# code: language=gitattributes ####################################################################### GITATTRIBUTES: Global####################################################################### See: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes# Details per file setting:# text These files should be normalized (i.e. convert CRLF to LF).# binary These files are binary and should not be diffed,# normalized, etc. Only report if the file has changed.# NOTE: "binary" is a macro for -diff -merge -text.## Relevant builtin diff patterns (see: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes#_defining_a_custom_hunk_header)# | Diff | Description |# | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |# | `bash` | Bash language. |# | | Covers a superset of POSIX shell functions. |# | `css` | Cascading style sheets. |# | `html` | HTML/XHTML documents. |# | `markdown` | Markdown documents. |# | `python` | Python language. |# | `ruby` | Ruby language. |# | `rust` | Rust language. |# | `tex` | LaTeX documents. | ###################################################################### # ====================================================================# MACROS ## ====================================================================# All macros assume the default rule is: `text eol=lf` and sets/removes attributes accordingly# If the default rule changes, these macros must be updated as well. # OVERRIDES## See builtin binary definition here: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes#_defining_macro_attributes[attr]binary -text -diff -merge !eol # CUSTOM ### Prevent end-of-line conversion[attr]input -text -eol ## Diff Macros### Useful for declaring which diff pattern to use for files that may### not be captured correctly by Git's heuristics.[attr]bash diff=bash[attr]css diff=css[attr]html diff=html[attr]xml diff=html[attr]markdown diff=markdown[attr]python diff=python[attr]ruby diff=ruby[attr]scheme diff=scheme ### Do not generate a diff, instead print a "Binary files differ" message### Useful for autogenerated text files that may produce large, noisy diffs[attr]autogen -diff[attr]lockfile -diff ### Fix syntax highlighting on GitHub to allow comments[attr]jsonc linguist-language=JSON-with-Comments ###################################################################### # ====================================================================# RULES# ==================================================================== # --------------------------------------------------------------------# DEFAULT RULE# --------------------------------------------------------------------# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization* text eol=lf # --------------------------------------------------------------------# PATTERN RULES# --------------------------------------------------------------------# Common settings that generally should always be used with your language specific settings # Text files where line endings should be preserved*.patch -text # Assets## Graphics*.gif binary*.ico binary*.jpeg binary*.jpg binary*.png binary*.tif binary*.tiff binary*.webp binary*.svgz binary ## Fonts*.ttf binary*.eot binary*.otf binary*.woff binary*.woff2 binary # These are explicitly windows files and should use crlf*.bat eol=crlf*.cmd text eol=crlf*.ps1 text eol=crlf # Uncommon (to Git) sourcecode files*.scss text css # Fix syntax highlighting on GitHub to allow commentstsconfig.json jsonc # Lock files (usually for managing project dependencies)*.lock lockfile # Auto-generated and minified files*.map autogen*.min.js autogen # --------------------------------------------------------------------# PROJECT-SPEFICIC RULES# --------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Lock filespackage-lock.json lockfilepnpm-lock.yaml lockfile ### Force text diff for specific lockfilesGemfile.lock diffyarn.lock diffknapsack_rspec_report.json jsonc ## Executables and runtimes*.wasm binary ## Data files*_model-shard? binary