

35 mins
Test Coverage
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { closest } from 'components/Form/Generic'

import { formSectionIndex } from 'config/formSections'

 * Find the closest section title to the error.
 * @param {Node} el - The node to use as a reference point.
 * @returns {string} The section title.
const sectionTitle = (el) => {
  const content = closest(el, '.section-content')

  if (!content) {
    return null

  if (content.dataset.section && content.dataset.subsection) {
    const sectionData = formSectionIndex.find(s => s.key === content.dataset.subsection) || {}
    const { title } = sectionData

    if (title) {
      return title.trim()

  const header = content.querySelector('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6')

  if (!header) {
    return null

  return header.textContent.trim()

 * Find the accordion summary.
 * @param {Node} el - The node to use as a reference point.
 * @returns {string} The accordion summary.
const accordionSummary = (el) => {
  const accordionItem = closest(el, '.item')
  if (!accordionItem) {
    return null
  const summary = accordionItem.querySelector('.summary-item-content')
  if (!summary) {
    return null
  if (summary.classList.contains('has-content')) {
    return summary.textContent.replace(':', ': ').trim()
  const summaryIndex = summary.querySelector('.index')
  if (!summaryIndex) {
    return null
  return summaryIndex.textContent.replace(':', '').trim()

 * Find the field title.
 * @param {Node} el - The node to use as a reference point.
 * @returns {string} The field title.
const fieldTitle = (id) => {
  const field = document.querySelector(`.field[data-uuid="${id}"]`)
  if (!field) {
    return null
  const title = field.querySelector('.title')
  if (!title) {
    return null
  return title.textContent.trim()

 * Find the field unique identifier.
 * @param {Node} el - The node to use as a reference point.
 * @returns {string} The unique identifier.
const fieldId = (el) => {
  const field = closest(el, '.field')
  if (!field) {
    return null
  return field.dataset.uuid || null

 * Determines if the element is within an accordion element.
 * @param {Node} el - The node to use as a reference point.
 * @returns {bool} True if found in an accordion, and false otherwise.
export const inAccordion = el => closest(el, '.accordion') !== null

 * Group an array by a specific property and return as a hash.
 * @param {array} arr - The original array.
 * @param {function} getter - A function to specify how to signify what is a key.
 * @returns {object} A hash grouped by the given getter.
export const groupBy = (arr, getter) => {
  const map = {}

  if (!arr || arr.length === 0) {
    return map

  for (const item of arr) {
    const key = getter(item)
    if (!map[key]) {
      map[key] = []

  return map

 * Find all error messages in the document.
 * @returns {object} A hash grouped by title with a value of an array of errors.
const getErrorMessages = () => {
  const elements = document.querySelectorAll(
    ':not(.error-list) .field .messages .message.error'
  const messages = []

  for (const el of elements) {
    const id = fieldId(el)
    const message = fieldTitle(id)
    const title = inAccordion(el) ? accordionSummary(el) : sectionTitle(el)
    messages.push({ id, title, message })

  return groupBy(messages.filter(m => m.title && m.message), msg => msg.title)

 * The error list component.
 * @extends React.Component
export class ErrorList extends React.Component {
   * Errors in a structured format.
   * @returns {NodeList} Structured errors.
  errors() {
    const { errorMessages } = this.props
    const messages = errorMessages()
    if (!messages || messages.length === 0) {
      return null

    let issues = 0
    const sectionErrors = []

    // Loop through each `key` which is essentially the related title
    // of the field with an error.
    /* eslint guard-for-in: 0 */
    /* eslint no-restricted-syntax: 0 */
    /* eslint no-loop-func: 0 */
    /* eslint react/no-array-index-key: 0 */
    for (const key in messages) {
      const { title } = messages[key][0]

      const bullets = messages[key].map((msg, i) => {
        issues += 1
        return (
          <li key={i}>
            <a href={`#${}`} title={msg.message}>

        <span key={title}>

    // If there were no issues counted then return nothing.
    if (issues === 0) {
      return null

    // Wrap in a little bit more structure to provide a headline with
    // additional context of how many issues were found.
    return (
      <div className="error-list">
        <div className="usa-alert usa-alert-error" role="alert">
          <div className="usa-alert-body">
            <h3 className="usa-alert-heading">
              Here is a list of the
              {' '}
              {' '}
              {issues > 1 ? 'questions' : 'question'}
              {' with issues'}

   * Renders the error list.
   * @returns {NodeList} The rendered component.
  render() {
    return this.errors()

ErrorList.propTypes = {
  errorMessages: PropTypes.func,

ErrorList.defaultProps = {
  errorMessages: () => getErrorMessages(),

export default ErrorList