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<%= form_with scope: :validation do |form| %>
  <div class="usa-form--large">
    <fieldset class="usa-fieldset">
        <%= form.label :auth_url, "Auth URL", class: "usa-label usa_textarea" %>
        <%= form.text_area :auth_url, value: @request&.auth_url, class: "block col-12 optional usa-textarea", required: true
        <div class="usa-hint">Paste the entire URL of the auth request, which you can capture using your <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_development_tools" target="_blank">browser's web developer tools</a>. If you are using a <code>POST</code> instead of a <code>GET</code> request, or if the signature is included in the SAML itself, you can also just paste the contents of the SAMLRequest parameter.</div>
        <%= form.label :cert, "Public Certificate (optional)", class: "usa-label usa_textarea optional usa-input-optional" %>
        <%= form.text_area :cert, value: @request&.cert_body, class: "block col-12 optional usa-textarea" %>
        <div class="usa-hint">Paste your application's public certificate (in PEM format).</div>

    <div class="margin-top-2">
      <%= form.submit 'Validate', :class => "usa-button" %>
<% end %>