr, api.LogFields{"account_id": accountID})
                // We will continue and attempt to create the new session here, anyway.

    createErr := s.store.CreateSession(accountID, sessionKey, sessionIndex, s.timeout)
    if createErr != nil {
        return "", createErr
    s.log.Info(api.SessionCreated, api.LogFields{"session_hash": hashSessionKey(sessionKey)})

    return sessionKey, createErr

// GetAccountIfSessionIsValid returns an Account if the session key is valid and an error otherwise
func (s Service) GetAccountIfSessionIsValid(sessionKey string) (api.Account, api.Session, error) {
    account, session, fetchErr := s.store.ExtendAndFetchSessionAccount(sessionKey, s.timeout)
    if fetchErr != nil {
        if fetchErr == api.ErrSessionExpired {
            s.log.Info(api.SessionExpired, api.LogFields{"session_hash": hashSessionKey(sessionKey)})
        } else if fetchErr == api.ErrValidSessionNotFound {
            s.log.Info(api.SessionDoesNotExist, api.LogFields{"session_hash": hashSessionKey(sessionKey)})

        return api.Account{}, api.Session{}, fetchErr

    return account, session, nil

// UserDidLogout attempts to end the session and returns an error on failure
func (s Service) UserDidLogout(sessionKey string) error {
    delErr := s.store.DeleteSession(sessionKey)
    if delErr != nil {
        return delErr

    s.log.Info(api.SessionDestroyed, api.LogFields{"session_hash": hashSessionKey(sessionKey)})

    return nil