

0 mins
Test Coverage
package usps

import (


var (
    // Endpoint is that base address for the USPS API
    Endpoint = "https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll"

    // VerifyAPI is the name of that API that handles address verifications
    VerifyAPI = "Verify"

    // ErrorCodes contains USPS code mapping to eApp error codes
    ErrorCodes = map[string]string{
        "-2147219400":     "error.geocode.city",
        "-2147219401":     "error.geocode.notfound",
        "-2147219403":     "error.geocode.multiple",
        "Generic":         "error.geocode.generic",
        "Default Address": "error.geocode.defaultAddress",
        "Partial":         "error.geocode.partial",
        "System":          "error.geocode.system",
        "80040B19":        "error.geocode.system.xml",

// Geocoder geocodes address information using the United States Post Office webservice
// API docs can be found https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-api.htm
type Geocoder struct {
    Env api.Settings
    Log api.LogService

// Validate takes values to be geocoded and executes a web service call
func (g Geocoder) Validate(geoValues api.GeocodeValues) (api.GeocodeResults, error) {
    return g.query(geoValues)

// query creates and executes http requests and populates a Results object
func (g Geocoder) query(geoValues api.GeocodeValues) (results api.GeocodeResults, err error) {
    // Prepare uri used to query
    uri := g.prepareQueryURI(geoValues)

    // Query away!
    resp, err := http.Get(uri)
    if err != nil {
        g.Log.WarnError(api.USPSRequestError, err, api.LogFields{})
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to execute USPS Geocoding request")

    // Decode the response to populate struct
    var addressResp AddressValidateResponse
    if err := g.decode(resp.Body, &addressResp); err != nil {
        g.Log.WarnError(api.USPSDecodeError, err, api.LogFields{})
        return results, err

    // Get a handle to found address
    foundAddress := addressResp.Address

    // Check if we've encountered an error
    if foundAddress.Error != nil {
        if errCode, ok := ErrorCodes[foundAddress.Error.Number]; ok {
            g.Log.Debug(api.USPSKnownErrorCode, api.LogFields{"code": errCode})
            return results, fmt.Errorf("%v", errCode)
        errCode := ErrorCodes["Generic"]
        g.Log.Debug(api.USPSUnknownErrorCode, api.LogFields{"code": errCode})
        return results, fmt.Errorf("%v", errCode)


    if strings.ContainsAny(foundAddress.ReturnText, "Default Address") {
        errCode := ErrorCodes["Default Address"]
        g.Log.Debug(api.USPSKnownErrorCode, api.LogFields{"code": errCode})
        return results, fmt.Errorf("%v", errCode)

    // Generate a normalized Result struct from the address found
    results = append(results, foundAddress.ToResult(geoValues))

    // Check if any of values requested to be validate do not match up to what was
    // returned by the validation response. If there is a mismatch, mark as partial
    if results.HasPartial() {
        errCode := ErrorCodes["Partial"]
        g.Log.Debug(api.USPSKnownErrorCode, api.LogFields{"code": errCode})
        return results, fmt.Errorf(errCode)

    return results, nil

// decode handles generating a struct from a response body. The USPS api can return two different sets of XML based
// on the error that has occurred. Under normal circumstances, this is returned
//       <AddressValidateResponse>
//           <Address />
//       </AddressValidateResponse>
// or
//      <AddressValidateResponse>
//          <Address>
//              <Error>
//               ...
//              </Error>
//          </Address
//      </AddressValidateResponse>
// However, if a higher level system error is encountered, for instance, when using an invalid user id,
// this structure is returned
//      <Error>
//          <Number>80040B1A</Number>
//          <Description>Authorization failure.  Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description>
//          <Source>USPSCOM::DoAuth</Source>
//      </Error>
func (g Geocoder) decode(r io.Reader, addressResp *AddressValidateResponse) error {
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)

    // First attempt to unmarshal to typical AddressValidateResponse element
    err := xml.Unmarshal(body, addressResp)
    if err == nil {
        return nil
    g.Log.Debug("Error attempting to decode USPS Address Validation Response. Checking if returned xml is system error", api.LogFields{})

    // Check if we've encountered a system error where only <Error> is returned as the root element
    var errorResp ErrorResponse
    err = xml.Unmarshal(body, &errorResp)
    if err != nil {
        g.Log.DebugError("Error attempting to decode USPS Address validation", err, api.LogFields{})
        return err

    // We have a system error so attempt to resolve error code
    if errCode, ok := ErrorCodes[errorResp.Number]; ok {
        return ErrUSPSSystem{Message: errCode}

    g.Log.Debug("Unable to resolve error code. Default to generic error message", api.LogFields{})
    sysErr := ErrUSPSSystem{Message: ErrorCodes["System"]}
    return sysErr

// prepareQueryURI creates the url used to execute a http validate address request
func (g Geocoder) prepareQueryURI(geoValues api.GeocodeValues) string {
    // Set up query parameters
    v := url.Values{}

    userID := g.Env.String(api.UspsAPIKey)
    if userID == "" {
        g.Log.Warn(api.USPSMissingKey, api.LogFields{})

    // Populate USPS Address struct with generic geo values
    address := Address{}
    addressRequest := AddressValidateRequest{
        UserID:  userID,
        Address: address,

    // Set the api we want to query
    v.Set("API", VerifyAPI)

    // Set the xml containing information to verify
    v.Set("XML", addressRequest.ToXMLString())

    uri := fmt.Sprintf("%v?%v", Endpoint, v.Encode())
    return uri

// AddressValidateRequest contains the information necessary to execute an address validation webservice request
// The USERID refers to the api key that must be sent with each request
type AddressValidateRequest struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AddressValidateRequest"`
    UserID  string   `xml:"USERID,attr"`
    Address Address

// AddressValidateResponse contains the information returned from a successful webservice request
type AddressValidateResponse struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AddressValidateResponse"`
    Address Address  `xml:"Address"`

// ToXMLString creates a string representation of the xml request
func (r AddressValidateRequest) ToXMLString() string {
    output, _ := xml.Marshal(r)
    return string(output)

// ErrorResponse stores a system level error
type ErrorResponse struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error"`

// Error is the structure for responses resulting in an error
type Error struct {
    // The error number generated by the Web Tools server.
    Number string `xml:"Number"`

    // The component and interface that generated the error on the Web Tools server.
    Source string `xml:"Source"`

    // The error description
    Description string `xml:"Description"`

    // [reserved for future use according to USPS docs]
    HelpFile string `xml:"HelpFile"`

    // [reserved for future use according to USPS docs]
    HelpContext string `xml:"HelpContext"`

// Address represents the structure for the <Address> element information in a USPS request and response.
// With a successful response, the following is returned
//  <Address>
//    <Address2></Address2>
//    <City></City>
//    <State></State>
//    <Zip5></Zip5>
//    <Zip4></Zip4>
//  </Address>
// When there's an error with the address information, the <Error> block is nested within the <Address /> element
// like the following
// <AddressValidateResponse>
//    <Address>
//        <Error>
//            <Number>-2147219401</Number>
//            <Source>clsAMS</Source>
//            <Description>Address Not Found.  </Description>
//            <HelpFile/>
//            <HelpContext/>
//        </Error>
//    </Address>
// </AddressValidateResponse>
// Therefore, we include an Error field in the Address struct. We make it a pointer so that we can check for <nil>
// if the value is not populated (no error has occurred).
type Address struct {
    // XMLName refers to the name to give the XML tag
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Address"`
    // Up to 5 address verifications can be included per transaction.
    // <Address ID="0"></Address><Address ID="1"></Address>
    ID int64 `xml:"ID,attr"`

    // Maximum characters allowed: 38
    FirmName string `xml:"FirmName,omitempty"`

    // Address Line 1 is used to provide an apartment or suite number, if applicable.  Maximum characters allowed: 38
    Address1 string `xml:"Address1"`

    // Street address. Maximum characters allowed: 38
    Address2 string `xml:"Address2"`

    // Maximum characters allowed: 15.  Either <City> and <State> or <Zip5> are required.
    City string `xml:"City"`

    // Maximum characters allowed: 2. Either <City> and <State> or <Zip5> are required.
    State string `xml:"State"`

    // Maximum characters allowed: 28. For Puerto Rico addresses only.
    Urbanization string `xml:"Urbanization"`

    // Maximum characters allowed: 5. Either <City> and <State> or <Zip5> are required.
    Zip5 string `xml:"Zip5"`

    // Input tag exactly as presented, not all caps.  Maximum characters allowed:
    Zip4 string `xml:"Zip4"`

    // Stores error information for an address. USPS returns errors within the address block if they
    // exist. We set this to a pointer so that we can check for <nil>
    Error *Error `xml:"Error"`

    // Stores additional information that is not necessarily an error. Some instances may include where an apartment
    // number used does not correspond to a valid base address
    ReturnText string `xml:"ReturnText,omitempty"`

// FromGeoValues populates a Address using Values
func (address *Address) FromGeoValues(geoValues api.GeocodeValues) {
    // Don't get mad at me, USPS makes Address1 the apartment/suite field and Address2
    // the mailing address field
    if geoValues.Street != "" {
        address.Address2 = geoValues.Street
    if geoValues.Street2 != "" {
        address.Address1 = geoValues.Street2

    if geoValues.City != "" {
        address.City = geoValues.City
    if geoValues.State != "" {
        address.State = geoValues.State

// ToResult generates a Result struct and determines whether it is a partial match. A partial
// match occurs when there's a mismatch in values between each corresponding field
func (address *Address) ToResult(geoValues api.GeocodeValues) (result api.GeocodeResult) {
    result.Street = address.Address2
    result.Street2 = address.Address1
    result.City = address.City
    result.State = address.State
    result.Zipcode = address.Zip5

    // Check if there are deviations between what was requested versus what
    // was returned. If we find any, mark result as Partial
    ziplength := len(geoValues.Zipcode)
    switch {
    case address.ReturnText != "":
    case !strings.EqualFold(result.Street, geoValues.Street):
    case !strings.EqualFold(result.Street2, geoValues.Street2):
    case !strings.EqualFold(result.City, geoValues.City):
    case !strings.EqualFold(result.State, geoValues.State):
    case ziplength < 5:
    case ziplength >= 5 && !strings.EqualFold(result.Zipcode, geoValues.Zipcode[0:5]):
    case ziplength > 5 && !strings.EqualFold(address.Zip4, geoValues.Zipcode[ziplength-4:ziplength]):
        result.Partial = true

    if address.ReturnText != "" {
        result.Error = address.ReturnText

    return result

// ErrUSPSSystem is the expected structure of the USPS system.
type ErrUSPSSystem struct {
    Message string

// Error returns the USPS error message.
func (e ErrUSPSSystem) Error() string {
    return e.Message