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Test Coverage
 * Keys to lookup error messages for different states
 * of the MemorableDate element
export const enum MemorableDateErrorMessage {
  MISSING_MONTH_DAY_YEAR = 'missing_month_day_year',
  MISSING_MONTH_DAY = 'missing_month_day',
  MISSING_MONTH_YEAR = 'missing_month_year',
  MISSING_DAY_YEAR = 'missing_day_year',
  MISSING_MONTH = 'missing_month',
  MISSING_DAY = 'missing_day',
  MISSING_YEAR = 'missing_year',
  INVALID_MONTH = 'invalid_month',
  INVALID_DAY = 'invalid_day',
  INVALID_YEAR = 'invalid_year',
  INVALID_DATE = 'invalid_date',
  RANGE_UNDERFLOW = 'range_underflow',
  RANGE_OVERFLOW = 'range_overflow',
  OUTSIDE_DATE_RANGE = 'outside_date_range',

 * Custom input event detail flag used to prevent recursion
const CUSTOM_INPUT_EVENT_DETAIL_FLAG = 'CustomMemorableDateInputEventDetailFlag';

 * Type for a range check with a corresponding error message
interface RangeErrorMessage {
  min?: string;
  max?: string;
  message: string;

 * Type for a hash in which the specified messages can be looked up
type MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup = Record<string, string | undefined>;

type ErrorMessageFieldMapping = [string, (HTMLInputElement | undefined)[]];

interface ErrorMessageLookupContainer {
  errorMessages: MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup;
  rangeErrors: RangeErrorMessage[];

 * The MemorableDate custom HTML element (WebComponent) provides
 * a broadly intuitive way for users to enter dates into web applications.
 * More about the component here: https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/memorable-date/
 * This class facilitates custom error checking and messaging for the MemorableDate
 * (<lg-memorable-date />) in combination with the ValidatedFieldElement
 * (<lg-validated-field />). The web server or another source is responsible for
 * adding the expected child elements for use with this WebComponent.
class MemorableDateElement extends HTMLElement {
   * HTML input element for entering the month part of the date
  get monthInput(): HTMLInputElement | null {
    return this.querySelector('.memorable-date__month');

   * HTML input element for entering the day part of the date
  get dayInput(): HTMLInputElement | null {
    return this.querySelector('.memorable-date__day');

   * HTML input element for entering the year part of the date
  get yearInput(): HTMLInputElement | null {
    return this.querySelector('.memorable-date__year');

   * List of HTML input elements for entering month, day and year for a date
  get allInputs(): HTMLInputElement[] {
    const month = this.monthInput;
    const day = this.dayInput;
    const year = this.yearInput;

    return [month, day, year].filter(Boolean) as HTMLInputElement[];

   * The configured minimum valid value for the date, based on "min" HTML attribute
  get min(): Date | null {
    return this.getDateAttribute('min');

   * The configured maximum valid value for the date, based on "max" HTML attribute
  get max(): Date | null {
    return this.getDateAttribute('max');

  connectedCallback() {
    const { allInputs } = this;

    const inputListener = (event: Event) => {
      // Don't process the event if this function generated it
      if (event instanceof CustomEvent && event.detail?.flag === CUSTOM_INPUT_EVENT_DETAIL_FLAG) {


      // Artificially trigger input events on all inputs
      // for input events on one input. This makes the corresponding
      // <lg-validated-field> elements remove error styling from all
      // memorable-date fields at the same time as it hides the error
      // message (instead of only the selected field).
      const otherInputs = allInputs.filter((input) => input !== event.target);

      otherInputs.forEach((input) => {
          new CustomEvent('input', {
            bubbles: true,
            detail: {

    this.addEventListener('input', inputListener);
    this.addEventListener('invalid', () => this.validate(), true);

  validate(): void {
    const month = this.monthInput;
    const day = this.dayInput;
    const year = this.yearInput;

    if (!(month && day && year)) {
      // Cannot accurately run validation w/o all fields

    const { errorMessages, rangeErrors } = this.getErrorMessageMappings();

    const hasMissingValues = (
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_MONTH_DAY_YEAR, [month, day, year]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_MONTH_DAY, [month, day]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_MONTH_YEAR, [month, year]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_MONTH, [month]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_DAY_YEAR, [day, year]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_DAY, [day]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.MISSING_YEAR, [year]],
      ] as ErrorMessageFieldMapping[]

    if (hasMissingValues) {

    const hasInvalidValues = (
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.INVALID_MONTH, [month]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.INVALID_DAY, [day]],
        [MemorableDateErrorMessage.INVALID_YEAR, [year]],
      ] as ErrorMessageFieldMapping[]

    if (hasInvalidValues) {

    let parsedDate: Date | undefined;
    try {
      parsedDate = new Date(
        `${year.value}-${month.value.padStart(2, '0')}-${day.value.padStart(2, '0')}`,
    } catch (e) {}

    // Check for cases where invalid dates could be "rolled over" into the next month
    // E.g. JavaScript could roll over February 29th in a non-leap year to March 1st
    // Also bails if the date is otherwise invalid
    if (parsedDate?.getUTCDate() !== Number(day.value)) {
      const invalidDateMessage = errorMessages[MemorableDateErrorMessage.INVALID_DATE];
      if (invalidDateMessage) {
        this.setValidity(invalidDateMessage, month, day, year);

    const rangeError = this.getRangeError(errorMessages, rangeErrors, parsedDate);

    // Set range error if exists; otherwise clear previous value
    this.setValidity(rangeError || '', month, day, year);

   * Check the given date against allowable date ranges and return the configured error message.
   * @param errorMessages Memorable date error message mapping
   * @param rangeErrors List of range errors for memorable date
   * @param date Date to compare against min, max, and allowable ranges
   * @returns Configured error message for range violations by the given date
  private getRangeError(
    errorMessages: MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup,
    rangeErrors: RangeErrorMessage[],
    date: Date,
  ): string | undefined {
    const { min, max } = this;

    const outsideRangeErrorMessage = errorMessages[MemorableDateErrorMessage.OUTSIDE_DATE_RANGE];
    const minErrorMessage =
      errorMessages[MemorableDateErrorMessage.RANGE_UNDERFLOW] || outsideRangeErrorMessage;
    const maxErrorMessage =
      errorMessages[MemorableDateErrorMessage.RANGE_OVERFLOW] || outsideRangeErrorMessage;

    if (minErrorMessage && min instanceof Date && date < min) {
      // Set range underflow error if applicable and messaging is available
      return minErrorMessage;
    if (maxErrorMessage && max instanceof Date && date > max) {
      // Set range overflow error if applicable and messaging is available
      return maxErrorMessage;
    // Set another range error if applicable and messaging is available
    return rangeErrors.find(
      ({ min: rangeMin, max: rangeMax }) =>
        (rangeMin && date < new Date(rangeMin)) || (rangeMax && date > new Date(rangeMax)),

   * @param attrName Name of attribute on this element containing a parseable date
   * @returns Date Javascript object parsed from the given attribute or null if it's misssing/invalid
  private getDateAttribute(attrName: string): Date | null {
    const raw = this.getAttribute(attrName);
    if (raw === null) {
      return null;

    const date = new Date(raw);
    if (Number.isNaN(date.getTime())) {
      return null;
    return date;

   * Set a custom error message on the given fields for use by a containing
   * ValidatedFieldElement.
   * @param message Error message to display
   * @param fields Fields to which the error message applies
  private setValidity(message: string, ...fields: HTMLInputElement[]): void {
    const { allInputs } = this;
    allInputs.forEach((field) => {
      if (fields.includes(field)) {
      } else {

   * @param errs Hash for looking up error messages
   * @returns Function to show errors for missing values on a group of elements
  private checkMissingValues(errs: MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup) {
    return ([messageType, fields]: ErrorMessageFieldMapping): boolean => {
      if (fields.every((field) => !field?.value)) {
        const message = errs[messageType];
        message && this.setValidity(message, ...(fields as HTMLInputElement[]));
        return true;
      return false;

   * @param errs Hash for looking up error messages
   * @returns Function to show errors for invalid values on a group of elements
  private checkFieldsInvalid(errs: MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup) {
    return ([messageType, fields]: ErrorMessageFieldMapping): boolean => {
      const message = errs[messageType];
      if (fields.every((field) => field?.validity.patternMismatch)) {
        message && this.setValidity(message, ...(fields as HTMLInputElement[]));
        return true;
      return false;

   * @param entry Entry to check from Object.entries call
   * @returns True if the given entry is a valid mapping for memorable date errors
  private isValidErrorMessage(entry: [string, any]): entry is [string, string] {
    const [, errorMessage] = entry;
    return typeof errorMessage === 'string';

   * @param rawLookup Hash
   * @returns Modified hash containing only valid memorable date error key/value pairs
  private extractErrorMessages(rawLookup: Record<string, any>): MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup {
    return Object.fromEntries(
    ) as MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup;

   * @param rawErrors Hash array
   * @returns Modified hash array containing only values with valid range error messages
  private extractRangeErrors(rawErrors: Record<string, any>[]): RangeErrorMessage[] {
    return rawErrors.filter((value): value is RangeErrorMessage => {
      if (!(value && typeof value === 'object')) {
        return false;
      if (typeof value.message !== 'string') {
        return false;

      const minDate = value.min === undefined ? null : Date.parse(value.min);
      const maxDate = value.max === undefined ? null : Date.parse(value.max);
      if (Number.isInteger(minDate) && Number.isInteger(maxDate)) {
        return minDate! < maxDate!;
      return (
        (Number.isInteger(minDate) && maxDate === null) ||
        (Number.isInteger(maxDate) && minDate === null)

   * Fetch and parse the error message mappings associated with this memorable date field
   * @returns Parsed error message mappings
  private getErrorMessageMappings(): ErrorMessageLookupContainer {
    const errorMessageText =
      this.querySelector('.memorable-date__error-strings')?.textContent || '{}';
    let parsed: any;
    try {
      parsed = JSON.parse(errorMessageText);
    } catch (e) {
      // Invalid JSON error message text

    let errorMessages: MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup = {} as MemorableDateErrorMessageLookup;
    if (parsed?.error_messages && typeof parsed?.error_messages === 'object') {
      errorMessages = this.extractErrorMessages(parsed.error_messages);

    let rangeErrors: RangeErrorMessage[] = [];
    if (Array.isArray(parsed?.range_errors)) {
      rangeErrors = this.extractRangeErrors(parsed.range_errors);

    return {

declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    'lg-memorable-date': MemorableDateElement;

if (!customElements.get('lg-memorable-date')) {
  customElements.define('lg-memorable-date', MemorableDateElement);