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import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

import { i18n } from 'config'
import ValidationElement from 'components/Form/ValidationElement'
import Branch from 'components/Form/Branch'
import Show from 'components/Form/Show'
import Svg from 'components/Form/Svg'
import StickyAccordionSummary from 'components/Sticky/StickyAccordionSummary'
import { findPosition } from 'components/Navigation/navigation-helpers'

 * This file has too many violations and is in fact relying on them in some cases to work as it
 * does currently. Recommend rebuilding in a new component instead of trying to refactor or fix
 * linting issues here.

/* eslint-disable */

export const openState = (item = {}, initial = false) => {
  return `${item.open ? 'open' : 'close'} ${
    initial ? 'static' : 'animate'

export const chevron = (item = {}) => {
  return `toggle fa fa-chevron-${item.open ? 'up' : 'down'}`

export const doScroll = (first, item, scrollTo) => {
  if (!first || !item || !scrollTo) {

  // Get the position of the element we want to be visible
  const pos = findPosition(document.getElementById(item.uuid))[0]

  // Get the top most point we want to display at least on the first addition
  const top = findPosition(scrollTo)[0]

  // Find the offset from the top most element to the first item in the accordion for
  // a fixed offset to constantly be applied
  const offset = findPosition(document.getElementById(first))[0] - top

  // This is the additional offset for bike shedding
  const offsetDeux = 130

  // Scroll to that position
  window.scroll({ top: pos - offset - offsetDeux, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })

export const scrollToBottom = selector => {
  const el = document.querySelector(selector)
  if (!el) {
  window.scroll({ top: el.offsetTop, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })

export default class Accordion extends ValidationElement {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      initial: props.initial,
      scrollToId: ''

    this.getItems = this.getItems.bind(this)
    this.update = this.update.bind(this)
    this.add = this.add.bind(this)
    this.updateChild = this.updateChild.bind(this)
    this.updateAddendum = this.updateAddendum.bind(this)
    this.summary = this.summary.bind(this)
    this.details = this.details.bind(this)
    this.content = this.content.bind(this)

    // Instance variable. Not stored in state to prevent re-renders and it's not going to
    // be used in the UI.
    this.stickyStatus = {}

   * On the initial mount we need to make sure there are key pieces of information
   * present. If they are not (this may be due to coming from persisted data) assign
   * them appropriately.
  componentWillMount() {
    let dirty = false
    let items = this.getItems()

    if (items.length !== this.props.items.length) {
      dirty = true

    if (items.length < this.props.minimum) {
      for (let i = 0; this.props.minimum - items.length > 0; i++) {
        dirty = true
          uuid: super.guid(),
          open: true

    items = items.map(item => {
      if (!item.uuid) {
        item.uuid = super.guid()
        dirty = true

      if (item.open !== true && item.open !== false) {
        item.open = this.props.defaultState
        dirty = true
      } else {
        item.open = this.props.items.length > 1 ? false : this.props.defaultState

      return item

    if (dirty) {
      this.update(items, this.props.branch)

   * When the component recieves an update we need to check if it is necessary to scroll an
   * item in to view.
  componentDidUpdate() {
    if (!this.state.scrollToId || this.state.initial) {

    // Capture the UUID in a constant variable to ensure we don't lose scope
    const id = this.state.scrollToId

    // Reset the values to prohibit multiple calls due to various
    // asynchronous behaviours potentially coming from outside this
    // component
    this.setState({ initial: false, scrollToId: '' }, () => {
      // Find the item by UUID instead of index because we can't true the index
      // will always be the same
      const item = this.props.items.filter(x => x.uuid === id)[0] || {
        uuid: id

      // Calculate a magic number to phase the timeout value. This always
      // for any CSS keyframe animations or transitions to take place prior
      // to finding coordinates.
      const index = this.props.items.findIndex(x => x.uuid === id)
      const sindex = index < 0 ? 0 : index
      const shift = (sindex / 10) * 0.3142
      const timeout = this.props.timeout + this.props.timeout * shift

      // Get the element to which we should scroll to
      const scrollTo = this.props.scrollToTop
        ? document.getElementById(this.props.scrollToTop)
        : this.refs.accordion

      // Get the identifier to the first item
      const first = this.props.items[0].uuid

      if (timeout === 0) {
        doScroll(first, item, scrollTo)
      } else {
        window.setTimeout(() => {
          doScroll(first, item, scrollTo)
        }, timeout)

   * Create a new item with required properties.
  newItem() {
    return { uuid: super.guid(), open: true }

   * Perform any sorting to the list as deemed necessary.
  getItems() {
    const { items, realtime, sort } = this.props
    const { initial } = this.state

    // If this has realtime enabled then we always perform sorting
    // If it is not realtime but still the first entry in to the accordion
    // then we do the same.
    // If we have been previously infected then assume we still are.
    const infected = realtime || initial
    const innoculated = [...items]

    // If we are not in a dirty environment and have a sorting function then
    // apply order.
    return sort && infected
      ? innoculated.sort(sort)
      : innoculated

   * Send the updated list of items back to the parent component.
  update(items, branch) {
      branch: branch,
      items: items

   * Flip the `open` bit for the item.
  toggle(item) {
    const items = [...this.props.items].map(x => {
      if (x.uuid === item.uuid) {
        x.open = !x.open

      return x

    if (this.stickyStatus[item.uuid]) {
      this.update(items, this.props.branch)
      this.setState({ initial: false, scrollToId: item.uuid })
    } else {
      this.update(items, this.props.branch)
      this.setState({ initial: false, scrollToId: '' })

   * Add a new item to the end of the current array of items while setting the
   * default states.
  add() {
    let items = [...this.props.items]
    for (let item of items) {
      item.open = false

    const item = this.newItem()
    items = items.concat([item])
    this.update(items, { value: '' })
    this.setState({ initial: false, scrollToId: item.uuid })

   * Remove the item from the array of items.
  remove(item) {
    // Confirm deletion first
    if (
      this.props.skipWarning ||
      window.confirm(i18n.t('collection.warning')) === true
    ) {
      let items = [...this.props.items].filter(x => {
        return x.uuid !== item.uuid

      if (items.length < this.props.minimum) {

      this.update(items, { value: '' })
      this.setState({ initial: false, scrollToId: '' })

   * Update an item properties based on a child component.
  updateChild(item, prop, value) {
    let items = [...this.props.items]
    const index = items.findIndex(x => x.uuid === item.uuid)
    items[index][prop] = value
    this.update(items, this.props.branch)

   * Update the accordion addendum branch value.
  updateAddendum(values) {
    if (values.value === 'Yes') {

    if (this.props.scrollToBottom) {
    this.update(this.props.items, values)

   * Clone the component children and provide the associated values based on the item context.
  factory(item, index, children) {
    return React.Children.map(children, child => {
      let childProps = {}

      if (React.isValidElement(child)) {
        if (child.props.bind) {
          childProps = { ...item[child.props.name] }
          childProps.onUpdate = value => {
            const propName = child.props.name
              ? child.props.name
              : value && value.name
                ? value.name
                : 'Extra'
            this.updateChild(item, propName, value)
          childProps.onError = this.props.onError

          // HACK: Manually attaching updated addressBooks because each accordion item
          // object is not getting updated with the new addressBooks. The children components
          // are getting the updated address book.
          if (child.props.addressBooks) {
            childProps.addressBooks = child.props.addressBooks

      const typeOfChildren = Object.prototype.toString.call(
      if (
        child.props.children &&
        ['[object Object]', '[object Array]'].includes(typeOfChildren)
      ) {
        childProps.children = this.factory(item, index, child.props.children)

      return React.cloneElement(child, childProps)

   * Return the appropriate verbiage to use based on the items open state
  openText(item = {}) {
    return item.open ? this.props.closeLabel : this.props.openLabel

   * Render the item summary which can be overriden with `customSummary`
  summary(item, index, initial = false) {
    const closedAndIncomplete =
      !item.open && !this.isValid(item.uuid)

    const svg = closedAndIncomplete ? (
    ) : null

    return (
      <div className="summary-container">
        <div className="summary">
            className={`left ${openState(item, initial)}`}
            title={`Click to ${this.openText(item).toLowerCase()} this item`}
            onClick={this.toggle.bind(this, item)}>
            <span className="button-with-icon" aria-hidden="true">
              <i className={chevron(item)} aria-hidden="true" />
              <span className="toggle">{this.openText(item)}</span>
            {this.props.summary(item, index, initial)}
            className="right remove"
            aria-label="Remove this item"
            title="Remove this item"
            onClick={this.remove.bind(this, item)}>
            <span className="button-with-icon">
              <i className="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true" />
        <Show when={closedAndIncomplete}>

   * Render the item details which can be overriden with `customDetails`
  details(item, index, initial = false) {
    return (
      <div className={`details ${openState(item, initial)}`}>
        {this.factory(item, index, this.props.children)}

  onStickyScroll(item, stick) {
    // Set the sticky status for the particular item
    this.stickyStatus[item.uuid] = stick

   * Render the individual items in the array.
  content() {
    // Ensure we have the minimum amount of items required
    const initial = this.state.initial
    const items = [...this.props.items]

    return items.map((item, index, arr) => {
      // Bind for each item so we get a handle to it when we set the sticky status
      const onScroll = this.onStickyScroll.bind(this, item)

      const isValid = this.hasNoErrors(item.uuid)

      const summary = this.props.customSummary(
        () => {
          return this.summary(item, index, initial)
        () => {
          return this.toggle.bind(this, item)
        () => {
          return this.openText(item)
        () => {
          return this.remove.bind(this, item)
        () => {
          return this.props.byline(item, index, initial)

      const details = this.props.customDetails(item, index, initial, () => {
        return this.details(item, index, initial)

      return (

   * The append button is only displayed if there is no addendum.
  appendButton() {
    if (this.props.appendTitle || this.props.appendMessage) {
      return null

    return (
      <button className="add usa-button-outline" onClick={this.add}>
        <i className="fa fa-plus-circle" />

   * Render the accordion addendum notice
  addendum() {
    if (!this.props.appendTitle && !this.props.appendMessage) {
      return null

    const klassAppend = `addendum ${this.props.appendClass}`.trim()
    return (
        value={(this.props.branch || {}).value}

  description() {
    const ariaOnly = this.props.items.length < 2
    return (
      <strong className={ariaOnly ? 'aria-description' : ''}>

   * Render the accordion caption which is essentially a `table-caption`
   * for the accordion
  caption() {
    return this.props.caption ? (
      <div className="caption">{this.props.caption(this.props)}</div>
    ) : null

   * Determines if given item is valid.
   * */
  isValid(uuid) {
    const { required } = this.props

    return required
      ? this.hasNoErrors(uuid)
      : true

  hasNoErrors(uuid) {
    const { errors } = this.props
    return errors && errors.filter(e => e.indexOf(uuid) > -1).length < 1

  render() {
    const { gapError } = this.props
    const klass = `accordion ${this.props.className}`.trim()

    return (
      <div ref="accordion">
        <div className={klass}>
          <div className="items">{this.content()}</div>
          <div className="append-button">{this.appendButton()}</div>

Accordion.propTypes = {
  gapError: PropTypes.node,

Accordion.defaultProps = {
  initial: true,
  skipWarning: false,
  minimum: 1,
  defaultState: true,
  items: [],
  branch: { value: '' },
  className: '',
  appendTitle: '',
  appendMessage: null,
  appendHelp: null,
  appendClass: '',
  appendLabel: i18n.t('collection.append'),
  openLabel: i18n.t('collection.open'),
  closeLabel: i18n.t('collection.close'),
  removeLabel: i18n.t('collection.remove'),
  description: i18n.t('collection.summary'),
  incomplete: i18n.t('collection.incomplete'),
  caption: null,
  scrollToTop: '',
  scrollToBottom: '',
  timeout: 500,
  sort: null,
  realtime: true,
  errors: [],
  gapError: null,
  inject: items => {
    return items
  onUpdate: queue => {},
  onError: (value, arr) => {
    return arr
  summary: (item, index, initial = false) => {
    return (
        <strong>Warning:</strong> Item summary not implemented
  transformer: item => {
    return item && item.Item ? item.Item : item
  byline: (item, index, initial = false, message = '') => {
    return (
      <div className={`byline ${openState(item, initial)} fade in`.trim()}>
        <div className="usa-alert usa-alert-error" role="alert">
          <div className="usa-alert-body">
            <h5 className="usa-alert-heading">{message}</h5>
  customSummary: (
  ) => {
    return callback()
  customDetails: (item, index, initial, callback) => {
    return callback()

Accordion.defaultList = { items: [], branch: {} }