

Test Coverage
# Changes requiring API and database updates

On occasion, there will be data persistence issues within eApp that cause data not to survive a log in & log out. Most of the time these issues are caused by the data not being properly saved to the database.

## Check for the column in database

If you suspect this to be the case, first start out by checking for the existence of a column associated with the data in the PostgreSQL database by either browsing the database directly or looking through past migrations. If you find the corresponding table and there is no column associated with the data, then move on to the next step.

## Update frontend code

Before updating the database and API, make sure that the frontend is handling the data properly in the Redux store. You can append `?reduxLogger=true` (on development) to the application's URL to see the content of the store at various points. Note the exact name of the field, and the type of input that is used (`DateRange`, `Location`, `Email`, etc) within the React code. Add necessary tests to support the addition of the new field.

## Update schema

The frontend has a schema that is used to translate the data coming from, and going into, the database. Without properly representing the data in the schema, it will not populate properly when the app is initially loaded. Find the section in question within `/src/schema/section` and add the new input's name, and input type. Input type will correspond with the component used within React (`daterange`, `text`, `location`, etc). Update corresponding schema tests to account for the new addition. See here for an example of this change:

## Update database

If the column for the data does not currently exist in the database, it needs to be added with a migration. As of right now, these migrations are being added by hand but in the future it would be beneficial to begin using a tool such as [goose]( In the interim, duplicate a previous migration file from `/api/migrations` and give it a descriptive file name. The timestamp in the filename can be generated by running:

date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S

Following the pattern shown in previous migrations, alter the existing table to add the new column (using snake case for the name of the column). See here for an example of adding a new column to an existing table:

## Add API boilerplate code

Next, update the API code to include the new data. In most cases this will involve modifying the corresponding section's Go file in the root `/api` folder. Following the existing patterns, copy and paste the boilerplate code within the various functions in the file (code will be added in roughly ~10 different locations). Take care to follow proper naming styles and reference the proper input type (`DateControl`, `Location`, `Email`, etc). See here for an example of adding a new field to an existing section:

## Update XML template and test data

After finding the corresponding XML file in `/api/templates`, make sure that the data is properly represented within the XML. It is also important to make sure that the new input is added to the corresponding `.json` file found within `/api/testdata` which is used to test the generated XML.

Lastly, if the new data is not already found in at least one of the complete scenarios (in `/api/testdata/complete-scenarios`), then update test case 6 to include the data. This will allow the data to be pre-loaded and tested using the [load-scenario]( script.

## Test the change

Upon completing the above steps, restart the server(s) and:

- Run the Go test suite `make test-go`
- Test that the data is saved within Redux and is persisted when navigating between pages
- Log out and log back in, return to the input in question and verify that the data is still present.

If the data is still not present after logging out and back in, check the server console for errors relating to the new input - more than likely it is a misspelled variable name. Double check all of the boilerplate API code, as this seems to be where most naming errors can occur.

## Example

For reference, the following pull request is a good representation of most of the steps documented above: