

0 mins
Test Coverage
package simplestore

import (



func runCreateApplication(conn simpleConnection, serializer api.Serializer, app api.Application) error {
    serializedApp, serializeErr := serializer.SerializeApplication(app)
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Failed to serialize Application.")

    saveQuery := "INSERT INTO applications (account_id, body) VALUES ($1, $2)"

    _, saveErr := conn.Exec(saveQuery, app.AccountID, serializedApp)
    if saveErr != nil {
        if saveErr.Error() == "pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"applications_pkey\"" {
            return api.ErrApplicationAlreadyExists
        return errors.Wrap(saveErr, "Failed to create Application")

    return nil

// CreateApplication saves an application in the db
func (s SimpleStore) CreateApplication(app api.Application) error {
    return runCreateApplication(s.db, s.serializer, app)

func runUpdateApplication(conn simpleConnection, serializer api.Serializer, app api.Application) error {
    serializedApp, serializeErr := serializer.SerializeApplication(app)
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Failed to serialize Application.")

    updateQuery := "UPDATE applications SET body = $1 WHERE account_id = $2"

    result, saveErr := conn.Exec(updateQuery, serializedApp, app.AccountID)
    if saveErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(saveErr, "Failed to save Application")

    rows, affectedErr := result.RowsAffected()
    if affectedErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(affectedErr, "Bizzarely unable to read affected rows")

    if rows != 1 {
        return api.ErrApplicationDoesNotExist

    return nil

// UpdateApplication updates an existing application
func (s SimpleStore) UpdateApplication(app api.Application) error {
    return runUpdateApplication(s.db, s.serializer, app)

// SaveSection saves a single section in a given application
func (s SimpleStore) SaveSection(section api.Section, accountID int) error {

    tx, txErr := s.db.Beginx()
    if txErr != nil {
        return txErr

    app, loadErr := runLoadApplication(tx, s.serializer, accountID, true)
    if loadErr != nil {
        rollErr := tx.Rollback()
        if rollErr != nil {
            s.logger.WarnError("DB error trying to roll back the transaction", rollErr, api.LogFields{"accountID": accountID})
        return loadErr


    updateErr := runUpdateApplication(tx, s.serializer, app)
    if updateErr != nil {
        rollErr := tx.Rollback()
        if rollErr != nil {
            s.logger.WarnError("DB error trying to roll back the transaction", rollErr, api.LogFields{"accountID": accountID})
        return updateErr

    commitErr := tx.Commit()
    if commitErr != nil {
        return commitErr

    return nil


type applicationRow struct {
    AccountID int    `db:"account_id"`
    Body      []byte `db:"body"`

type applicationAccountRow struct {

func runLoadApplication(conn simpleConnection, serializer api.Serializer, accountID int, forUpdate bool) (api.Application, error) {

    selectQuery := `SELECT applications.account_id, applications.body,
                    accounts.id, accounts.form_version, accounts.form_type
                FROM applications, accounts
                WHERE applications.account_id = accounts.id AND accounts.id = $1`

    // Adding FOR UPDATE to a select query acquires a row lock for the rest of the transaction
    // This row lock allows other selects to run *but* doesn't allow other SELECT FOR UPDATEs
    // to run. This ensures that our SaveSection calls continue to be atomic without blocking
    // concurrent LoadApplication calls.
    if forUpdate {
        selectQuery = selectQuery + " FOR UPDATE"

    row := applicationAccountRow{}
    selectErr := conn.Get(&row, selectQuery, accountID)
    if selectErr != nil {
        if selectErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return api.Application{}, api.ErrApplicationDoesNotExist
        return api.Application{}, errors.Wrap(selectErr, "Couldn't find Application")

    app, serializeErr := serializer.DeserializeApplication(row.Account.ID, row.Account.FormType, row.Account.FormVersion, row.Body)
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return api.Application{}, errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Couldn't unmarshal the loaded Application")

    return app, nil

// LoadApplication loads an application from the DB, it will return a NotFound error if it does not exist.
func (s SimpleStore) LoadApplication(accountID int) (api.Application, error) {
    return runLoadApplication(s.db, s.serializer, accountID, false)

// DeleteApplication deletes an application from the database
func (s SimpleStore) DeleteApplication(accountID int) error {

    deleteQuery := "DELETE FROM applications WHERE account_id = $1"

    result, delErr := s.db.Exec(deleteQuery, accountID)
    if delErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(delErr, "Failed to delete Application")

    rows, affectedErr := result.RowsAffected()
    if affectedErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(affectedErr, "Bizzarely unable to read affected rows")

    if rows != 1 {
        return api.ErrApplicationDoesNotExist

    return nil