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Test Coverage
<h1>Validate SAML Authentication Request Signature</h1>
<p class="usa-intro">You can use this tool to check whether Login.gov can successfully validate the authentication request signature your application is sending.</p>
<% if @validation_attempted %>
  <% if can_view_request_details?(@sp) %>
    <div class="usa-alert <%= @request.valid ? "usa-alert--success" : "usa-alert--error"%>">
      <div class="usa-alert__body">
        <h2 class="usa-alert__heading">
          Request: <%= @request.valid ? "Valid" : "Invalid" %>
        <% if !@request.valid %>
            We could not decode your SAML request. Make sure it is encoded correctly, as described in
            <a href="https://developers.login.gov/saml/#auth-request" target="_blank">our documentation</a>.<br />
            Also note that all other URL parameters need to be properly URL-encoded.
            Read more about URL encoding <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding" target="_blank">here</a>
        <% end %>

    <div class="usa-alert <%= @request.valid_signature ? "usa-alert--success" : "usa-alert--error"%>">
      <div class="usa-alert__body">
        <h2 class="usa-alert__heading">
          Signature: <%= @request.valid_signature ? "Valid" : "Invalid" %>
        <% if @request.valid_signature %>
          Public Certificate Serial Number:
            <code><%= @request.matching_cert_sn.to_s %></code> (int)
            <code><%= @request.matching_cert_sn.to_s(16) %></code> (hex)
        <% else %>
          <h3>Specific problems found:</h3>
          <ul class="usa-list">
            <% @request.errors.each do |error| %>
              <li> <%= error %> </li>
            <% end %>
          <h3>Other issues to look into:</h3>
            <ul class="usa-list">
                <span class="text-heavy">No signature:</span> Is the request signed? If not, you should check your application's SAML config settings and enable it.
                <span class="text-heavy">Wrong hashing algorithm:</span> Login.gov only supports SHA256
                <span class="text-heavy">Wrong certificate:</span>
                  If you've pasted a certificate, the certificate may not match the private key used by your application.<br />
                  Otherwise, you need to add the public certificate to your Login.gov application configuration that belongs to the private key used by your application.
        <% end %>
  <% else %>
     <div class="usa-alert usa-alert--error"%>
      <div class="usa-alert__body">
        <h2 class="usa-alert__heading">
          You can only view request certificate details if you are a member of the team.
        <% if @request.sp.present? %>
            We were able to find a Service Provider that matches your request, but your user is not associated with that
            Service Provider. Please make sure you are signed in as a member of that Service Provider's team and try again.
        <% else %>
            We were unable to find a Service Provider that matches the issuer passed in via this request. Please double
            check the request and make sure a corresponding Service Provider is configured in the dashboard.
        <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <% unless @request.xml.nil? %>
      <pre class="highlight"><code><%= syntax_highlight(@request.xml) %></code></pre>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= render 'form' %>