

0 mins
Test Coverage
package simplestore

import (



// CreateAttachment saves an attachment in the db
func (s SimpleStore) CreateAttachment(attachment *api.Attachment) error {
    metadata, body, serializeErr := s.serializer.SerializeAttachment(*attachment)
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Failed to serialize Attachment")

    createQuery := "INSERT INTO attachments (account_id, metadata, body) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id"

    newID := -1

    createErr := s.db.Get(&newID, createQuery, attachment.AccountID, metadata, body)
    if createErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(createErr, "Failed to create Application")

    attachment.ID = newID

    return nil

type attachmentRow struct {
    ID       int    `db:"id"`
    Metadata []byte `db:"metadata"`
    Body     []byte `db:"body"`

// LoadAttachment loads an attachment from the database
func (s SimpleStore) LoadAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int) (api.Attachment, error) {

    selectQuery := `SELECT metadata, body FROM attachments
                WHERE account_id = $1 AND id = $2`

    row := attachmentRow{}
    selectErr := s.db.Get(&row, selectQuery, accountID, attachmentID)
    if selectErr != nil {
        if selectErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return api.Attachment{}, api.ErrAttachmentDoesNotExist
        return api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(selectErr, "Couldn't find Attachment")

    attachment, serializeErr := s.serializer.DeserializeAttachment(accountID, attachmentID, row.Metadata, row.Body)
    if serializeErr != nil {
        return api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Couldn't unmarshal the loaded Attachment")

    return attachment, nil

// ListAttachmentsMetadata loads an attachment from the database
// NOTE, it does not fetch the body of the attachments, just the metadata
func (s SimpleStore) ListAttachmentsMetadata(accountID int) ([]api.Attachment, error) {

    selectQuery := `SELECT id, metadata FROM attachments WHERE account_id = $1`

    rows, selectErr := s.db.Queryx(selectQuery, accountID)
    if selectErr != nil {
        return []api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(selectErr, "Couldn't list Attachments")

    attachments := []api.Attachment{}

    row := attachmentRow{}
    for rows.Next() {
        scanErr := rows.StructScan(&row)
        if scanErr != nil {
            return []api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(scanErr, "Failed to unpack an Attachment while listing.")

        attachment, serializeErr := s.serializer.DeserializeAttachment(accountID, row.ID, row.Metadata, row.Body)
        if serializeErr != nil {
            return []api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(serializeErr, "Couldn't unmarshal the loaded Attachment")

        attachments = append(attachments, attachment)


    return attachments, nil

// DeleteAttachment deletes an attachment from the database
func (s SimpleStore) DeleteAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int) error {

    deleteQuery := "DELETE FROM attachments WHERE account_id = $1 AND id = $2"

    result, delErr := s.db.Exec(deleteQuery, accountID, attachmentID)
    if delErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(delErr, "Failed to delete Attachment")

    rows, affectedErr := result.RowsAffected()
    if affectedErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(affectedErr, "Bizzarely unable to read affected rows")

    if rows != 1 {
        return api.ErrAttachmentDoesNotExist

    return nil