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Test Coverage
package api

// Settings represents environments settings to pull configuration information.
// This may be via environment variables or a specific environment like CloudFoundry.
type Settings interface {
    Has(string) bool
    String(string) string
    True(string) bool
    Int(string) int

const (
    // NodeEnv Sets the Node environment to configure the application for a specific uses:
    //  - `test`: used with unit testing and code coverage
    //  - `development`: for use while developing the application
    //  - `staging`: environment for various usability tests prior to releasing to production
    //  - `production`: minify and optimize all possible assets for optimal use
    // Target: Front-end (web)
    // Default: `development`
    // Values: `test` | `development` | `staging` | `production`
    NodeEnv = "NODE_ENV"

    // GolangEnv Sets the Go environment to configure the application for specific uses:
    //  - `test`: used with unit testing and code coverage
    //  - `development`: for use while developing the application
    //  - `staging`: environment for various usability tests prior to releasing to production
    //  - `production`: compiled for production use only minimum required assets (does **not** include test accounts)
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `development`
    // Values: `test` | `development` | `staging` | `production`
    GolangEnv = "GOLANG_ENV"

    // LogLevel Log level for the back-end API. The default source for logging will be standard outputs (`stdout` and `stderr`).
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `warning`
    // Values: `debug` | `info` | `warning` | `error` | `fatal` | `panic`
    LogLevel = "LOG_LEVEL"

    // LogFile Path to the local file system log file.
    // Logging to file may be used in conjunction with other logging sources.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    LogFile = "LOG_FILE"

    // LogDirectory Path to the local file system log file.
    // Logging to file may be used in conjunction with other logging sources.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    LogDirectory = "LOG_DIRECTORY"

    // LogSyslog Connection string for a `syslog` server such as `udp://logserver:514`. Both TCP and UDP are supported.
    // Logging to `syslog` may be used in conjunction with other logging sources.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    // Values: `{protocol}://{host}:{port}`
    LogSyslog = "LOG_SYSLOG"

    // LogSyslogCert Providing a path to the PEM certificate will convert all `syslog` communication to use TLS. Only TCP + TLS is supported making the connection string `tcp://logserver:514`.
    // Logging to `syslog` may be used in conjunction with other logging sources.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    LogSyslogCert = "LOG_SYSLOG_CERT"

    // SessionTimeout Session timeout in minutes. Periods of inactivity falling outside of the threshold will be considered invalid and are required to be re-authenticated.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `15`
    SessionTimeout = "SESSION_TIMEOUT"

    // APIRedirect Front-end URL for the back-end to redirect responses to. If this value is not set it will redirect to the same server host but on port 80.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `{server_protocol}://{server_host}`
    APIRedirect = "API_REDIRECT"

    // APIBaseURL Back-end URL for the front-end to direct requests to.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: `{server_protocol}://{server_host}:{server_port}/api`

    // Port Port to use for back-end API.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `3000`
    Port = "PORT"

    // HashRouting Flag to enable hash routing. This should only be used in scenarios where push state is not an option.
    // Target: Front-end (web)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    HashRouting = "HASH_ROUTING"

    // DbMigrationTarget Target a specific database migration step for example, `20180212130825_account_lock.sql`. By specifying a target then when migrations are ran it will try to step down **or** up until the target is reached. By not providing a value migrations will always attempt to go to the latest version.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    DbMigrationTarget = "DB_MIGRATION_TARGET"

    // DatabaseURI PostgreSQL database connection string. If a value is set do no set other database connection information.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *none*
    // Values: `postgres://{db-username}:{db-password}@{db-host}:5432/{db-name}`
    DatabaseURI = "DATABASE_URI"

    // DatabaseUser PostgreSQL database user name.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `postgres`
    DatabaseUser = "DATABASE_USER"

    // DatabasePassword PostgreSQL database password.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *none*
    DatabasePassword = "DATABASE_PASSWORD"

    // DatabaseName PostgreSQL database instance name.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `postgres`
    DatabaseName = "DATABASE_NAME"

    // DatabaseSSLMode The PostgreSQL sslmode to use to connect to the db
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `require`
    DatabaseSSLMode = "DATABASE_SSLMODE"

    // TestDatabaseName PostgreSQL database instance name for tests
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `eapp_test`
    TestDatabaseName = "TEST_DATABASE_NAME"

    // DatabaseHost PostgreSQL database host name and port.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `localhost:5432`
    DatabaseHost = "DATABASE_HOST"

    // CORSAllowed Whitelist of address(es) for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). CORS restricts resources (e.g. fonts, scripts, images) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside of the domain from which it is served.
    // Examples
    // | Type               | Example                            |
    // | ------------------ | ---------------------------------- |
    // | explicit           | http://localhost                   |
    // | multiple           | http://localhost;https://test\.com |
    // | wildcard           | *                                  |
    // | regular expression | https?://localhost                 |
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*
    CORSAllowed = "CORS_ALLOWED"

    // CORSMaxAge The number of seconds browsers should cache preflight requests.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `600`

    // FlushStorage Flag to enable flushing of persisted information for an account during the logon process.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    FlushStorage = "FLUSH_STORAGE"

    // UspsAPIKey United States Postal Service (USPS) API key for address validation.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*

    // CSRFSecret Random tokens used for CSRF digitally signed using a secret random key of at least 256-bits.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *none*
    CSRFSecret = "CSRF_SECRET"

    // BasicEnabled Flag to enable basic username and password authentication.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    BasicEnabled = "BASIC_ENABLED"

    // SamlEnabled Flag to enable SAML authentication.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    SamlEnabled = "SAML_ENABLED"

    // SamlSloEnabled Flag to enable SAML single logout.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    SamlSloEnabled = "SAML_SLO_ENABLED"

    // SamlPublicCert File path (absolute or relative) to SAML public certificate.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    SamlPublicCert = "SAML_PUBLIC_CERT"

    // SamlPrivateCert File path (absolute or relative) to SAML private certificate.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    SamlPrivateCert = "SAML_PRIVATE_CERT"

    // SamlIdpSsoURL Endpoint to SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO) identity provider. The client will be redirected to this URL to complete the authentication process. This value will be provided by the IdAM configuration settings.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    SamlIdpSsoURL = "SAML_IDP_SSO_URL"

    // SamlIdpSsoDescURL The identity provider's issuer URL. This value will be provided by the IdAM configuration settings.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*

    // SamlIdpPublicCert File path (absolute or relative) to identity data provider's public certificate (X.509 PEM) used to verify the authentication response signature. This certificate will be provided by the IdAM solution.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    SamlIdpPublicCert = "SAML_IDP_PUBLIC_CERT"

    // SamlSignRequest Flag to enable signing of SAML 2.0 requests.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    SamlSignRequest = "SAML_SIGN_REQUEST"

    // SamlVerifyInsecure Flag to allow insecure validation of SAML 2.0 responses.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: False: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    SamlVerifyInsecure = "SAML_VERIFY_INSECURE"

    // SamlConsumerServiceURL Endpoint for assertion consumer service. After authentication is completed the customer will be redirected to this endpoint for local processes to verify and handle the response.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: `{API_BASE_URL}/auth/saml/callback`
    SamlConsumerServiceURL = "SAML_CONSUMER_SERVICE_URL"

    // TLSCert File path (absolute or relative) to TLS public certificate (X.509 PEM) certificate for use with the back-end API.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    TLSCert = "TLS_CERT"

    // TLSKey File path (absolute or relative) to TLS private key (X.509 PEM) for use the back-end API.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    TLSKey = "TLS_KEY"

    // WsEnabled Allows requests to be made to the eqip web service.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    WsEnabled = "WS_ENABLED"

    // WsURL The endpoint for the OPM web service used to submit the package for investigation.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    WsURL = "WS_URL"

    // WsKey File path to private certificate key (PKCS#8 DER) used to sign security tokens for the OPM web service.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *not enabled*
    WsKey = "WS_KEY"

    // WsCallerinfoAgencyID Provided by OPM representing the caller's agency.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*
    WsCallerinfoAgencyID = "WS_CALLERINFO_AGENCY_ID"

    // WsCallerinfoAgencyUserSSN Provided by OPM representing the caller's agency user making the web service call. The value **should not** be a valid SSN.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*

    // WsCallerinfoAgencyUserPseudossn Flag representing whether or not the caller has an SSN.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*
    // Values: True: `1`, False: `0`
    WsCallerinfoAgencyUserPseudossn = "WS_CALLERINFO_AGENCY_USER_PSEUDOSSN"

    // WsAgencyID Provided by OPM representing the destination agency.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*
    WsAgencyID = "WS_AGENCY_ID"

    // WsAgencyGroupID Provided by OPM representing the destination agency's group.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: *empty*
    WsAgencyGroupID = "WS_AGENCY_GROUP_ID"

    // AttachmentsEnabled Flag representing whether or not attachments are allowed.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: True: `1`
    // Values: True: `1`, False: *empty*
    AttachmentsEnabled = "ATTACHMENTS_ENABLED"

    // FileMaximumSize Is the maximum file size of an attachment allowed in bytes.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: 5000000
    FileMaximumSize = "FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE"

    // FileTypes Allowed file types of an attachment.
    // Target: Front-end (web), Back-end (api)
    // Default: ".tiff;.png;.pdf"
    FileTypes = "FILE_TYPES"

    // IndentJSON set to indent response JSON.
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: ""
    IndentJSON = "INDENT_JSON"

    // DevDisableSSL controls whether to use a cookie with Secure set to false in development.
    // Also controls the Strict-Transport-Security header that's set in security_headers.go
    // Target: Back-end (api)
    // Default: ""
    DevDisableSSL = "DEV_DISABLE_SSL"