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Test Coverage
Permissions for the Dashboard

* Unverified User
* Intake
* Leadership/Management
* Program Spectators - military, fima, hhs
* Admin
* Executive - 5 people, secretary of HHS and others

Intake team, four people, every morning they enter data. Copy and paste into daily trend tab. On Thursday weekly referrals and discharges table update.

Admin reviews the intake work.

Most roles have read-only access.
As an admin
I would like to have a list that only I can see of current users
So that I can assign roles

  Scenario: Anyone can sign up and ask permission to join given the url, but they can't get in

  Scenario: Admin can see a list of people that have signed up and assign a role


Operations View
* Admin
* Leadership
* maybe intakes

General View
* Program spectators

Executive View - maybe can be eliminated, need to check back. Just a one page summary
* Executives

Daily Trends Entry
* Intake
* Admin

######  Colums O & P not in the portal, need to be entered and QA

Beds needed calculations