

0 mins
Test Coverage
package simplestore

import (



// JSONSerializer serializes an application to JSON for storage
type JSONSerializer struct{}

// NewJSONSerializer returns a new JSON Serializer
func NewJSONSerializer() JSONSerializer {
    return JSONSerializer{}

// SerializeApplication turns an Application into bytes for storage
func (s JSONSerializer) SerializeApplication(app api.Application) ([]byte, error) {
    json, marshalErr := json.Marshal(app)
    if marshalErr != nil {
        return []byte{}, marshalErr

    return json, nil

// DeserializeApplication turns bytes into an Application
func (s JSONSerializer) DeserializeApplication(accountID int, formType string, formVersion string, serializedBody []byte) (api.Application, error) {
    app := api.BlankApplication(accountID, formType, formVersion)
    jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(serializedBody, &app)
    if jsonErr != nil {
        return api.Application{}, errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Couldn't unmarshal the loaded Application")

    return app, nil


// SerializeAttachment turns an Attachment into bytes
func (s JSONSerializer) SerializeAttachment(attachment api.Attachment) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
    metadata, marshalErr := json.Marshal(attachment)
    if marshalErr != nil {
        return []byte{}, []byte{}, marshalErr

    return metadata, attachment.Raw, nil

// DeserializeAttachment turns bytes into an Attachment
func (s JSONSerializer) DeserializeAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int, metadata []byte, body []byte) (api.Attachment, error) {
    attachment := api.Attachment{}

    jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(metadata, &attachment)
    if jsonErr != nil {
        return api.Attachment{}, errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Couldn't unmarshal the metadata for an attachment")

    attachment.AccountID = accountID
    attachment.ID = attachmentID
    attachment.Raw = body

    return attachment, nil