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Test Coverage
<%# expected locals:
  [Method] form such that form is a valid instance of wizard_form
  [String] fieldname such that simple_form and service_provider have valid translations
  [Boolean] description whether a description exists in the translations
  [Boolean] html_desc whether a description includes HTML tags
  ["radio"|"checkbox"] input_type
  [Boolean] required whether this field is required
  [Symbol] db_fieldname such that the database has an associated column (often fieldname.to_sym)
  [Input elements] inputs such that the input fields are rendered correctly
<fieldset class="<%= "wizard-field #{input_type} service_provider_#{fieldname}" %>" >
  <legend class="usa-sr-only">
    <%= t("simple_form.labels.service_provider.#{fieldname}") %>
  <div class="usa-label__group">
    <p class="<%= "usa-label #{input_type} #{required ? 'required' : 'optional'}" %>" aria-hidden="true">
      <%= t("simple_form.labels.service_provider.#{fieldname}") %>
      <% if required %>
        <%= t('simple_form.required.html') %>
      <% end %>
    <% if description %>
      <%= form.hint t("service_provider_form.#{fieldname}#{html_desc ? '_html' : ''}") %>
    <% end %>
  <div class="usa-input__container">
    <% if input_type == 'radio' %>
      <%= render partial: 'radio_collection', locals: {
        form: form,
        db_fieldname: db_fieldname,
        inputs: inputs,
      } %>
    <% elsif input_type == 'checkbox' %>
      <%= render partial: 'checkbox_collection', locals: {
        form: form,
        db_fieldname: db_fieldname,
        inputs: inputs,
      } %>
    <% end %>