

1 day
Test Coverage
package xml

import (



// Service is an implementation of handling XML.
type Service struct {
    clock        clock.Clock
    templatePath string

// NewXMLService returns a new XML service
func NewXMLService(templatePath string) Service {
    localClock := clock.New()

    return Service{
        clock:        localClock,
        templatePath: templatePath,

// NewXMLServiceWithMockClock allows you to create an XML service with a minuplable clock
func NewXMLServiceWithMockClock(templatePath string, clock clock.Clock) Service {
    return Service{

// applicationPackager is created for each call to PackageXML. It maintains some state
// required for packaging the entire applicaiton
type applicationPackager struct {
    xmlService     Service
    appFormType    string
    appFormVersion string

func newApplicationPackager(xmlService Service, application api.Application) applicationPackager {
    return applicationPackager{
        xmlService:     xmlService,
        appFormType:    application.FormType(),
        appFormVersion: application.FormVersion(),

// PackageXML returns the XML representation of an application
func (service Service) PackageXML(app api.Application) (template.HTML, error) {
    // This is perhaps silly. I think that things might work with just the raw application sections
    // but I think that rather than expose that it will be better to keep the JSON as the interface
    jsonBytes, jsonErr := json.Marshal(app)
    if jsonErr != nil {
        return template.HTML(""), errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Unable to marshal application")

    var data map[string]interface{}
    unmarhalErr := json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &data)
    if unmarhalErr != nil {
        return template.HTML(""), errors.Wrap(jsonErr, "Unable to re-un-marshal application")

    packager := newApplicationPackager(service, app)

    return packager.defaultTemplate("application.xml", data)


// defaultTemplate returns a template given data.
func (p applicationPackager) defaultTemplate(templateName string, data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {

    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs(templateName, data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) templateFMap() template.FuncMap {

    // fmap is a mapping of functions to be used within the XML template execution.
    // These can be helper functions for formatting or even to process complex structure
    // types.
    fmap := template.FuncMap{
        "address":                p.address,
        "addressIn":              addressIn,
        "agencyType":             agencyType,
        "apoFpo":                 p.apoFpo,
        "branch":                 branch,
        "branchToBool":           branchToBool,
        "branchcollectionHas":    branchcollectionHas,
        "branchAny":              branchAny,
        "checkbox":               checkbox,
        "checkboxHas":            checkboxHas,
        "checkboxTrueFalse":      checkboxTrueFalse,
        "citizenshipStatus":      citizenshipStatus,
        "country":                p.countryValue,
        "countryComments":        countryComments,
        "citizenshipHas":         citizenshipHas,
        "clearanceType":          clearanceType,
        "date":                   p.date,
        "dateOptional":           p.dateOptional,
        "dateEstimated":          dateEstimated,
        "daterange":              p.daterange,
        "daysInRange":            daysInRange,
        "deceased":               deceased,
        "degreeType":             degreeType,
        "derivedBasis":           derivedBasis,
        "naturalizedBasis":       naturalizedBasis,
        "diagnosisType":          diagnosisType,
        "dischargeType":          dischargeType,
        "doctorFirstName":        doctorFirstName,
        "doctorLastName":         doctorLastName,
        "drugType":               drugType,
        "spouseForeignDocType":   spouseForeignDocType,
        "foreignAffiliation":     foreignAffiliation,
        "frequencyType":          frequencyType,
        "email":                  email,
        "emailOptional":          p.emailOptional,
        "employmentType":         employmentType,
        "hairType":               hairType,
        "hasRelativeType":        hasRelativeType,
        "inc":                    inc,
        "formType":               p.formType,
        "isPostOffice":           isPostOffice,
        "isDomestic":             isDomestic,
        "isInternational":        isInternational,
        "location":               p.location,
        "locationOverrideLayout": p.locationOverrideLayout,
        "militaryAddress":        p.militaryAddress,
        "militaryStatus":         militaryStatus,
        "monthYear":              p.monthYear,
        "monthYearOptional":      p.monthYearOptional,
        "monthYearDaterange":     p.monthYearDaterange,
        "name":                   p.name,
        "nameLastFirst":          p.nameLastFirst,
        "notApplicable":          notApplicable,
        "now":                    p.now,
        "number":                 number,
        "padDigits":              padDigits,
        "radio":                  radio,
        "schoolType":             schoolType,
        "selectBenefit":          selectBenefit,
        "selfAbroadDocType":      selfAbroadDocType,
        "selfForeignDocType":     selfForeignDocType,
        "severanceType":          severanceType,
        "street":                 street,
        "suffixType":             suffixType,
        "relationshipType":       relationshipType,
        "relativeForeignDocType": relativeForeignDocType,
        "telephone":              p.telephone,
        "telephoneNoNumber":      telephoneNoNumber,
        "telephoneNoTimeOfDay":   p.telephoneNoTimeOfDay,
        "text":                   text,
        "textarea":               textarea,
        "toUpper":                toUpper,
        "treatment":              p.treatment,
        "treatmentAnswerType":    treatmentAnswerType,
        "tmpl":                   p.defaultTemplate,
    return fmap

// XXX
// Work-around for sloppy template logic where empty elements
// are generated in scenarios where no element is applicable.
// For example, UnemployedComment when not unemployed. See:
// https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/717
func applyBulkFixes(xml string) string {
    replaceWithEmpty := []string{
        "<[a-zA-Z_0-9]+></[a-zA-Z_0-9]+>", // empty elements
        " DoNotKnow=\"False\"",
        " DoNotKnow=\"\"",
        " Type=\"\"",
        " Estimated=\"\"",
        " Estimated=\"false\"",

    x := xml
    for _, n := range replaceWithEmpty {
        re := regexp.MustCompile(n)
        x = re.ReplaceAllString(x, "")

    return x

func (p applicationPackager) xmlTemplate(name string, data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs(name, data, template.FuncMap{})

// xmlTemplateWithFuncs executes an XML template with mapped functions to be used with the
// given entity.
func (p applicationPackager) xmlTemplateWithFuncs(name string, data map[string]interface{}, fmap template.FuncMap) (template.HTML, error) {
    path := path.Join(p.xmlService.templatePath, name)
    tmpl := template.Must(template.New(name).Funcs(fmap).ParseFiles(path))
    var output bytes.Buffer
    if err := tmpl.Execute(&output, data); err != nil {
        return template.HTML(""), err
    return template.HTML(applyBulkFixes(output.String())), nil

func getInterfaceAsBytes(anon interface{}) []byte {
    js, err := json.Marshal(anon)
    if err != nil {
        return nil
    return js

// now returns the server's local time in yyyy-MM-dd
func (p applicationPackager) now() string {
    t := p.xmlService.clock.Now()
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day())

// formType returns true if the supplied string matches the current application
// format of formList is comma separated form identifiers. You can include either just
// the FormType or `FormType.FormVersion`. It would be reasonable to add excludes
// in the future as well, but that's left as an exercise to the reader
// example: {{if formType "SF86,SF85.2017-12-draft7"}}
// example: {{if formType "SF86,SF85P"}}
func (p applicationPackager) formType(formList string) bool {

    formTypes := strings.Split(formList, ",")

    for _, formT := range formTypes {
        if formT == p.appFormType {
            return true
        if formT == fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", p.appFormType, p.appFormVersion) {
            return true

    return false

func apoFpoView(primary map[string]interface{}, altAddress map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
    view := make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Primary"] = primary

    if props, ok := altAddress["props"]; ok {
        if hasApo, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["HasDifferentAddress"]; ok {
            if alt, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["Address"]; ok {
                view["HasApo"] = hasApo
                view["Alternate"] = alt
                return view

    view["HasApo"] = make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Alternate"] = make(map[string]interface{})
    return view

// apoFpo generates the APOFPO element, given a primary address and an alternate address.
// primary is a required location type. altAddress is an optionally populated physicaladdress type.
func (p applicationPackager) apoFpo(primary map[string]interface{}, altAddress map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    // Templates operate on a single dot set, so create a single view on the data
    view := apoFpoView(primary, altAddress)
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("apofpo.xml", view, fmap)

// selectBenefit returns the appropriate sub-tree from Foreign.BenefitActivity.props.List.props.items[*],
// given the benefit frequency type. This faciltates less duplication in foreign-financial-benefits.xml.
func selectBenefit(freqType string, benefitItem map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    selector := freqType + "Benefit"
    if t, ok := benefitItem[selector]; ok {
        if p, ok := (t.(map[string]interface{}))["props"]; ok {
            return (p.(map[string]interface{})), nil
    return nil, errors.New(selector + " not found in benefit item")

func (p applicationPackager) address(loc map[string]interface{}, dnk map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    view := make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Location"] = loc
    view["DoNotKnow"] = dnk

    fmap := p.templateFMap()

    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("address.xml", view, fmap)

// Put simple structures here where they only output a string

// simpleValue returns the value property of a basic payload type.
func simpleValue(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if ok {
        return (props.(map[string]interface{}))["value"].(string)
    return ""

// XXX
// Temporary measure to work-around issue where eApp has one field
// where user is prompted to enter as "Last name, First name" but
// e-QIP has two separate XML elements.
// See: https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/715
func doctorLastName(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    fullName := simpleValue(data)
    if fullName == "" {
        // Shouldn't get here as UI should enforce non-empty field
        return ""

    commaDelim := strings.SplitN(fullName, ",", 2)
    if len(commaDelim) == 2 {
        return strings.TrimSpace(commaDelim[0])

    return fullName

// XXX
// See comment on doctorLastName()
func doctorFirstName(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    fullName := simpleValue(data)
    if fullName == "" {
        // Shouldn't get here as UI should enforce non-empty field
        return ""

    commaDelim := strings.SplitN(fullName, ",", 2)
    if len(commaDelim) == 2 {
        return strings.TrimSpace(commaDelim[1])

    return ""

func branch(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func branchAny(branches ...map[string]interface{}) string {
    for _, branch := range branches {
        if simpleValue(branch) == "Yes" {
            return "Yes"
    return "No"

func branchcollectionHas(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if !ok {
        return "No"

    items, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["items"].([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        return "No"

    if len(items) == 0 {
        return "No"

    for _, item := range items {
        bi := item.(map[string]interface{})["Item"]
        b, ok := (bi.(map[string]interface{}))["Has"]
        if !ok {
            return "No"

        val := simpleValue(b.(map[string]interface{}))
        if val == "Yes" {
            return val

    return "No"

func email(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func (p applicationPackager) emailOptional(e, dnk map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    view := make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Email"] = e
    view["DoNotKnow"] = dnk

    fmap := template.FuncMap{
        "notApplicable": notApplicable,
        "email":         email,

    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("email-optional.xml", view, fmap)

func text(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func textarea(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func number(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func radio(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    return simpleValue(data)

func checkbox(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if ok {
        values, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["values"].([]interface{})
        if !ok {
            return ""
        ss := []string{}
        for _, v := range values {
            ss = append(ss, v.(string))
        return strings.Join(ss, ",")
    return ""

func checkboxHas(data map[string]interface{}, target string) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if ok {
        values, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["values"].([]interface{})
        if !ok {
            return "False"
        for _, s := range values {
            if s == target {
                return "True"
    return "False"

func hasRelativeType(data map[string]interface{}, target string) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if !ok {
        return "False"

    items, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["items"].([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        return "False"

    if len(items) == 0 {
        return "False"

    for _, item := range items {
        ci := item.(map[string]interface{})["Item"]
        relation, ok := (ci.(map[string]interface{}))["Relation"]
        if !ok {
            return "False"

        val := simpleValue(relation.(map[string]interface{}))
        if val == target {
            return "True"

    return "False"

// relationshipType translates our enums to eqip specific enums
func relationshipType(str string) string {
    types := map[string]string{
        "Mother":        "01Mother",
        "Father":        "02Father",
        "Stepmother":    "03Stepmother",
        "Stepfather":    "04Stepfather",
        "Fosterparent":  "05FosterParent",
        "Child":         "06Child",
        "Stepchild":     "07Stepchild",
        "Brother":       "08Brother",
        "Sister":        "09Sister",
        "Stepbrother":   "10Stepbrother",
        "Stepsister":    "11Stepsister",
        "Half-brother":  "12HalfBrother",
        "Half-sister":   "13HalfSister",
        "Father-in-law": "14FatherInLaw",
        "Mother-in-law": "15MotherInLaw",
        "Guardian":      "16Guardian",
    return types[str]

func foreignAffiliation(str string) string {
    types := map[string]string{
        "Yes":          "Yes",
        "No":           "No",
        "I don't know": "IDontKnow",
    return types[str]

func deceased(str string) string {
    types := map[string]string{
        "Yes": "Yes",
        "No":  "No",
        "DK":  "IDontKnow",
    return types[str]

// citizenshipStatus translates our enums to eqip specific enums
func citizenshipStatus(status string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "Citizen":     "USByBirth",
        "ForeignBorn": "USByBirthOutsideUS",
        "Naturalized": "USNotByBirth",
        "Derived":     "DerivedUSCitizen",
        "NotCitizen":  "Alien",
    return alias[status]

func schoolType(t string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "High School":    "HighSchool",
        "College":        "College",
        "Vocational":     "Vocational",
        "Correspondence": "Correspondence",
    return alias[t]

func degreeType(t string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "High School Diploma": "HighSchool",
        "Associate":           "Associate",
        "Bachelor":            "Bachelor",
        "Master":              "Master",
        "Doctorate":           "Doctorate",
        "Professional":        "Professional",
        "Other":               "Other",
    return alias[t]

func diagnosisType(t string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "Psychotic disorder":              "PsychoticDisorder",
        "Schizophrenia":                   "Schizophrenia",
        "Schizoaffective disorder":        "SchizoaffectiveDisorder",
        "Delusional disorder":             "DelusionalDisorder",
        "Bipolar mood disorder":           "BipolarMoodDisorder",
        "Borderline personality disorder": "BorderlinePersonalityDisorder",
        "Antisocial personality disorder": "AntisocialPersonalityDisorder",
    return alias[t]

// relativeForeignDocType translates our enums to eqip specific enums
// XXX https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/680
func relativeForeignDocType(docType string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "FS":                     "FS240or545",
        "DS":                     "DS1350",
        "NaturalizedAlien":       "NaturalizedAlienRegistration",
        "NaturalizedPermanent":   "NaturalizedPermanentResident",
        "NaturalizedCertificate": "NaturalizationCertificate",
        "DerivedAlien":           "DerivedAlienRegistration",
        "DerivedPermanent":       "DerivedPermanentResident",
        "DerivedCertificate":     "DerivedCitizenshipCertificate",
        "Permanent":              "NonCitizenI551",
        "Employment":             "NonCitizenI766",
        "Arrival":                "NonCitizenI94",
        "Visa":                   "NonCitizenVisa",
        "F1":                     "NonCitizenI20",
        "J1":                     "NonCitizenDS2019",
        "Other":                  "Other",
    return alias[docType]

// spouseForeignDocType translates our enums to eqip specific enums
func spouseForeignDocType(docType string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "FS240":                              "FS240or545",
        "DS1350":                             "DS1350",
        "AlienRegistration":                  "NaturalizedAlienRegistration",
        "PermanentResident":                  "NaturalizedPermanentResident",
        "CertificateOfNaturalization":        "NaturalizationCertificate",
        "DerivedAlienRegistration":           "DerivedAlienRegistration",
        "DerivedPermanentResident":           "DerivedPermanentResident",
        "DerivedCertificateOfNaturalization": "DerivedCitizenshipCertificate",
        "I-551":                              "NonCitizenI551",
        "I-766":                              "NonCitizenI766",
        "I-94":                               "NonCitizenI94",
        "Visa":                               "NonCitizenVisa",
        "NonImmigrantStudent":                "NonCitizenI20",
        "ExchangeVisitor":                    "NonCitizenDS2019",
        "Other":                              "Other",
    return alias[docType]

func selfForeignDocType(docType string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "I-94":      "I94",
        "U.S. Visa": "Visa",
        "I-20":      "I20",
        "DS-2019":   "DS2019",
        "Other":     "Other",
    return alias[docType]

func selfAbroadDocType(docType string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "FS-240":  "FS240",
        "DS-1350": "DS1350",
        "FS-545":  "FS545",
        "Other":   "Other",
    return alias[docType]

// employmentType translates our enums to eqip specific enums
func employmentType(empType string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "ActiveMilitary":    "ActiveMilitaryDuty",
        "NationalGuard":     "NationalGuard",
        "USPHS":             "USPHS",
        "OtherFederal":      "OtherFederal",
        "StateGovernment":   "State",
        "SelfEmployment":    "SelfEmployed",
        "Unemployment":      "Unemployed",
        "FederalContractor": "FederalContractor",
        "NonGovernment":     "NonGovernment",
        "Other":             "Other",
    return alias[empType]

func militaryStatus(status string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "ActiveDuty":      "Active",
        "ActiveReserve":   "ActiveReserve",
        "InactiveReserve": "InactiveReserve",
    return alias[status]

// addressIn returns true if Location entity (Address) is in the specified country
func addressIn(location map[string]interface{}, country string) bool {
    props, ok := location["props"]
    if !ok {
        return false

    c, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["country"]
    if !ok {
        return false

    if c == country {
        return true

    return false

func citizenshipHas(data map[string]interface{}, country string) bool {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if !ok {
        return false

    items, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["value"].([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        return false

    if len(items) == 0 {
        return false

    for _, item := range items {
        if item == country {
            return true

    return false

func daysInRange(v string) string {
    alias := map[string]string{
        "1-5":              "OneToFive",
        "6-10":             "SixToTen",
        "11-20":            "ElevenToTwenty",
        "21-30":            "TwentyoneToThirty",
        "More than 30":     "MoreThanThirty",
        "Many short trips": "ManyShortTrips",
    return alias[v]

// Put attribute helpers here

func dateEstimated(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    date := entity.(*api.DateControl)
    if date.Estimated {
        return "Estimated"
    return ""

func notApplicable(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    na := entity.(*api.NotApplicable)
    if na.Applicable {
        return "False"
    return "True"

func telephoneNoNumber(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    telephone := entity.(*api.Telephone)
    if telephone.NoNumber {
        return "True"
    return "False"

func checkboxTrueFalse(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    cb := entity.(*api.Checkbox)
    if cb.Checked {
        return "true"
    return "false"

func unmarshalLocation(data map[string]interface{}) (*api.Location, error) {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    location := entity.(*api.Location)
    return location, nil

func isDomestic(data map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) {
    location, err := unmarshalLocation(data)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return location.IsDomestic(), nil

func isInternational(data map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) {
    location, err := unmarshalLocation(data)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return location.IsInternational(), nil

func isPostOffice(data map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) {
    location, err := unmarshalLocation(data)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return location.IsPostOffice(), nil

func branchToBool(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if ok {
        val, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["value"]
        if ok && val == "Yes" {
            return "True"
    return "False"

func countryComments(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    props, ok := data["props"]
    if ok {
        comments, ok := (props.(map[string]interface{}))["comments"]
        if ok {
            return comments.(string)
    return ""

// Put "complex" XML structures here where they output from another template

func (p applicationPackager) telephone(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.xmlTemplate("telephone.xml", data)

func (p applicationPackager) telephoneNoTimeOfDay(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.xmlTemplate("telephone-no-time-of-day.xml", data)

func (p applicationPackager) name(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("name.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) nameLastFirst(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.xmlTemplate("name-last-first.xml", data)

func (p applicationPackager) daterange(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-range.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) monthYearDaterange(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    fmap["date"] = p.monthYear // This is the only place where we swap out what the default list of functions uses.
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-range.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) dateOptional(d, dnk map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    view := make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Date"] = d
    view["DoNotKnow"] = dnk

    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-month-day-year-optional.xml", view, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) date(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-month-day-year.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) monthYearOptional(d, dnk map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    view := make(map[string]interface{})
    view["Date"] = d
    view["DoNotKnow"] = dnk

    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-month-year-optional.xml", view, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) monthYear(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("date-month-year.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) location(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.locationOverrideLayout(data, "")

func street(data map[string]interface{}) string {
    s1, _ := data["street"].(string)
    s2, _ := data["street2"].(string)
    if s2 != "" {
        return s1 + " " + s2
    return s1

func (p applicationPackager) militaryAddress(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.locationOverrideLayout(data, api.LayoutMilitaryAddress)

// location assumes the data comes in as the props
func (p applicationPackager) locationOverrideLayout(data map[string]interface{}, override string) (template.HTML, error) {
    // Deserialize the initial payload from a JSON structure
    payload := &api.Payload{}
    // entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    entity, err := payload.UnmarshalEntity(getInterfaceAsBytes(data))
    if err != nil {
        return template.HTML(""), err

    location := entity.(*api.Location)
    domestic := location.IsDomestic()
    postoffice := location.IsPostOffice()

    // XXX
    // Work-around issue in UI where it does not
    // normalize case of state abbrevations. See:
    // https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/716
    fmap := p.templateFMap()

    // XXX
    // Work-around issue in UI where it does not
    // collect the address in the correct layout. See:
    // https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/755
    layout := location.Layout
    if override != "" {
        layout = override

    switch layout {
    case api.LayoutOffense:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-zipcode-county.xml", data, fmap)

        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutBirthPlace:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-county.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutBirthPlaceNoUS:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-county-no-country.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutBirthPlaceWithoutCounty:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutBirthPlaceWithoutCountyNoUS:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-no-country.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutCountry:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutUSCityStateInternationalCity:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutUSCityStateInternationalCityCountry:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutState:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-state.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutCityState:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutStreetCityCountry:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-street-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutCityCountry:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutUSCityStateZipcodeInternationalCity:
        if domestic {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-zipcode.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutCityStateCountry:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-city-state-country.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutUSAddress:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-street-city-state-zipcode.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutStreetCity:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-street-city.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutMilitaryAddress:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-address-apofpo-state-zipcode.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutPhysicalDomestic:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-physical-address-domestic.xml", data, fmap)
    case api.LayoutPhysicalInternational:
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-physical-address-international.xml", data, fmap)
        if domestic || postoffice {
            return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-street-city-state-zipcode.xml", data, fmap)
        return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("location-street-city-country.xml", data, fmap)

func (p applicationPackager) countryValue(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    return p.xmlTemplate("country.xml", data)

func (p applicationPackager) treatment(data map[string]interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
    fmap := p.templateFMap()
    return p.xmlTemplateWithFuncs("treatment.xml", data, fmap)

func padDigits(digits string) string {
    if digits == "" {
        return ""

    return fmt.Sprintf("%02s", digits)

func toUpper(state string) string {
    return strings.ToUpper(state)

func derivedBasis(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "Individual": "ByOperationofLaw",
        "Other":      "Other",
    return basis[v]

func naturalizedBasis(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "Individual": "BasedOnMyOwnIndividualNaturalizationApplication",
        "Other":      "Other",
    return basis[v]

func dischargeType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "Honorable":    "Honorable",
        "Dishonorable": "Dishonorable",
        "LessThan":     "OtherThanHonorable",
        "General":      "General",
        "BadConduct":   "BadConduct",
        "Other":        "Other",
    return basis[v]

func frequencyType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "OneTime":    "Onetime",
        "Future":     "Future",
        "Continuing": "Continuing",
        "Other":      "Other",
    return basis[v]

func severanceType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "Fired":       "Fired",
        "Quit":        "QuitKnowingWouldBeFired",
        "Charges":     "AllegedMisconduct",
        "Performance": "UnsatisfactoryPerformance",
    return basis[v]

func agencyType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "U.S. Department of Defense":           "Defense",
        "U.S. Department of State":             "State",
        "U.S. Office of Personnel Management":  "OPM",
        "Federal Bureau of Investigation":      "FBI",
        "U.S. Department of Treasury":          "Treasury",
        "U.S. Department of Homeland Security": "HomelandSecurity",
        "Foreign government":                   "ForeignGovernment",
        "Other":                                "Other",
    return basis[v]

func clearanceType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "None":                                "None",
        "Confidential":                        "Confidential",
        "Secret":                              "Secret",
        "Top Secret":                          "TopSecret",
        "Sensitive Compartmented Information": "SCI",
        "Q":                                   "Q",
        "L":                                   "L",
        "Issued by foreign country":           "Foreign",
        "Other":                               "Other",
    return basis[v]

func hairType(v string) string {
    basis := map[string]string{
        "Bald":    "Bald",
        "Black":   "Black",
        "Blonde":  "Blonde or Strawberry",
        "Blue":    "Blue",
        "Brown":   "Brown",
        "Gray":    "Gray or Partially Gray",
        "Green":   "Green",
        "Orange":  "Orange",
        "Pink":    "Pink",
        "Purple":  "Purple",
        "Red":     "Red or Auburn",
        "Sandy":   "Sandy",
        "Unknown": "Unspecified or unknown",
        "White":   "White",
    return basis[v]

func suffixType(s string) string {
    if s == "Other" {
        return "__Other__"
    return s

func treatmentAnswerType(s string) string {
    if s == "Decline" {
        return "IDeclineToAnswer"
    return s

// XXX
// Work-around for https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype/issues/858
func drugType(d string) string {
    switch d {
    case "Cocaine", "THC", "Ketamine", "Narcotics", "Stimulants", "Depressants", "Hallucinogenic", "Steroids", "Inhalants":
        return d
        return "Other"

// inc adds 1 to a
func inc(a interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    return add(a, 1)

// add returns the sum of a and b.
// Snagged from https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template/blob/de2ebf4/template_functions.go
func add(b, a interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    av := reflect.ValueOf(a)
    bv := reflect.ValueOf(b)

    switch av.Kind() {
    case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
        switch bv.Kind() {
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            return av.Int() + bv.Int(), nil
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            return av.Int() + int64(bv.Uint()), nil
        case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            return float64(av.Int()) + bv.Float(), nil
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("add: unknown type for %q (%T)", bv, b)
    case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
        switch bv.Kind() {
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            return int64(av.Uint()) + bv.Int(), nil
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            return av.Uint() + bv.Uint(), nil
        case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            return float64(av.Uint()) + bv.Float(), nil
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("add: unknown type for %q (%T)", bv, b)
    case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
        switch bv.Kind() {
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            return av.Float() + float64(bv.Int()), nil
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            return av.Float() + float64(bv.Uint()), nil
        case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            return av.Float() + bv.Float(), nil
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("add: unknown type for %q (%T)", bv, b)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("add: unknown type for %q (%T)", av, a)