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Test Coverage
# Beds needed tab

Data comes from slope on 7 day daily trends

The 2x magic number doesn't change

Ignore columns b and c, and also the hidden ones
Important columns are d, g, j

Scheduled Bed entry
Facility, search on api | amount of beds | date available

Reserved date is usually 30 days before activation date
Only interested in activation/scheduled date

First graph: I, L, M columns in daily trends

Monthly funded capacity and incare, rolling 13 month chart
FY data, pulled out of the monthly report
Can come from the portal data

Monthly numbers happen on the 8th, because the other report comes out on 7th

Weekly average referred placement and discharges

Cohort report
Date ORR approved, remove duplicates (UAC and date ORR)
* week referred (thurs to wednesday), becasue fiscal year starts on a Thursday
* days until discharge
group by range
Zero out cohorts that haven't had time to fullfill that period


18 Monthly reports
Daily reports done by someone else
Ad hoc reports
Anything that comes from the directors office or higher level folks goes through her
2-3 asks per day sometimes, sometimes zero
Still doing a lot of analytical work on bed cascades and census
Trying to get the portal

The end users really need a web interface that they can use to generate the dynamic reports they need