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Test Coverage
package api

import (


var (
    // ErrApplicationDoesNotExist is an error when a given application does not exist
    ErrApplicationDoesNotExist = errors.New("Application does not exist")

    // ErrApplicationAlreadyExists is an error when a given application does not exist
    ErrApplicationAlreadyExists = errors.New("Application already exists")

    // ErrAttachmentDoesNotExist is returned when the requested attchment does not exist.
    // Note: this could mean that you requested a valid ID but for a different user.
    ErrAttachmentDoesNotExist = errors.New("Attachment does not exist")

// StorageService stores eapp related data
type StorageService interface {
    // CreateApplication creates an application in the db. Errors if already exists.
    CreateApplication(app Application) error
    // UpdateApplication replaces an existing application with the passed in one.
    UpdateApplication(app Application) error
    // SaveSection replaces a single section in the given application with the passed in section
    SaveSection(section Section, accountID int) error
    // LoadApplication returns the given application from the db.
    LoadApplication(accountID int) (Application, error)
    // DeleteApplication deletes all the form data for a given account
    DeleteApplication(accountID int) error

    // CreateAttachment creates an attachment in the database
    CreateAttachment(attachment *Attachment) error
    // LoadAttachment loads an attachment from the database
    LoadAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int) (Attachment, error)
    // ListAttachmentMetadata returns a slice of attachments' metadata for a given account.
    ListAttachmentsMetadata(accountID int) ([]Attachment, error)
    // DeleteAttachment deletes an attachment for the given account
    DeleteAttachment(accountID int, attachmentID int) error

    // CreateSession creates a new session record in the db
    CreateSession(accountID int, sessionKey string, sessionIndex sql.NullString, expirationDuration time.Duration) error
    // FetchPossiblyExpiredSession returns a session row by account ID regardless of wether it is expired
    // This is potentially dangerous, it is only intended to be used during the new login flow, never to check
    // on a valid session for authentication purposes.
    FetchPossiblyExpiredSession(accountID int) (Session, error)
    // DeleteSession removes a session record from the db
    DeleteSession(sessionKey string) error
    // ExtendAndFetchSessionAccount fetches an account and session data from the db
    ExtendAndFetchSessionAccount(sessionKey string, expirationDuration time.Duration) (Account, Session, error)

    // Close closes the db connection
    Close() error