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package api

// transform provides a library of possible transformations to
// be made on a JSON structure converting it in to an Entity
// interface.
var transform = map[string]func() (Entity, bool){
    "benefit":                                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &Benefit{}, false },
    "branch":                                     func() (Entity, bool) { return &Branch{}, false },
    "checkbox":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &Checkbox{}, false },
    "checkboxgroup":                              func() (Entity, bool) { return &CheckboxGroup{}, false },
    "civilunion":                                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &CivilUnion{}, false },
    "clearancelevel":                             func() (Entity, bool) { return &ClearanceLevel{}, false },
    "collection":                                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &Collection{}, false },
    "contacts":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &Contacts{}, false },
    "coowners":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &CoOwners{}, false },
    "country":                                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &Country{}, false },
    "datecontrol":                                func() (Entity, bool) { return &DateControl{}, false },
    "daterange":                                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &DateRange{}, false },
    "email":                                      func() (Entity, bool) { return &Email{}, false },
    "employmentactivity":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &EmploymentActivity{}, false },
    "foreignborndocument":                        func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBornDocument{}, false },
    "height":                                     func() (Entity, bool) { return &Height{}, false },
    "location":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &Location{}, false },
    "name":                                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &Name{}, false },
    "notapplicable":                              func() (Entity, bool) { return &NotApplicable{}, false },
    "number":                                     func() (Entity, bool) { return &Number{}, false },
    "physicaladdress":                            func() (Entity, bool) { return &PhysicalAddress{}, false },
    "radio":                                      func() (Entity, bool) { return &Radio{}, false },
    "reasonleft":                                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &ReasonLeft{}, false },
    "sentence":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &Sentence{}, false },
    "signature":                                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &Signature{}, false },
    "ssn":                                        func() (Entity, bool) { return &SSN{}, false },
    "supervisor":                                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &Supervisor{}, false },
    "telephone":                                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &Telephone{}, false },
    "text":                                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &Text{}, false },
    "textarea":                                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &Textarea{}, false },
    "identification.name":                        func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationName{}, true },
    "identification.contacts":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationContacts{}, true },
    "identification.othernames":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationOtherNames{}, true },
    "identification.birthdate":                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationBirthDate{}, true },
    "identification.birthplace":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationBirthPlace{}, true },
    "identification.ssn":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationSSN{}, true },
    "identification.physical":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &IdentificationPhysical{}, true },
    "financial.bankruptcy":                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialBankruptcy{}, true },
    "financial.gambling":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialGambling{}, true },
    "financial.taxes":                            func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialTaxes{}, true },
    "financial.card":                             func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialCard{}, true },
    "financial.credit":                           func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialCredit{}, true },
    "financial.delinquent":                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialDelinquent{}, true },
    "financial.nonpayment":                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &FinancialNonpayment{}, true },
    "history.residence":                          func() (Entity, bool) { return &HistoryResidence{}, true },
    "history.employment":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &HistoryEmployment{}, true },
    "history.education":                          func() (Entity, bool) { return &HistoryEducation{}, true },
    "history.federal":                            func() (Entity, bool) { return &HistoryFederal{}, true },
    "relationships.status.marital":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &RelationshipsMarital{}, true },
    "relationships.status.cohabitant":            func() (Entity, bool) { return &RelationshipsCohabitants{}, true },
    "relationships.people":                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &RelationshipsPeople{}, true },
    "relationships.relatives":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &RelationshipsRelatives{}, true },
    "citizenship.status":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &CitizenshipStatus{}, true },
    "citizenship.multiple":                       func() (Entity, bool) { return &CitizenshipMultiple{}, true },
    "citizenship.passports":                      func() (Entity, bool) { return &CitizenshipPassports{}, true },
    "military.selective":                         func() (Entity, bool) { return &MilitarySelective{}, true },
    "military.history":                           func() (Entity, bool) { return &MilitaryHistory{}, true },
    "military.disciplinary":                      func() (Entity, bool) { return &MilitaryDisciplinary{}, true },
    "military.foreign":                           func() (Entity, bool) { return &MilitaryForeign{}, true },
    "foreign.passport":                           func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignPassport{}, true },
    "foreign.contacts":                           func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignContacts{}, true },
    "foreign.travel":                             func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignTravel{}, true },
    "foreign.activities.benefits":                func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignActivitiesBenefits{}, true },
    "foreign.activities.direct":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignActivitiesDirect{}, true },
    "foreign.activities.indirect":                func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignActivitiesIndirect{}, true },
    "foreign.activities.realestate":              func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignActivitiesRealEstate{}, true },
    "foreign.activities.support":                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignActivitiesSupport{}, true },
    "foreign.business.advice":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessAdvice{}, true },
    "foreign.business.conferences":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessConferences{}, true },
    "foreign.business.contact":                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessContact{}, true },
    "foreign.business.employment":                func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessEmployment{}, true },
    "foreign.business.family":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessFamily{}, true },
    "foreign.business.political":                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessPolitical{}, true },
    "foreign.business.sponsorship":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessSponsorship{}, true },
    "foreign.business.ventures":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessVentures{}, true },
    "foreign.business.voting":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &ForeignBusinessVoting{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.clearance":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugClearance{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.misuse":                     func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugMisuse{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.ordered":                    func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugOrdered{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.publicsafety":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugPublicSafety{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.purchase":                   func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugPurchase{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.usage":                      func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugUsage{}, true },
    "substance.drugs.voluntary":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceDrugVoluntary{}, true },
    "substance.alcohol.negative":                 func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceAlcoholNegative{}, true },
    "substance.alcohol.ordered":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceAlcoholOrdered{}, true },
    "substance.alcohol.voluntary":                func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceAlcoholVoluntary{}, true },
    "substance.alcohol.additional":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubstanceAlcoholAdditional{}, true },
    "legal.associations.activities-to-overthrow": func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsActivitiesToOverthrow{}, true },
    "legal.associations.advocating":              func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsAdvocating{}, true },
    "legal.associations.engaged-in-terrorism":    func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsEngagedInTerrorism{}, true },
    "legal.associations.membership-overthrow":    func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsMembershipOverthrow{}, true },
    "legal.associations.membership-violence-or-force": func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsMembershipViolence{}, true },
    "legal.associations.terrorism-association":        func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsTerrorismAssociation{}, true },
    "legal.associations.terrorist-organization":       func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalAssociationsTerroristOrganization{}, true },
    "legal.court":                     func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalCourt{}, true },
    "legal.investigations.debarred":   func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalInvestigationsDebarred{}, true },
    "legal.investigations.history":    func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalInvestigationsHistory{}, true },
    "legal.investigations.revoked":    func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalInvestigationsRevoked{}, true },
    "legal.police.additionaloffenses": func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalPoliceAdditionalOffenses{}, true },
    "legal.police.domesticviolence":   func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalPoliceDomesticViolence{}, true },
    "legal.police.offenses":           func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalPoliceOffenses{}, true },
    "legal.technology.manipulating":   func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalTechnologyManipulating{}, true },
    "legal.technology.unauthorized":   func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalTechnologyUnauthorized{}, true },
    "legal.technology.unlawful":       func() (Entity, bool) { return &LegalTechnologyUnlawful{}, true },
    "psychological.competence":        func() (Entity, bool) { return &PsychologicalCompetence{}, true },
    "psychological.consultations":     func() (Entity, bool) { return &PsychologicalConsultations{}, true },
    "psychological.diagnoses":         func() (Entity, bool) { return &PsychologicalDiagnoses{}, true },
    "psychological.conditions":        func() (Entity, bool) { return &PsychologicalExisting{}, true },
    "psychological.hospitalizations":  func() (Entity, bool) { return &PsychologicalHospitalizations{}, true },
    "psychological.treatment":         func() (Entity, bool) { return &Treatment{}, false },
    "submission.releases":             func() (Entity, bool) { return &Submission{}, true },
    "package.comments":                func() (Entity, bool) { return &AdditionalComments{}, true },
    "package.submit":                  func() (Entity, bool) { return &Submission{}, true },
    "submission.additionalcomments":   func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubmissionAdditionalComments{}, true },
    "submission.general":              func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubmissionGeneral{}, true },
    "submission.medical":              func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubmissionMedical{}, true },
    "submission.credit":               func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubmissionCredit{}, true },
    "submission.attachments":          func() (Entity, bool) { return &SubmissionAttachments{}, true },