

0 mins
Test Coverage
package simplestore

import (


// CreateSession creates a new session. It errors if a valid session already exists.
func (s SimpleStore) CreateSession(accountID int, sessionKey string, sessionIndex sql.NullString, expirationDuration time.Duration) error {
    expirationDate := time.Now().UTC().Add(expirationDuration)

    createQuery := `INSERT INTO sessions (session_key, account_id, session_index, expiration_date)
        VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`

    _, createErr := s.db.Exec(createQuery, sessionKey, accountID, sessionIndex, expirationDate)
    if createErr != nil {

        return errors.Wrap(createErr, "Unexpectedly failed to create a session")

    return nil

// FetchPossiblyExpiredSession returns a session row by account ID regardless of wether it is expired
// This is potentially dangerous, it is only intended to be used during the new login flow, never to check
// on a valid session for authentication purposes.
func (s SimpleStore) FetchPossiblyExpiredSession(accountID int) (api.Session, error) {
    fetchQuery := `SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE account_id = $1`

    session := api.Session{}
    selectErr := s.db.Get(&session, fetchQuery, accountID)
    if selectErr != nil {
        if selectErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return api.Session{}, sql.ErrNoRows
        return api.Session{}, errors.Wrap(selectErr, "Failed to fetch a session row")

    return session, nil


// DeleteSession removes a session record from the db
func (s SimpleStore) DeleteSession(sessionKey string) error {
    deleteQuery := "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE session_key = $1"

    sqlResult, deleteErr := s.db.Exec(deleteQuery, sessionKey)
    if deleteErr != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(deleteErr, "Failed to delete session")

    rowsAffected, _ := sqlResult.RowsAffected()
    if rowsAffected == 0 {
        return api.ErrValidSessionNotFound

    return nil

// Helper methods for sql.NullString

// NonNullString returns a valid sql.NullString
func NonNullString(value string) sql.NullString {
    return sql.NullString{Valid: true, String: value}

// NullString returns an invalid sql.NullString
func NullString() sql.NullString {
    return sql.NullString{}

type sessionAccountRow struct {

// ExtendAndFetchSessionAccount fetches an account and session data from the db
// On success it returns the account and the session
// On failure, it can return ErrValidSessionNotFound, ErrSessionExpired, or an unexpected error
func (s SimpleStore) ExtendAndFetchSessionAccount(sessionKey string, expirationDuration time.Duration) (api.Account, api.Session, error) {

    expirationDate := time.Now().UTC().Add(expirationDuration)

    // We update the session expiration date to be $DURATION from now and fetch the account and the session.
    fetchQuery := `UPDATE sessions
                    SET expiration_date = $1
                FROM accounts
                    sessions.account_id = accounts.id
                    AND sessions.session_key = $2
                    AND sessions.expiration_date > $3
                    sessions.session_key, sessions.account_id, sessions.expiration_date, sessions.session_index,
                    accounts.id, accounts.form_version, accounts.form_type, accounts.username,
                    accounts.email, accounts.external_id, accounts.status`

    row := sessionAccountRow{}
    selectErr := s.db.Get(&row, fetchQuery, expirationDate, sessionKey, time.Now().UTC())
    if selectErr != nil {
        if selectErr != sql.ErrNoRows {
            return api.Account{}, api.Session{}, errors.Wrap(selectErr, "Unexpected error looking for valid session")

        // If the above query returns no rows, either the session is expired, or it does not exist.
        // To determine which and return an appropriate error, we do a second query to see if it exists
        existsQuery := `SELECT sessions.* FROM sessions, accounts WHERE sessions.account_id = accounts.id AND sessions.session_key = $1`

        session := api.Session{}
        selectAgainErr := s.db.Get(&session, existsQuery, sessionKey)
        if selectAgainErr != nil {
            if selectAgainErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
                return api.Account{}, api.Session{}, api.ErrValidSessionNotFound
            return api.Account{}, api.Session{}, errors.Wrap(selectAgainErr, "Unexpected error fetching single invalid session")

        // quick sanity check:
        if session.ExpirationDate.After(time.Now()) {
            errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("For some reason, this session we could not find was not actually expired: %s", session.SessionKey))
        // The session must have been expired, not deleted.
        return api.Account{}, api.Session{}, api.ErrSessionExpired

    // time.Times come back from the db with no tz info, so let's set it to UTC to be safe and consistent.
    row.Session.ExpirationDate = row.Session.ExpirationDate.UTC()

    return row.Account, row.Session, nil