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# .about.yml project metadata

# This is a short name of your project that can be used as a URL slug.
# (required)
name: eregs-notice-and-comment

# This is the display name of your project. (required)
full_name: eRegulations Notice and Comment

# What is the problem your project solves? What is the solution? (required)
description: The public notice and comment process for federal regulations is an essential part of democracy in the U.S., but the official ways of displaying and commenting on proposed changes to regulations have provided limited contextual information for both commenters and comment reviewers. eRegulations Notice and Comment improves this: it makes reading proposed changes easier by showing the changes in context, and it lets readers comment on specific changes in a structured way. These more structured public comments help agency staff review comments more effectively.

# What is the measurable impact of your project? (required)
impact: By providing a structured interface for commenting on proposed rules, we hope to increase the public's participation in this aspect of democracy, in both number of comments and quality of comments. We also hope to reduce the amount of time regulation writers spend understanding the context of comments they receive.

# What kind of team owns the repository? (required)
# values: guild, working-group, project
owner_type: project

# What is your project's current status? (required)
# values: discovery, alpha, beta, live
stage: alpha

# Should this repo have automated tests? If so, set to `true`. (required)
# values: true, false
testable: true

# What are the licenses that apply to the project and/or its components?
# (required)
# Items by property name pattern:
#   .*:
#     name: Name of the license from the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX): https://spdx.org/licenses/
#     url: URL for the text of the license
    name: CC0-1.0
    url: https://github.com/18F/epa-notice/blob/master/LICENSE.md

# Who is the partner for your project? (Use the full name of the partner
# documented here:
# https://github.com/18F/dashboard/blob/staging/_data/partners.yml)
- General Services Administration

# The main point of contact(s) and/or the issue reporting system for your
# project, and either a `mailto:` link or URL for each contact.
# Items:
# - url: URL for the link
#   text: Anchor text for the link
- url: https://github.com/18F/epa-notice/issues
  text: GitHub issues

# Who are the team members on your project? You can specify GitHub usernames,
# email addresses, or other organizational usernames. (required)
# Items:
# - github: GitHub user name
#   id: Internal team identifier/user name
#   role: Team member's role; leads should be designated as 'lead'
- github: brittag
  role: Content Designer
- github: cmc333333
  role: Engineer
- github: donjo
  role: User Experience Designer
- github: jehlers
  role: User Experience Designer
- github: jmcarp
  role: Engineer
- github: journerdism
  role: Product Manager
- github: tadhg-ohiggins
  role: Engineer
- github: vrajmohan
  role: Engineer
- github: xtine
  role: Engineer

# What kind of content is contained in the project repository?
# values: app, docs, policy
type: app

# What are the key milestones you've achieved recently?

# Name of the main project repo if this is a sub-repo; name of the grouplet
# repo if this is a working group/guild subproject

# What are the links to key artifacts associated with your project? e.g. the
# production site, documentation.
# Items:
# - url: URL for the link
#   text: Anchor text for the link
#   category: Type of the link
- url: 

# What tags does your organization's blog associate with your project? You can
# find a list of 18F blog tags here: https://18f.gsa.gov/tags/

# What technologies are used in this project?

# What are the services used to supply project status information?
# Items:
# - name: Name of the service
#   category: Type of the service
#   url: URL for detailed information
#   badge: URL for the status badge

# Organizations or individuals who have adopted the project for their own use
# Items:
# - id: The name of the organization or individual
#   url: A URL to the user's version of the project

# Tags that describe the project or aspects of the project