

Test Coverage
# Advanced development documentation

## Multi-host setup

See [documentation](../docs/


See [documentation](../docs/

## Changes requiring API and database updates

See [documentation](../docs/

## Reset locked app submission

In the terminal run the following:

docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres

Then execute the SQL:

update accounts set locked = false where username = 'test01';

The submission will be unlocked and you can go back through the application.

## Building the application

Compiling all of the assets can be done simply using the command:

make build

This is generally only needed for deployment.

## Executing tests and coverage reports

To make a single pass through the test suite use the command:

make test
make coverage

See [frontend test information](../docs/ API tests use [Go's `testing` package](

## Adding/updating Go packages

Whenever the packages used by the API change, update the [Dep]( files:

docker-compose run --rm api dep ensure -no-vendor

then restart the server.

## Generating Documentation

To generate documentation from the source code and database schema type:

make docs

All of the documentation may then be found in the respective directories under `doc/`.

## Docker

The current build process generates a lot of orphaned docker volumes in the host environment over time. Developers must periodically run `docker volume prune` in order to reclaim disk space. For example:

# docker volume prune
WARNING! This will remove all volumes not used by at least one container.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Volumes:

Total reclaimed space: 2.539 GB

## Cloud Foundry (

### Failed deployments

There is a known issue with []( [blue-green deployments](, where occasionally a deploy will fail. Below is an example error from [CircleCI](

Renaming app eqip-prototype-dev to eqip-prototype-dev-venerable in org gsa-acq-eqip / space dev as 7c68f775-0a9e-4be4-be4c-b34c3ec76daf...
error: Server error, status code: 400, error code: 100002, message: The app name is taken: eqip-prototype-dev-venerable
Exited with code 1

The resolution requires a user, with admin rights on the eApp space (i.e., `gsa-acq-eqip`) to manually delete the app name with the `venerable` suffix, using the [Cloud Foundry command line interface](

cf login -a -u INSERT-USERNAME-HERE -o gsa-acq-eqip -s production --sso
cf target -s dev
cf delete eqip-prototype-dev-venerable

Make sure that the `venerable` application displayed in the error log is the application that is being deleted; it will be a variant of the frontend (`eqip-prototype`) or the backend (`eqip-prototype-api`). The presence of `dev`, `staging`, or no moniker in the application name will indicate whether your target space should be `dev`, `staging`, or `production` respectively.

The application should re-deploy correctly at this point, either on the next commit to the associated GitHub branch, or through a manual rerun of the failed CircleCI job.

### Purging the database

If you desire to remove all data from the db, you can use `dbreset` and `dbmigrate` to return to a pristine state. `dbreset` will delete the entire database and create a new one and then `dbmigrate` will run all the migrations, setting up the tables correctly. The default DATABASENAME for eApp is "postgres"
docker exec CONTAINERID bin/dbreset DATABASENAME
docker exec CONTAINERID bin/dbmigrate -migrations_path ./migrations DATABASENAME

### Getting DB info for the instance

To perform database operations on databases, you need to get the connection parameters. The following approach may be used to do so. It requires `cf`, the [`cf-service-connect`](cf-service-connect) plug-in and the PostgreSQL `psql` client. Additional details can be found in the [ database documentation](

cf login -a -u INSERT-USERNAME-HERE -o gsa-acq-eqip -s production --sso
cf target -s dev
cf connect-to-service -no-client eqip-prototype-api-dev eqip-postgres

`cf connect-to-service` will print out something similar to:

Host: localhost

With this data, you can set the associated env vars and then modify the database. For example, you can use the `flush` command to clear the account data for a user like so:

go build -o api/bin/flush ./api/cmd/flush # build flush for your native platform
DATABASE_USER=<generated-user> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<generated-pass> DATABASE_HOST=<generatedhost> DATABASE_NAME=<generated-name> ./api/bin/flush <username>