

55 mins
Test Coverage
/* eslint-disable import/no-cycle */
import update from 'immutability-helper'
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'

import { formTypeSelector } from 'selectors/formType'
import * as formTypeConfig from 'config/formTypes'
import * as sections from 'constants/sections'

import { hideSelectiveService } from 'validators/selectiveservice'
import { hideDisciplinaryProcedures } from 'validators/militarydisciplinary'
import { hideExistingConditions } from 'validators/psychological'

export const hideSelectiveServiceSelector = (state) => {
  const { application } = state
  return hideSelectiveService(application)

export const hideDisciplinaryProceduresSelector = (state) => {
  const { application } = state

  return hideDisciplinaryProcedures(application)

export const hideExistingConditionsSelector = (state) => {
  const { application } = state

  return hideExistingConditions(application)

const getFormSections = createSelector(
  (formType, disciplinaryProceduresHidden, selectiveServiceHidden, existingConditionsHidden) => {
    // Make a copy b/c we are going to mutate this
    // Might want to add & use update here to make this easier
    let formTypeSections = formTypeConfig[formType]

    if (disciplinaryProceduresHidden || selectiveServiceHidden) {
      const militarySection = formTypeSections.find(s => s.key === sections.MILITARY)
      const militarySectionIndex = formTypeSections.findIndex(s => s.key === sections.MILITARY)
      let militarySubsections = [...militarySection.subsections]

      if (disciplinaryProceduresHidden) {
        militarySubsections = militarySubsections
          .filter(s => s.key !== sections.MILITARY_DISCIPLINARY)

      if (selectiveServiceHidden) {
        militarySubsections = militarySubsections
          .filter(s => s.key !== sections.MILITARY_SELECTIVE)

      const newMilitarySection = update(militarySection, {
        subsections: { $set: militarySubsections },

      formTypeSections = update(formTypeSections, {
        $splice: [[militarySectionIndex, 1, newMilitarySection]],

    if (existingConditionsHidden) {
      const psychSectionIndex = formTypeSections.findIndex(s => s.key === sections.PSYCHOLOGICAL)

      if (psychSectionIndex > -1) {
        const psychSection = formTypeSections.find(s => s.key === sections.PSYCHOLOGICAL)
        const psychSubsections = psychSection.subsections
          .filter(s => s.key !== sections.PSYCHOLOGICAL_CONDITIONS)

        const newPsychSection = update(psychSection, {
          subsections: { $set: psychSubsections },

        formTypeSections = update(formTypeSections, {
          $splice: [[psychSectionIndex, 1, newPsychSection]],

    return formTypeSections

// Returns form sections in the nested structure
export const nestedFormSectionsSelector = (state, includeReview = false) => {
  let formSections = getFormSections(state)

  if (includeReview) formSections = formSections.concat(formTypeConfig.reviewSections)

  return formSections

// Returns flat list of form sections
export const formSectionsSelector = (state, includeReview = false) => {
  let formSections = getFormSections(state)

  if (includeReview) formSections = formSections.concat(formTypeConfig.reviewSections)

  return formTypeConfig.reduceSubsections(formSections)