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Test Coverage
account_reset.cancel_request.are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to cancel your delete account request?
account_reset.cancel_request.cancel: Exit
account_reset.cancel_request.cancel_button: Cancel delete account
account_reset.cancel_request.title: Cancel delete account
account_reset.confirm_delete_account.cta_html: You may %{link_html} or close this window if you’re done.
account_reset.confirm_delete_account.info_html: The account for <strong>%{email}</strong> has been deleted. We sent an email confirmation of the account deletion.
account_reset.confirm_delete_account.link_text: create a new account
account_reset.confirm_delete_account.title: You have deleted your account
account_reset.confirm_request.close_window: You can close this window if you’re done.
account_reset.confirm_request.instructions_end: to begin the account delete process. Follow the instructions in your email to complete the process.
account_reset.confirm_request.instructions_start: We sent an email to
account_reset.confirm_request.security_note: As a security measure, we also sent a text to your registered phone number.
account_reset.delete_account.are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to delete your account?
account_reset.delete_account.info: Deleting your account should be your last resort if you are locked out of your account. You will not be able to recover any information linked to your account. We will notify the agencies you access with %{app_name} that you no longer have an account. Once your account is deleted, you can create a new one using the same email address.
account_reset.delete_account.title: Deleting your account should be your last resort
account_reset.pending.cancel_request: Cancel request
account_reset.pending.canceled: We have canceled your request to delete your account.
account_reset.pending.confirm: If you cancel now, you must create a new request and wait another %{interval} to delete your account.
account_reset.pending.header: You requested to delete your account
account_reset.pending.wait_html: There is a waiting period of %{waiting_period} to delete your account. In <strong>%{interval}</strong>, you will receive an email with instructions to complete the deletion.
account_reset.recovery_options.check_saved_credential: See if you have a saved credential
account_reset.recovery_options.check_webauthn_platform_info: If you set up face or touch unlock, you may have saved your credentials to a password manager, like iCloud Keychain or Google Password Manager. Try using face or touch unlock on a browser using that password manager.
account_reset.recovery_options.header: Are you sure you want to delete your account?
account_reset.recovery_options.help_text: If you’re locked out and still need access to %{app_name}, try these steps instead.
account_reset.recovery_options.try_another_device: Try another device where you might have selected the “remember device” option.
account_reset.recovery_options.try_method_again: Try your authentication method again
account_reset.recovery_options.use_device: Use another device
account_reset.recovery_options.use_same_device: Otherwise, try using the same device where you set up face or touch unlock.
account_reset.request.are_you_sure: Are you sure you don’t have access to any of your authentication methods?
account_reset.request.delete_account: Delete your account
  - Deleting your existing account and creating a new one will allow you to use the same email address and set up new authentication methods. However, deleting will remove any agency applications you have linked to your account and you will need to restore each connection.
  - If you continue, you will first receive an email confirmation. As a security measure, you will receive another email with the link to continue deleting your account %{interval} after the initial confirmation email arrives.
  - If you can’t access your account using the authentication methods you set up previously, deleting your account and creating a new one is the only option.
  - We can’t undo an account delete, so please verify if you have another authentication method you can use instead.
account_reset.request.no_cancel: Cancel
account_reset.request.title: Account deletion and reset
account_reset.request.yes_continue: Yes, continue deletion
account.connected_apps.associated_attributes_html: 'Connected %{timestamp_html} with:'
account.connected_apps.associated_html: Connected %{timestamp_html}
account.connected_apps.description: With your %{app_name} account, you can securely connect to multiple government accounts online. Below is a list of all the accounts you currently have connected.
account.connected_apps.email_not_selected: Email not yet selected
account.email_language.default: '%{language} (default)'
account.email_language.edit_title: Edit email language preference
account.email_language.languages_list: You will receive emails from %{app_name} in the language you choose.
account.email_language.name.en: English
account.email_language.name.es: Español
account.email_language.name.fr: Français
account.email_language.name.zh: 中文 (简体)
account.email_language.updated: Your email language preference has been updated.
account.forget_all_browsers.longer_description: Once you choose to ‘forget all browsers,’ we’ll need additional information to know that it’s actually you signing in to your account. We’ll ask for a multi-factor authentication method (such as text/SMS code or a security key) each time you want to access your account.
account.index.auth_app_add: Add app
account.index.auth_app_disabled: not enabled
account.index.auth_app_enabled: enabled
account.index.backup_code_confirm_delete: Yes, delete codes
account.index.backup_code_confirm_regenerate: Yes, regenerate codes
account.index.backup_codes_exist: Generated
account.index.backup_codes_no_exist: Not generated
account.index.continue_to_service_provider: Continue to %{service_provider}
account.index.default: default
account.index.device: '%{browser} on %{os}'
account.index.email: Email address
account.index.email_add: Add new email
account.index.email_addresses: Email addresses
account.index.email_preferences: Email preferences
account.index.password: Password
account.index.phone: Phone numbers
account.index.phone_add: Add phone
account.index.piv_cac_add: Add ID
account.index.reactivation.instructions: Your profile was recently deactivated due to a password reset.
account.index.reactivation.link: Reactivate your profile now.
account.index.sign_in_location_and_ip: From %{ip} (IP address potentially located in %{location})
account.index.unknown_location: unknown location
account.index.verification.continue_idv: Continue identity verification
account.index.verification.finish_verifying_html: Finish verifying your identity to access <strong>%{sp_name}</strong>.
account.index.verification.finish_verifying_no_sp: Finish the identity verification process to gain access to all %{app_name} partners.
account.index.verification.identity_verification: Identity verification
account.index.verification.in_person_instructions_html: You must visit any participating Post Office by <strong>%{deadline}</strong> to verify your identity.
account.index.verification.instructions: Enter your verification code to finish verifying your identity.
account.index.verification.learn_more_link: Learn more about verifying your identity
account.index.verification.legacy_verified_html: You verified your identity with %{app_name} on <strong>%{date}</strong> using your state ID.
account.index.verification.pending_badge: Pending
account.index.verification.pending_badge_tooltip: Your identity is pending verification.
account.index.verification.reactivate_button: Enter the verification code you received via US mail
account.index.verification.show_bar_code: Show me my %{app_name} barcode
account.index.verification.success: We verified your information
account.index.verification.unverified_badge: Unverified
account.index.verification.unverified_badge_tooltip: Finish verifying your identity.
account.index.verification.verified_badge: Verified
account.index.verification.verified_badge_tooltip: Your identity has been verified.
account.index.verification.verified_facial_match_badge_tooltip: Your identity and photo have both been verified.
account.index.verification.verify_with_facial_match_html: To access <strong>%{sp_name}</strong>, verify your identity again using a photo of yourself.
account.index.verification.you_verified_your_facial_match_identity: You have verified your identity with the information below and verified a photo of yourself which gives you access to all %{app_name} partners.
account.index.verification.you_verified_your_identity_html: You verified your identity for <strong>%{sp_name}</strong> with the information below.
account.index.webauthn: Security key
account.index.webauthn_add: Add security key
account.index.webauthn_platform: Face or touch unlock
account.index.webauthn_platform_add: Add face or touch unlock
account.items.delete_your_account: Delete your account
account.items.personal_key: Personal key
account.links.delete_account: Delete
account.links.regenerate_personal_key: Reset
account.login.forced_reauthentication_notice_html: '<strong>%{sp_name}</strong> needs you to enter your email and password again.'
account.login.piv_cac: Sign in with your government employee ID
account.login.tab_navigation: Account creation tabs
account.navigation.add_authentication_apps: Add authentication apps
account.navigation.add_email: Add email address
account.navigation.add_federal_id: Add your government employee ID
account.navigation.add_phone_number: Add phone number
account.navigation.add_platform_authenticator: Add face or touch unlock
account.navigation.add_security_key: Add security key
account.navigation.close: Close
account.navigation.connected_accounts: Your connected accounts
account.navigation.customer_support: Customer support
account.navigation.delete_account: Delete account
account.navigation.edit_password: Edit password
account.navigation.forget_browsers: Forget all browsers
account.navigation.get_backup_codes: Get backup codes
account.navigation.history: History
account.navigation.landmark_label: Side navigation
account.navigation.menu: Menu
account.navigation.reset_personal_key: Reset personal key
account.navigation.two_factor_authentication: Your authentication methods
account.navigation.your_account: Your Account
account.personal_key.get_new: Get a new personal key
account.personal_key.get_new_description: When you receive a new personal key, your old personal key will not work anymore.
account.personal_key.last_generated: Last generated on %{timestamp}
account.personal_key.needs_new: Your account needs a new personal key. Your old personal key will not work if you forget your password.
account.personal_key.old_key_will_not_work: Please print, copy, or download the new personal key below. Your old personal key will not work if you forget your password.
account.personal_key.reset_instructions: Reset your personal key if you don’t have it. You’ll need this personal key if you forget your password.
account.personal_key.reset_success: Your personal key has been reset
account.re_verify.banner: We’ve hidden your profile information to protect your privacy.
account.re_verify.footer: Authenticate to view your information.
account.revoke_consent.link_title: Disconnect
account.revoke_consent.longer_description_html: Your information will no longer be shared with %{service_provider_html}. To access %{service_provider_html} in the future, you must give your consent to share your information. You can give consent by going to the %{service_provider_html} site and logging in.
account.security.link: Learn more at the Help Center
account.security.text: Your profile information is locked for your security.
account.verified_information.address: Address
account.verified_information.dob: Date of birth
account.verified_information.full_name: Full name
account.verified_information.phone_number: Phone number
account.verified_information.ssn: Social Security number
account.welcome: Welcome
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.create_new_account: create a new account
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.info_no_account: You tried to reset your %{app_name} password but we don’t have an account linked to this email address.
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.info_request_different: You can request your password using a different email address that is connected to your %{app_name} account.
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.subject: Email not found
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.try_different_email: Try a different email address
anonymous_mailer.password_reset_missing_user.use_this_email_html: Or use this email address and %{create_account_link_html}.
banned_user.details: We are unable to authenticate you at this time.
banned_user.title: Access is restricted
components.barcode.image_alt: Barcode
components.captcha_submit_button.action_message: Verifying…
components.captcha_submit_button.mock_score_disclaimer: Internal Only
components.captcha_submit_button.mock_score_label: 'reCAPTCHA score: (0.0 - 1.0)'
components.clipboard_button.label: Copy
components.clipboard_button.tooltip: Copied!
components.countdown_alert.time_remaining_html: '%{countdown_html} remaining'
components.download_button.label: Download
components.javascript_required.browser_instructions: 'Follow the instructions for your browser to enable JavaScript:'
components.javascript_required.enabled_alert: You have enabled JavaScript in your browser.
components.javascript_required.next_step: Please refresh this page once you have enabled JavaScript in your browser.
components.manageable_authenticator.cancel: Cancel
components.manageable_authenticator.created_on: Created on %{date}
components.manageable_authenticator.delete: Delete
components.manageable_authenticator.delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this authentication method?
components.manageable_authenticator.deleted: Successfully deleted an authentication method
components.manageable_authenticator.deleting: Deleting…
components.manageable_authenticator.done: Done
components.manageable_authenticator.manage: Manage
components.manageable_authenticator.manage_accessible_label: Manage authentication method
components.manageable_authenticator.nickname: Nickname
components.manageable_authenticator.rename: Rename
components.manageable_authenticator.renamed: Successfully renamed your authentication method
components.manageable_authenticator.save: Save
components.manageable_authenticator.saving: Saving…
components.memorable_date.day: Day
components.memorable_date.errors.invalid_date: The entry is not a valid date
components.memorable_date.errors.invalid_day: Enter a day between 1 and 31
components.memorable_date.errors.invalid_month: Enter a month between 1 and 12
components.memorable_date.errors.invalid_year: Enter a year with 4 numbers
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_day: Enter a day
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_day_year: Enter a day and year
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_month: Enter a month
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_month_day: Enter a month and day
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_month_day_year: Enter a %{label}
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_month_year: Enter a month and year
components.memorable_date.errors.missing_year: Enter a year
components.memorable_date.errors.outside_date_range: Enter a %{label} between %{min} and %{max}
components.memorable_date.errors.range_overflow: Enter a date on or before %{date}
components.memorable_date.errors.range_underflow: Enter a date on or after %{date}
components.memorable_date.month: Month
components.memorable_date.year: Year
components.one_time_code_input.hint.alphanumeric: 'Example: 123ABC'
components.one_time_code_input.hint.numeric: 'Example: 123456'
components.one_time_code_input.label: One-time code
components.password_confirmation.confirm_label: Confirm password
components.password_confirmation.errors.empty: Type your password again
components.password_confirmation.errors.mismatch: Your passwords don’t match
components.password_confirmation.toggle_label: Show password
components.password_toggle.label: Password
components.password_toggle.toggle_label: Show password
components.phone_input.country_code_label: Country code
components.print_button.label: Print
components.troubleshooting_options.default_heading: 'Having trouble? Here’s what you can do:'
components.troubleshooting_options.ipp_heading: 'Additional troubleshooting options:'
countries.ad: Andorra
countries.ae: United Arab Emirates (UAE)
countries.af: Afghanistan
countries.ag: Antigua and Barbuda
countries.ai: Anguilla
countries.al: Albania
countries.am: Armenia
countries.ao: Angola
countries.ar: Argentina
countries.as: American Samoa
countries.at: Austria
countries.au: Australia
countries.aw: Aruba
countries.az: Azerbaijan
countries.ba: Bosnia and Herzegovina
countries.bb: Barbados
countries.bd: Bangladesh
countries.be: Belgium
countries.bf: Burkina Faso
countries.bg: Bulgaria
countries.bh: Bahrain
countries.bi: Burundi
countries.bj: Benin
countries.bm: Bermuda
countries.bn: Brunei
countries.bo: Bolivia
countries.bq: Netherlands Antilles
countries.br: Brazil
countries.bs: Bahamas
countries.bt: Bhutan
countries.bw: Botswana
countries.by: Belarus
countries.bz: Belize
countries.ca: Canada
countries.cd: Democratic Republic of the Congo
countries.cf: Central African Republic
countries.cg: Republic of the Congo
countries.ch: Switzerland
countries.ci: Ivory Coast
countries.ck: Cook Islands
countries.cl: Chile
countries.cm: Cameroon
countries.cn: China
countries.co: Colombia
countries.cr: Costa Rica
countries.cv: Cape Verde
countries.cy: Cyprus
countries.cz: Czechia (Czech Republic)
countries.de: Germany
countries.dj: Djibouti
countries.dk: Denmark
countries.dm: Dominica
countries.do: Dominican Republic
countries.dz: Algeria
countries.ec: Ecuador
countries.ee: Estonia
countries.eg: Egypt
countries.er: Eritrea
countries.es: Spain
countries.et: Ethiopia
countries.fi: Finland
countries.fj: Fiji
countries.fm: Micronesia (Federated States of)
countries.fo: Faroe Islands
countries.fr: France
countries.ga: Gabon
countries.gb: United Kingdom
countries.gd: Grenada
countries.ge: Georgia
countries.gf: French Guiana
countries.gg: Guernsey
countries.gh: Ghana
countries.gi: Gibraltar
countries.gl: Greenland
countries.gm: Gambia
countries.gn: Guinea
countries.gp: Guadeloupe
countries.gq: Equitorial Guinea
countries.gr: Greece
countries.gt: Guatemala
countries.gu: Guam
countries.gw: Guinea-Bissau
countries.gy: Guyana
countries.hk: Hong Kong
countries.hn: Honduras
countries.hr: Croatia
countries.ht: Haiti
countries.hu: Hungary
countries.id: Indonesia
countries.ie: Ireland
countries.il: Israel
countries.im: Isle of Man
countries.in: India
countries.iq: Iraq
countries.is: Iceland
countries.it: Italy
countries.je: Jersey
countries.jm: Jamaica
countries.jo: Jordan
countries.jp: Japan
countries.ke: Kenya
countries.kg: Kyrgyzstan
countries.kh: Cambodia
countries.ki: Kiribati
countries.km: Comoros
countries.kn: Saint Kitts and Nevis
countries.kr: South Korea
countries.kw: Kuwait
countries.ky: Cayman Islands
countries.kz: Kazakhstan
countries.la: Laos
countries.lb: Lebanon
countries.lc: Saint Lucia
countries.li: Liechtenstein
countries.lk: Sri Lanka
countries.lr: Liberia
countries.ls: Lesotho
countries.lt: Lithuania
countries.lu: Luxembourg
countries.lv: Latvia
countries.ly: Libya
countries.ma: Morocco
countries.mc: Monaco
countries.md: Moldova
countries.me: Montenegro
countries.mg: Madagascar
countries.mh: The Marshall Islands
countries.mk: Macedonia
countries.ml: Mali
countries.mm: Myanmar
countries.mn: Mongolia
countries.mo: Macau
countries.mp: Northern Mariana Islands
countries.mq: Martinique
countries.mr: Mauritania
countries.ms: Montserrat
countries.mt: Malta
countries.mu: Mauritius
countries.mv: Maldives
countries.mw: Malawi
countries.mx: Mexico
countries.my: Malaysia
countries.mz: Mozambique
countries.na: Namibia
countries.nc: New Caledonia
countries.ne: Niger
countries.ng: Nigeria
countries.ni: Nicaragua
countries.nl: Netherlands
countries.no: Norway
countries.np: Nepal
countries.nu: Niue
countries.nz: New Zealand
countries.om: Oman
countries.pa: Panama
countries.pe: Peru
countries.pf: French Polynesia
countries.pg: Papua New Guinea
countries.ph: Philippines
countries.pk: Pakistan
countries.pl: Poland
countries.pr: Puerto Rico
countries.ps: Palestine
countries.pt: Portugal
countries.pw: Palau
countries.py: Paraguay
countries.qa: Qatar
countries.re: Réunion (France)
countries.ro: Romania
countries.rs: Serbia
countries.ru: Russia
countries.rw: Rwanda
countries.sa: Saudi Arabia
countries.sb: Solomon Islands
countries.sc: Seychelles
countries.se: Sweden
countries.sg: Singapore
countries.si: Slovenia
countries.sk: Slovakia
countries.sl: Sierra Leone
countries.sm: San Marino
countries.sn: Senegal
countries.so: Somalia
countries.sr: Suriname
countries.ss: South Sudan
countries.st: São Tomé and Príncipe
countries.sv: El Salvador
countries.sz: Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland)
countries.tc: Turks and Caicos Islands
countries.td: Chad
countries.tg: Togo
countries.th: Thailand
countries.tj: Tajikistan
countries.tl: Timor-Leste
countries.tm: Turkmenistan
countries.tn: Tunisia
countries.to: Tonga
countries.tr: Turkey
countries.tt: Trinidad and Tobago
countries.tv: Tuvalu
countries.tw: Taiwan
countries.tz: Tanzania
countries.ua: Ukraine
countries.ug: Uganda
countries.us: United States
countries.uy: Uruguay
countries.uz: Uzbekistan
countries.vc: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
countries.ve: Venezuela
countries.vg: British Virgin Islands
countries.vi: US Virgin Islands
countries.vn: Vietnam
countries.vu: Vanuatu
countries.ws: Samoa
countries.xk: Kosovo
countries.ye: Yemen
countries.yt: Mayotte
countries.za: South Africa
countries.zm: Zambia
countries.zw: Zimbabwe
  - null
  - Monday
  - Tuesday
  - Wednesday
  - Thursday
  - Friday
  - Saturday
  - Sunday
date.formats.long: '%B %-d, %Y'
date.formats.short: '%A, %B %-d'
  - null
  - January
  - February
  - March
  - April
  - May
  - June
  - July
  - August
  - September
  - October
  - November
  - December
date.range: '%{from} to %{to}'
datetime.dotiw.last_word_connector: ' and '
datetime.dotiw.minutes.one: 1 minute
datetime.dotiw.minutes.other: '%{count} minutes'
datetime.dotiw.seconds.one: 1 second
datetime.dotiw.seconds.other: '%{count} seconds'
datetime.dotiw.two_words_connector: ' and '
datetime.dotiw.words_connector: ', '
devise.confirmations.already_confirmed: Your email address has already been confirmed. %{action}
devise.confirmations.confirmed: You have confirmed your email address
devise.confirmations.confirmed_but_must_set_password: You have confirmed your email address
devise.confirmations.confirmed_but_remove_from_other_account: This email address is already associated with a %{app_name} account, so we can’t add it to another account. You must first delete or remove it from the account it is associated with. To do this, sign in with this email address.
devise.confirmations.confirmed_but_sign_in: You have confirmed your email address. Please sign in to view your profile.
devise.confirmations.sign_in: Please sign in.
devise.failure.already_authenticated: ''
devise.failure.inactive: Your account hasn’t been activated.
devise.failure.invalid_html: The email or password you’ve entered is wrong. Try %{link_html}.
devise.failure.invalid_link_text: resetting your password
devise.failure.last_attempt: You have one more attempt before your account is locked.
devise.failure.locked: Your account has been locked.
devise.failure.not_found_in_database_html: The email or password you’ve entered is wrong. Try %{link_html}.
devise.failure.not_found_in_database_link_text: resetting your password
devise.failure.session_limited: Your login credentials were used in another browser. Please sign in again to continue in this browser.
devise.failure.timeout: Your session has expired. Please sign in again to continue.
devise.failure.unauthenticated: Your session has expired. Please sign in again to continue.
devise.failure.unconfirmed: You need to confirm your email address before continuing.
devise.mailer.password_updated.subject: Your password has been changed
devise.passwords.choose_new_password: Choose a new password.
devise.passwords.invalid_token: The reset password token is invalid. Try again.
devise.passwords.no_token: To reset your password please use the link in the Password Reset email you received. If you’re pasting the link into your browser, please make sure you’ve pasted the entire link.
devise.passwords.send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes.
devise.passwords.send_paranoid_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes.
devise.passwords.token_expired: You took too long to reset your password. Try again.
devise.passwords.updated: Your password has been changed. You are now signed in.
devise.passwords.updated_not_active: Your password has been changed. Please sign in with your new password.
devise.registrations.close_window: You can close this window if you’re done.
devise.registrations.destroyed: Your account has been successfully deleted.
devise.sessions.signed_in: ''
devise.sessions.signed_out: You are now signed out.
doc_auth.accessible_labels.camera_video_capture_instructions: We will automatically take the picture
doc_auth.accessible_labels.camera_video_capture_label: Viewfinder with frame to center your ID
doc_auth.accessible_labels.document_capture_dialog: Document capture
doc_auth.buttons.add_new_photos: Add new photos
doc_auth.buttons.close: Close
doc_auth.buttons.continue: Continue
doc_auth.buttons.take_or_upload_picture_html: '<lg-take-photo>Take photo</lg-take-photo><lg-or> or </lg-or> <lg-upload>Upload photo</lg-upload>'
doc_auth.buttons.take_picture: Take photo
doc_auth.buttons.take_picture_retry: Retake photo
doc_auth.buttons.upload_picture: Upload photo
doc_auth.errors.alerts.address_check: We couldn’t read the address on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.barcode_content_check: We couldn’t read the barcode on the back of your ID. It could be because of a problem with the barcode, or the barcode is a new type that we don’t recognize yet. Use another state‑issued ID if you have one.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.barcode_read_check: We couldn’t read the barcode on the back of your ID. Try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.birth_date_checks: We couldn’t read the birth date on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.control_number_check: We couldn’t read the reference number on the back of your ID. Try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.doc_crosscheck: We couldn’t recognize your ID. It may be worn or damaged, or the front and the back of the ID don’t match. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.doc_number_checks: We couldn’t read the document number on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.expiration_checks: The document has expired, or we couldn’t read the expiration date on your ID. If your ID is not expired, try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.full_name_check: We couldn’t read the full name on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.id_not_recognized: We couldn’t recognize your ID. It may be worn, damaged, or a type of ID that we don’t recognize. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.id_not_verified: We couldn’t verify your ID. It might have moved when you took the picture. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.issue_date_checks: We couldn’t read the issue date on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.ref_control_number_check: We couldn’t read the control number barcode. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.selfie_not_live_help_link_text: Review more tips for taking a clear photo of yourself
doc_auth.errors.alerts.selfie_not_live_or_poor_quality: Try taking a photo of yourself again. Make sure your whole face is clear and visible in the photo.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.sex_check: We couldn’t read the sex on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.visible_color_check: We couldn’t verify your ID. It might have moved when you took the picture, or the picture is too dark. Try taking new pictures in brighter lighting.
doc_auth.errors.alerts.visible_photo_check: We couldn’t verify the photo on your ID. Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.barcode_attention.confirm_info: If the information below is incorrect, please upload new photos of your state‑issued ID.
doc_auth.errors.barcode_attention.heading: We couldn’t read the barcode on your ID.
doc_auth.errors.camera.blocked: Your camera is blocked
doc_auth.errors.camera.blocked_detail_html: '<strong>Allow access to your camera to take photos for %{app_name}.</strong><span>Try taking photos again and allowing permission. If that doesn’t work, you may need to check your device settings to allow access.</span>'
doc_auth.errors.camera.failed: Camera failed to start, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.card_type: Try again with your driver’s license or state ID card.
doc_auth.errors.consent_form: Before you can continue, you must give us permission. Please check the box below and then click continue.
doc_auth.errors.doc_type_not_supported_heading: We only accept a driver’s license or a state ID
doc_auth.errors.doc.doc_type_check: Your driver’s license or state ID must be issued by a U.S. state or territory. We do not accept other forms of ID, like passports or military IDs.
doc_auth.errors.doc.resubmit_failed_image: You already tried this image, and it failed. Please try adding a different image.
doc_auth.errors.doc.wrong_id_type_html: We only accept a driver’s license or a state ID issued by a U.S. state or territory. We do not accept other forms of ID, like passports or military IDs. <a>Learn more about accepted IDs</a>
doc_auth.errors.document_capture_canceled: You have canceled uploading photos of your ID on your phone.
doc_auth.errors.dpi.failed_short: Image is too small or blurry, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.dpi.top_msg: We couldn’t read your ID. Your image size may be too small, or your ID is too small or blurry in the photo. Make sure your ID is large within the image frame and try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.dpi.top_msg_plural: We couldn’t read your ID. Your image sizes may be too small, or your ID is too small or blurry in the photos. Make sure your ID is large within the image frame and try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.file_type.invalid: This file type is not accepted, please choose a JPG or PNG file.
doc_auth.errors.general.fallback_field_level: Please add a new image
doc_auth.errors.general.multiple_back_id_failures: We couldn’t verify the back of your ID. Try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.general.multiple_front_id_failures: We couldn’t verify the front of your ID. Try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.general.network_error: We are having technical difficulties on our end. Please try to submit your images again later.
doc_auth.errors.general.no_liveness: Try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.general.selfie_failure: We couldn’t verify the photo of yourself. Try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.general.selfie_failure_help_link_text: Review more tips for taking clear photos
doc_auth.errors.glare.failed_short: Image has glare, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.glare.top_msg: We couldn’t read your ID. Your photo may have glare. Make sure that the flash on your camera is off and try taking a new picture.
doc_auth.errors.glare.top_msg_plural: We couldn’t read your ID. Your photos may have glare. Make sure that the flash on your camera is off and try taking new pictures.
doc_auth.errors.how_to_verify_form: Select a way to verify your identity.
doc_auth.errors.http.image_load.failed_short: Image file is not supported, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.http.image_load.top_msg: The image file that you added is not supported. Please take new photos of your ID and try again.
doc_auth.errors.http.image_size.failed_short: Image file is not supported, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.http.image_size.top_msg: Your image size is too large or too small. Please add images of your ID that are about 2025 x 1275 pixels.
doc_auth.errors.http.pixel_depth.failed_short: Image file is not supported, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.http.pixel_depth.top_msg: The pixel depth of your image file is not supported. Please take new photos of your ID and try again. Supported image pixel depth is 24-bit RGB.
doc_auth.errors.not_a_file: The selection was not a valid file.
doc_auth.errors.phone_step_incomplete: You must go to your phone and upload photos of your ID before continuing. We sent you a link with instructions.
doc_auth.errors.pii.birth_date_min_age: Your birthday does not meet the minimum age requirement.
doc_auth.errors.rate_limited_heading: We couldn’t verify your ID
doc_auth.errors.rate_limited_subheading: Try taking new pictures
doc_auth.errors.rate_limited_text_html: To prevent fraud, we limit the number of times someone can attempt to verify a document online. <strong>Try again in %{timeout}.</strong>
doc_auth.errors.selfie_fail_heading: We couldn’t match the photo of yourself to your ID
doc_auth.errors.selfie_not_live_or_poor_quality_heading: We could not verify the photo of yourself
doc_auth.errors.send_link_limited: You tried too many times, please try again in %{timeout}. You can also go back and choose to use your computer instead.
doc_auth.errors.sharpness.failed_short: Image is blurry, please try again.
doc_auth.errors.sharpness.top_msg: We couldn’t read your ID. Your photo may be too blurry or dark. Try taking a new picture in a bright area.
doc_auth.errors.sharpness.top_msg_plural: We couldn’t read your ID. Your photos may be too blurry or dark. Try taking new pictures in a bright area.
doc_auth.errors.upload_error: Sorry, something went wrong on our end.
doc_auth.forms.captured_image: Captured Image
doc_auth.forms.change_file: Change file
doc_auth.forms.choose_file_html: Drag file here or <lg-underline>choose from folder</lg-underline>
doc_auth.forms.doc_success: We verified your information
doc_auth.forms.selected_file: Selected file
doc_auth.headings.address: Update your mailing address
doc_auth.headings.back: Back of your driver’s license or state ID
doc_auth.headings.capture_complete: We verified your ID
doc_auth.headings.capture_scan_warning_html: We couldn’t read the barcode on your ID. If the information below is incorrect, please %{link_html} of your state‑issued ID.
doc_auth.headings.capture_scan_warning_link: upload new photos
doc_auth.headings.document_capture: Add photos of your driver’s license or state ID card
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_back: Back of your ID
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_front: Front of your ID
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_selfie: Photo of your face
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_subheader_id: Driver’s license or state ID card
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_subheader_selfie: Add a photo of your face
doc_auth.headings.document_capture_with_selfie: Add photos of your ID and a photo of yourself
doc_auth.headings.front: Front of your driver’s license or state ID
doc_auth.headings.how_to_verify: Choose how you want to verify your identity
doc_auth.headings.hybrid_handoff: How would you like to add your ID?
doc_auth.headings.hybrid_handoff_selfie: Enter your phone number to switch devices
doc_auth.headings.interstitial: We are processing your images
doc_auth.headings.lets_go: How verifying your identity works
doc_auth.headings.no_ssn: Don’t have a Social Security number?
doc_auth.headings.review_issues: Check your images and try again
doc_auth.headings.secure_account: Secure your account
doc_auth.headings.selfie: Photo of your face
doc_auth.headings.selfie_capture: Capture photo of yourself
doc_auth.headings.ssn: Enter your Social Security number
doc_auth.headings.ssn_update: Update your Social Security number
doc_auth.headings.text_message: We sent a message to your phone
doc_auth.headings.upload_from_computer: Continue on this computer
doc_auth.headings.upload_from_phone: Use your phone to take photos
doc_auth.headings.verify_at_post_office: Verify your identity at a Post Office
doc_auth.headings.verify_identity: Verify your identity
doc_auth.headings.verify_online: Verify your identity online
doc_auth.headings.verify_online_selfie: Verify your identity online using your phone
doc_auth.headings.welcome: Let’s verify your identity for %{sp_name}
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.explanation_html: You’re using <strong>%{app_name}</strong> to verify your identity for access to <strong>%{service_provider_name}</strong> and its services.
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.explanation_non_sp_html: You’re using <strong>%{app_name}</strong> to verify your identity.
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.only_add_if_text: 'ONLY ADD YOUR ID IF:'
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.only_add_own_account: You are using your own %{app_name} account
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.only_add_phone_verify: You asked %{app_name} to verify your ID using your phone
doc_auth.hybrid_flow_warning.only_add_sp_services_html: You are trying to access <strong>%{service_provider_name}</strong> services
doc_auth.info.address_guidance_puerto_rico_html: Puerto Rico residents:<br><br>Edit your address to list your urbanization or condominium on address line 2.
doc_auth.info.capture_status_big_document: Too Close
doc_auth.info.capture_status_capturing: Capturing
doc_auth.info.capture_status_none: Align
doc_auth.info.capture_status_small_document: Move Closer
doc_auth.info.capture_status_tap_to_capture: Tap to Capture
doc_auth.info.exit.with_sp: Exit %{app_name} and return to %{sp_name}
doc_auth.info.exit.without_sp: Exit identity verification and go to your account page
doc_auth.info.getting_started_html: '%{sp_name} needs to make sure you are you — not someone pretending to be you. %{link_html}'
doc_auth.info.getting_started_learn_more: Learn more about verifying your identity
doc_auth.info.how_to_verify: You have the option to verify your identity online, or in person at a participating Post Office.
doc_auth.info.how_to_verify_selfie: You have the option to verify your identity online with your phone, or in person at a participating Post Office.
doc_auth.info.how_to_verify_troubleshooting_options_header: Want to learn more about how to verify your identity?
doc_auth.info.hybrid_handoff: We’ll collect information about you by reading your state‑issued ID.
doc_auth.info.hybrid_handoff_ipp_html: '<strong>Don’t have a mobile phone?</strong> You can verify your identity at a United States Post Office instead.'
doc_auth.info.image_loaded: Image loaded
doc_auth.info.image_loading: Image loading
doc_auth.info.image_updated: Image updated
doc_auth.info.interstitial_eta: This might take up to a minute. We’ll load the next step automatically when it’s done.
doc_auth.info.interstitial_thanks: Thanks for your patience!
doc_auth.info.keep_window_open: Do not close this window.
doc_auth.info.learn_more: Learn more about how we protect your sensitive information
doc_auth.info.lets_go: 'Identity verification happens in two parts:'
doc_auth.info.link_sent: Please check your phone and follow instructions to take a photo of your state‑issued ID.
doc_auth.info.link_sent_complete_no_polling: When you are done, click Continue here to finish verifying your identity.
doc_auth.info.link_sent_complete_polling: The next step will load automatically.
doc_auth.info.no_ssn: You must have a Social Security number to finish verifying your identity.
doc_auth.info.review_examples_of_photos: Review examples of how to take clear photos of your ID.
doc_auth.info.secure_account: We’ll encrypt your account when you re-enter your password. Encryption means your data is protected and only you will be able to access or change your information.
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture_content: We’ll check that you are the person on your ID.
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture_status.face_close_to_border: Too close to the frame
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture_status.face_not_found: Face not found
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture_status.face_too_small: Face too small
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture_status.too_many_faces: Too many faces
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture.action.capture: Take photo
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture.action.close: close
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture.action.retake: retake
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture.action.submit: Use this photo
doc_auth.info.selfie_capture.intro: Camera is on, ready for selfie
doc_auth.info.ssn: We need your Social Security number to verify your name, date of birth and address.
doc_auth.info.stepping_up_html: Verify your identity again to access this service. %{link_html}
doc_auth.info.tag: Recommended
doc_auth.info.upload_from_computer: Don’t have a phone? Upload photos of your ID from this computer.
doc_auth.info.upload_from_phone: You won’t have to sign in again, and you’ll switch back to this computer after you take photos. Your mobile phone must have a camera and a web browser.
doc_auth.info.verify_at_post_office_description: This option is better if you don’t have a phone to take photos of your ID.
doc_auth.info.verify_at_post_office_description_selfie: Choose this option if you don’t have a phone to take pictures.
doc_auth.info.verify_at_post_office_instruction: You’ll enter your ID information online, and verify your identity in person at a participating Post Office.
doc_auth.info.verify_at_post_office_instruction_selfie: You’ll enter your ID information online, and verify your identity in person at a participating Post Office.
doc_auth.info.verify_at_post_office_link_text: Learn more about verifying in person
doc_auth.info.verify_identity: We’ll ask for your ID, phone number, and other personal information to verify your identity against public records.
doc_auth.info.verify_online_description: This option is better if you have a phone to take photos of your ID.
doc_auth.info.verify_online_description_selfie: Choose this option if you have a phone to take pictures.
doc_auth.info.verify_online_instruction: You’ll take photos of your ID to verify your identity fully online. Most users finish this process in one sitting.
doc_auth.info.verify_online_instruction_selfie: You’ll take photos of your ID and a photo of yourself using a phone. Most users finish this process in one sitting.
doc_auth.info.verify_online_link_text: Learn more about verifying online
doc_auth.info.you_entered: 'You entered:'
doc_auth.instructions.bullet1: Have a driver’s license or state ID
doc_auth.instructions.bullet2: Enter your Social Security number
doc_auth.instructions.bullet3: Match to your phone number
doc_auth.instructions.bullet4: Re-enter your %{app_name} password
doc_auth.instructions.consent: By checking this box, you are letting %{app_name} ask for, use, keep, and share your personal information. We will use it to verify your identity.
doc_auth.instructions.getting_started: 'You’ll need to:'
doc_auth.instructions.learn_more: Learn more about our privacy and security measures
doc_auth.instructions.switch_back: Switch back to your computer to finish verifying your identity.
doc_auth.instructions.switch_back_image: Arrow pointing from phone to computer
doc_auth.instructions.test_ssn: In the test environment only SSNs that begin with “900-” or “666-” are considered valid. Do not enter real PII in this field.
doc_auth.instructions.text1: Other forms of ID are not accepted. We’ll check that you are the person on your ID.
doc_auth.instructions.text2: You will not need your physical SSN card.
doc_auth.instructions.text3: We match your phone number with your personal information and send a one-time code to your phone.
doc_auth.instructions.text4: Your password saves and encrypts your personal information.
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_hint: Must be a JPG or PNG
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_id_text1: Use a flat and dark surface
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_id_text2: Take photos in a well-lit place
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_id_text3: Avoid glare or shadows
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_id_text4: File size should be at least 2 MB.
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_id_header_text: How to take clear photos
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_selfie_text: How to prepare for your photo
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_text1: Remove any items covering your face, like glasses or a hat
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_text2: Take photo in a well-lit place
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_text3: Keep your expression neutral
doc_auth.tips.document_capture_selfie_text4: Make sure your whole face is visible within the green circle
doc_auth.tips.mobile_phone_required: Mobile Phone Required
doc_auth.tips.review_issues_id_header_text: 'Review the images of your state‑issued ID:'
doc_auth.tips.review_issues_id_text1: Did you use a dark background?
doc_auth.tips.review_issues_id_text2: Did you take the photo on a flat surface?
doc_auth.tips.review_issues_id_text3: Is the flash on your camera off?
doc_auth.tips.review_issues_id_text4: Are all details sharp and clearly visible?
email_address.not_found: 'Email not found'
email_addresses.add.duplicate: This email address is already registered to your account.
email_addresses.add.limit: You’ve added the maximum number of email addresses.
email_addresses.delete.bullet1: You won’t be able to sign in to %{app_name} (or any of the government applications linked to your account) using this email address
email_addresses.delete.bullet2: You won’t get account notifications at this email address
email_addresses.delete.confirm: Are you sure you want to delete %{email}?
email_addresses.delete.failure: Unable to delete this email address.
email_addresses.delete.success: The email address has been removed.
email_addresses.delete.warning: If you delete your email address
email_addresses.unconfirmed: '(unconfirmed)'
errors.account_reset.cancel_token_invalid: cancel token is invalid
errors.account_reset.cancel_token_missing: cancel token is missing
errors.account_reset.granted_token_expired: The link to delete your %{app_name} account has expired. Please create another request to delete your account.
errors.account_reset.granted_token_invalid: The link to delete your %{app_name} account is invalid. Please try clicking the link in your email again.
errors.account_reset.granted_token_missing: The link to delete your %{app_name} account is invalid. Please try clicking the link in your email again.
errors.attributes.password.avoid_using_phrases_that_are_easily_guessed: Avoid using phrases that are easily guessed, such as parts of your email or personal dates.
errors.attributes.password.too_short.one: Password must be at least one character long
errors.attributes.password.too_short.other: Password must be at least %{count} characters long
errors.capture_doc.invalid_link: This link is expired or not valid. Please request another link to verify your identity on a mobile phone.
errors.confirm_password_incorrect: Incorrect password.
errors.enter_code.rate_limited_html: You entered an incorrect verification code too many times. <strong>Try again in %{timeout}.</strong>
errors.general: Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.
errors.invalid_totp: Invalid code. Please try again.
errors.manage_authenticator.internal_error: There was an internal error processing your request. Please try again.
errors.manage_authenticator.remove_only_method_error: You cannot remove your only authentication method.
errors.manage_authenticator.unique_name_error: Name already in use. Please use a different name.
errors.max_password_attempts_reached: You’ve entered too many incorrect passwords. You can reset your password using the “Forgot your password?” link.
errors.messages.already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
errors.messages.backup_code_limited: You tried too many times, please try again in %{timeout}.
errors.messages.blank: Please fill in this field.
errors.messages.blank_cert_element_req: We cannot detect a certificate in your request.
errors.messages.confirmation_code_incorrect: Incorrect verification code
errors.messages.confirmation_invalid_token: Invalid confirmation link. Either the link expired or you already confirmed your account.
errors.messages.confirmation_period_expired: Expired confirmation link. You can click “Resend confirmation instructions” to get another one.
errors.messages.expired: has expired, please request a new one
errors.messages.format_mismatch: Please match the requested format.
errors.messages.gpo_otp_expired: Your verification code has expired. Please request another letter for a new code.
errors.messages.gpo_otp_expired_and_cannot_request_another: Your verification code has expired.
errors.messages.improbable_phone: Invalid phone number. Please make sure you enter a valid phone number.
errors.messages.inclusion: is not included in the list
errors.messages.invalid_calling_area: Calls to that phone number are not supported. Please try SMS if you have an SMS-capable phone.
errors.messages.invalid_phone_number.international: Enter a phone number with the correct number of digits.
errors.messages.invalid_phone_number.us: Enter a 10 digit phone number.
errors.messages.invalid_recaptcha_token: We’re sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.
errors.messages.invalid_sms_number: The phone number entered doesn’t support text messaging. Try the Phone call option.
errors.messages.invalid_voice_number: Invalid phone number. Check that you’ve entered the correct country code or area code.
errors.messages.missing_field: Please fill in this field.
errors.messages.no_pending_profile: No profile is waiting for verification
errors.messages.not_a_number: is not a number
errors.messages.otp_format: Enter the one-time code sent to your phone. Do not use spaces or special characters.
errors.messages.password_incorrect: Incorrect password
errors.messages.password_mismatch: Your passwords don’t match
errors.messages.personal_key_incorrect: Incorrect personal key
errors.messages.phone_carrier: Sorry, we are unable to support that phone carrier at this time. Please select a different number and try again.
errors.messages.phone_confirmation_limited: You tried too many times, please try again in %{timeout}.
errors.messages.phone_duplicate: This account is already using the phone number you entered as an authenticator. Please use a different phone number.
errors.messages.phone_required: Phone number is required
errors.messages.phone_unsupported: Sorry, we are unable to send SMS at this time. Please try the phone call option below, or use your personal key.
errors.messages.premium_rate_phone: This appears to be a premium rate phone number. Please select a different number and try again.
errors.messages.pwned_password: The password you entered is not safe. It’s in a list of known passwords exposed in data breaches.
errors.messages.stronger_password: Enter a stronger password
errors.messages.too_long.one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
errors.messages.too_long.other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
errors.messages.too_short.one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
errors.messages.too_short.other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
errors.messages.try_again: Please try again.
errors.messages.unauthorized_authn_context: Unauthorized authentication context
errors.messages.unauthorized_nameid_format: Unauthorized nameID format
errors.messages.unauthorized_service_provider: Unauthorized Service Provider
errors.messages.voip_check_error: There was an error checking your phone, please try again
errors.messages.voip_phone: This number is a web-based (VOIP) phone service. Please select a different number and try again
errors.messages.weak_password: Your password is not strong enough. %{feedback}
errors.messages.wrong_length.one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
errors.messages.wrong_length.other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
errors.piv_cac_setup.unique_name: That name is already taken. Please choose a different name.
errors.registration.terms: Before you can continue, you must give us permission. Please check the box below and then click continue.
errors.sign_in.bad_password_limit: You have exceeded the maximum sign in attempts. You must wait %{time_left} before trying again.
errors.two_factor_auth_setup.must_select_additional_option: Select an additional authentication method.
errors.two_factor_auth_setup.must_select_option: Select an authentication method.
errors.verify_personal_key.rate_limited: You tried too many times, please try again in %{timeout}.
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.account_setup_error: We were unable to add face or touch unlock. Please try again or %{link}.
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.already_registered: Face or touch unlock is already registered on this device. Please try adding another authentication method.
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.choose_another_method: choose another authentication method
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.general_error: We were unable to add face or touch unlock. Please try again or choose another method.
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.not_supported: Your browser doesn’t support face or touch unlock. Use the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari to use face or touch unlock.
errors.webauthn_platform_setup.unique_name: That name is already taken. Please choose a different name.
errors.webauthn_setup.additional_methods_link: choose another authentication method
errors.webauthn_setup.already_registered: You have already linked this security key to your account. Please try a different security key.
errors.webauthn_setup.general_error_html: We were unable to add the security key. Check that your security key is properly inserted and try again or %{link_html}.
errors.webauthn_setup.not_supported: Your browser doesn’t support security keys. Update to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Safari and try again.
errors.webauthn_setup.unique_name: That device nickname is already being used. Choose a different device nickname.
event_disavowals.errors.event_already_disavowed: You have already used that link to change your password. Sign in to change your password.
event_disavowals.errors.event_disavowal_expired: The link to change your password has expired. Sign in to change your password.
event_disavowals.errors.event_not_found: The link to change your password is invalid. Sign in to change your password.
event_disavowals.errors.no_account: There is no account associated with this event.
event_types.account_created: Account created
event_types.account_verified: Account verified
event_types.authenticated_at: Signed in at %{service_provider}
event_types.authenticated_at_html: Signed in at %{service_provider_link_html}
event_types.authenticator_disabled: Authenticator app removed
event_types.authenticator_enabled: Authenticator app added
event_types.backup_codes_added: Backup codes added
event_types.eastern_timestamp: '%{timestamp} (Eastern)'
event_types.email_changed: Email address changed
event_types.email_deleted: Email address deleted
event_types.gpo_mail_sent: Letter sent
event_types.new_personal_key: Personal key changed
event_types.password_changed: Password changed
event_types.password_invalidated: Password reset by %{app_name}
event_types.personal_key_used: Personal key used to sign in
event_types.phone_added: Phone number added
event_types.phone_changed: Phone number changed
event_types.phone_confirmed: Phone confirmed
event_types.phone_removed: Phone number removed
event_types.piv_cac_disabled: PIV/CAC card unassociated
event_types.piv_cac_enabled: PIV/CAC card associated
event_types.sign_in_after_2fa: Signed in with second factor
event_types.sign_in_before_2fa: Signed in with password
event_types.sign_in_notification_timeframe_expired: Expired notification timeframe for sign-in from new device
event_types.sign_in_unsuccessful_2fa: Failed to authenticate
event_types.webauthn_key_added: Hardware security key added
event_types.webauthn_key_removed: Hardware security key removed
forms.backup_code_regenerate.caution: If you regenerate your backup codes you will receive a new set of backup codes. Your original backup codes will no longer be valid.
forms.backup_code_regenerate.confirm: Are you sure you want to regenerate your backup codes?
forms.backup_code_reminder.body_info: If you ever lose access to your primary authentication method, you can use backup codes to regain access to your account.
forms.backup_code_reminder.have_codes: I have my codes
forms.backup_code_reminder.heading: Do you still have your backup codes?
forms.backup_code_reminder.need_new_codes: I need a new set of backup codes
forms.backup_code.caution_codes: Each code can only be used once. We’ll give you new codes after you use all %{count}.
forms.backup_code.caution_delete: If you delete your backup codes you will no longer be able to use them to sign in.
forms.backup_code.confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to delete your backup codes?
forms.backup_code.generate: Get codes
forms.backup_code.last_code: You used your last backup code. Please print, copy or download the codes below. You can use these new codes the next time you sign in.
forms.backup_code.regenerate: Get new codes
forms.backup_code.saved: I’ve put my backup codes in a safe place.
forms.backup_code.subinfo_html: '<strong>If you lose your device, you’ll need these codes to sign into %{app_name}.</strong> Save or print them and put them somewhere safe.'
forms.backup_code.title: Save these backup codes
forms.buttons.back: Back
forms.buttons.cancel: Yes, cancel
forms.buttons.confirm: Confirm
forms.buttons.continue: Continue
forms.buttons.continue_ipp: Continue in person
forms.buttons.continue_remote: Continue online
forms.buttons.continue_remote_selfie: Continue on your phone
forms.buttons.delete: Delete
forms.buttons.disable: Delete
forms.buttons.edit: Edit
forms.buttons.manage: Manage
forms.buttons.send_link: Send link
forms.buttons.send_one_time_code: Send code
forms.buttons.submit.confirm_change: Confirm change
forms.buttons.submit.default: Submit
forms.buttons.submit.update: Update
forms.buttons.upload_photos: Upload photos
forms.confirmation.show_hdr: Create a strong password
forms.email.buttons.delete: Delete email address
forms.example: 'Example:'
forms.messages.remember_device: Remember this browser
forms.password: Password
forms.passwords.edit.buttons.submit: Change password
forms.passwords.edit.labels.password: New password
forms.personal_key_partial.acknowledgement.header: You need your personal key if you forget your password. Keep it safe and don’t share it with anyone.
forms.personal_key_partial.acknowledgement.help_link_text: Learn more about the personal key
forms.personal_key_partial.acknowledgement.text: If you reset your password without your personal key, you’ll need to verify your identity again.
forms.personal_key_partial.header: Save your personal key
forms.personal_key.alternative: Don’t have your personal key?
forms.personal_key.confirmation_label: Personal key
forms.personal_key.download: Download (text file)
forms.personal_key.instructions: Please confirm you have a copy of your personal key by entering it below.
forms.personal_key.required_checkbox: I saved my personal key in a safe place.
forms.personal_key.title: Enter your personal key
forms.phone.buttons.delete: Remove phone
forms.piv_cac_login.submit: Insert PIV/CAC
forms.piv_cac_mfa.submit: Insert PIV/CAC
forms.piv_cac_setup.nickname: PIV/CAC nickname
forms.piv_cac_setup.no_thanks: No thanks
forms.piv_cac_setup.piv_cac_intro_html: We’ll ask you to present your PIV/CAC card <strong>each time you sign in</strong> as part of two-factor authentication.<br><br>After clicking “Add PIV/CAC” your browser will prompt you for your PIV/CAC PIN and have you select a certificate.
forms.piv_cac_setup.submit: Insert PIV/CAC
forms.piv_cac_setup.try_again: Try again
forms.registration.labels.email: Enter your email address
forms.registration.labels.email_language: Select your email language preference
forms.ssn.show: Show Social Security number
forms.totp_setup.totp_intro: Set up an authentication app to sign in using temporary security codes.
forms.totp_setup.totp_step_1: Give it a nickname
forms.totp_setup.totp_step_1a: If you add more than one app, you’ll know which one is which.
forms.totp_setup.totp_step_2: Open your authentication app
forms.totp_setup.totp_step_3: Scan this QR barcode with your app
forms.totp_setup.totp_step_4: Enter the temporary code from your app
forms.two_factor.backup_code: Backup code
forms.two_factor.personal_key: Personal key
forms.two_factor.try_again: Use another phone number
forms.validation.required_checkbox: Please check this box to continue
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.continue: Continue
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.info_text: You’ll need to set up an additional authentication method after you set up face or touch unlock.
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.intro_html: '<p>Authenticate the same way you unlock your device, whether it’s with your face or fingerprint, a password, or another method.</p><p>If you use a password manager like iCloud Keychain or Google Password Manager, it may ask to save a passkey. This lets you authenticate on any device with that password manager. %{link}</p>'
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.intro_link_text: Learn more about using multiple devices.
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.nickname: Device nickname
forms.webauthn_platform_setup.nickname_hint: If you add more devices for face or touch unlock, you’ll know which one is which.
forms.webauthn_setup.intro: Use your physical security key to add an additional layer of protection to your %{app_name} account to prevent unauthorized access.
forms.webauthn_setup.learn_more: Learn more about security keys
forms.webauthn_setup.nickname: Security key nickname
forms.webauthn_setup.saving: Saving your credentials …
forms.webauthn_setup.set_up: Set up security key
forms.webauthn_setup.step_1: Give it a nickname
forms.webauthn_setup.step_1a: If you add more than one security key, you’ll know which one is which.
forms.webauthn_setup.step_2: Insert a security key into your device
forms.webauthn_setup.step_2_image_alt: A security key being inserted into the right side of a laptop
forms.webauthn_setup.step_2_image_mobile_alt: A security key being inserted into the bottom of a smart phone
forms.webauthn_setup.step_3: Set up your security key
forms.webauthn_setup.step_3a: Click “set up security key” below and follow your browser’s instructions.
headings.account.activity: Activity
headings.account.authentication_apps: Authentication apps
headings.account.connected_accounts: Your connected accounts
headings.account.devices: Devices
headings.account.events: Events
headings.account.federal_employee_id: Federal employee ID
headings.account.login_info: Your account
headings.account.reactivate: Reactivate your account
headings.account.two_factor: Your authentication methods
headings.account.unphishable: Unphishable
headings.add_email: Add a new email address
headings.add_info.phone: Add a phone number
headings.cancellations.login_cancel_prompt: Are you sure you want to cancel and exit %{app_name}?
headings.cancellations.prompt: Are you sure you want to cancel?
headings.create_account_new_users: Create an account for new users
headings.create_account_with_sp.sp_text: is using %{app_name} to allow you to sign in to your account safely and securely.
headings.edit_info.password: Change your password
headings.edit_info.phone: Manage your phone settings
headings.passwords.change: Change your password
headings.passwords.confirm: Confirm your current password to continue
headings.passwords.confirm_for_personal_key: Enter password and get a new personal key
headings.passwords.forgot: Forgot your password?
headings.piv_cac_login.account_not_found: Your government employee ID is not connected to an account
headings.piv_cac_login.add: Use your smart card reader to set up your Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC). You can use any of these as a two-factor authentication method to sign in.
headings.piv_cac_login.new: Sign in with your government employee ID
headings.piv_cac_login.success: You successfully set up PIV/CAC as an authentication method.
headings.piv_cac_setup.already_associated: The PIV/CAC you presented is associated with another user.
headings.piv_cac_setup.new: Use your PIV/CAC card to secure your account
headings.piv_cac.certificate.bad: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected is invalid
headings.piv_cac.certificate.expired: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected has expired
headings.piv_cac.certificate.invalid: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected is invalid
headings.piv_cac.certificate.none: We cannot detect a certificate on your government employee ID
headings.piv_cac.certificate.not_auth_cert: Please choose a different certificate for your PIV/CAC card
headings.piv_cac.certificate.revoked: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected has been revoked from your card
headings.piv_cac.certificate.unverified: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected is invalid
headings.piv_cac.did_not_work: Your PIV/CAC did not work
headings.piv_cac.token.bad: Internal error.
headings.piv_cac.token.invalid: The PIV/CAC certificate you selected is invalid.
headings.piv_cac.token.missing: Internal error.
headings.redirecting: Redirecting
headings.residential_address: Current residential address
headings.session_timeout_warning: Need more time?
headings.sign_in_existing_users: Sign in for existing users
headings.sign_in_with_sp: Sign in to continue to %{sp}
headings.sign_in_without_sp: Sign in
headings.sp_handoff_bounced: There was a problem connecting to %{sp_name}
headings.ssn: Social Security Number
headings.state_id: State‑issued ID
headings.totp_setup.new: Add an authentication app
headings.verify: Verify your information
headings.verify_email: Check your email
headings.verify_personal_key: Verify your personal key
headings.webauthn_platform_setup.new: Add face or touch unlock
headings.webauthn_setup.new: Insert your security key
help_text.requested_attributes.address: Address
help_text.requested_attributes.all_emails: Email addresses on your account
help_text.requested_attributes.birthdate: Date of birth
help_text.requested_attributes.change_email_link: Change
help_text.requested_attributes.consent_reminder_html: You must consent each year to share your information with %{sp_html}.
help_text.requested_attributes.email: Email address
help_text.requested_attributes.full_name: Full name
help_text.requested_attributes.ial2_reverified_consent_info_html: 'Because you verified your identity again, we need your permission to share this information with %{sp_html}:'
help_text.requested_attributes.intro_html: 'We’ll share this information with %{sp_html}:'
help_text.requested_attributes.phone: Phone number
help_text.requested_attributes.social_security_number: Social Security number
help_text.requested_attributes.verified_at: Updated on
help_text.requested_attributes.x509_issuer: PIV/CAC Issuer
help_text.requested_attributes.x509_subject: PIV/CAC Identity
help_text.select_preferred_email: You may change which email you share with %{sp} since you have multiple emails associated with your %{app_name} account.
i18n.language: Language
i18n.locale.en: English
i18n.locale.es: Español
i18n.locale.fr: Français
i18n.locale.zh: 中文 (简体)
idv.accessible_labels.masked_ssn: secure text, starting with %{first_number} and ending with %{last_number}
idv.buttons.change_address_label: Update address
idv.buttons.change_label: Update
idv.buttons.change_ssn_label: Update Social Security number
idv.buttons.change_state_id_label: Update state ID
idv.buttons.continue_plain: Continue
idv.buttons.mail.send: Request a letter
idv.cancel.actions.account_page: Go to account page
idv.cancel.actions.exit: Exit %{app_name}
idv.cancel.actions.keep_going: No, keep going
idv.cancel.actions.start_over: Start over
idv.cancel.description.account_page: account page
  - If you exit %{app_name} and return to %{sp_name}, you will not have verified your identity.
  - You will still have a %{app_name} account. You can manage or delete your account on your %{account_page_link_html}.
  - If you exit identity verification and go to your account page, you will not have verified your identity.
  - You will still have a %{app_name} account. You can manage or delete your account on your %{account_page_text}.
idv.cancel.description.gpo.continue: Continue to start over and verify your identity from the beginning.
idv.cancel.description.gpo.start_over: 'If you clear your information and start over:'
idv.cancel.description.gpo.start_over_new_address: To mail your letter to another address, you’ll need to start over and verify your identity with the new address.
  - The verification code in your letter will no longer work
  - You will start over verifying your identity from the beginning
idv.cancel.description.hybrid: If you cancel now, you will be prompted to switch back to your computer to continue verifying your identity.
idv.cancel.description.start_over: If you start over, you will restart this process from the beginning.
idv.cancel.headings.confirmation.hybrid: You have canceled uploading photos of your ID on this phone
idv.cancel.headings.exit.with_sp: Exit %{app_name} and return to %{sp_name}
idv.cancel.headings.exit.without_sp: Exit identity verification and go to your account page
idv.cancel.headings.prompt.hybrid: Are you sure you want to cancel uploading photos of your ID on this phone?
idv.cancel.headings.prompt.standard: Cancel verifying your identity?
idv.cancel.headings.prompt.start_over: Start over verifying your identity?
idv.cancel.headings.start_over: Start over verifying your identity
idv.errors.incorrect_password: The password you entered is not correct.
idv.errors.pattern_mismatch.ssn: Enter a nine-digit Social Security number
idv.errors.pattern_mismatch.zipcode: Enter a 5 or 9 digit ZIP Code
idv.errors.pattern_mismatch.zipcode_five: Enter a 5 digit ZIP Code
idv.failure.attempts_html.one: You can try <strong>1 more time.</strong> Then, you must wait 6 hours before trying again.
idv.failure.attempts_html.other: You can try <strong>%{count} more times.</strong> Then, you must wait 6 hours before trying again.
idv.failure.button.try_online: Try again online
idv.failure.button.warning: Try again
idv.failure.exceptions.in_person_outage_error_message.post_cta.body: In the meantime, you can still begin the in-person verification process on %{app_name} and then visit a Post Office. If you urgently need access to services, please contact your agency directly.
idv.failure.exceptions.in_person_outage_error_message.post_cta.title: We’re working on a technical issue. Your identity verification results may not be emailed to you until %{date}.
idv.failure.exceptions.in_person_outage_error_message.ready_to_verify.body: You can still visit a Post Office to complete verifying your identity. If you urgently need access to services, please contact your agency directly.
idv.failure.exceptions.in_person_outage_error_message.ready_to_verify.contact_html: <a href="%{help_url}" target="_blank">Contact %{app_name} support</a> if you have not received an email with your verification results by %{date}.
idv.failure.exceptions.in_person_outage_error_message.ready_to_verify.title: We’re working on a technical issue. Your identity verification results may not be emailed to you until %{date}.
idv.failure.exceptions.internal_error: There was an internal error processing your request. Please try again.
idv.failure.exceptions.link: please contact us
idv.failure.exceptions.post_office_search_error: We are having technical difficulties at the moment. Try searching for a Post Office again. If this issue continues, come back later.
idv.failure.exceptions.text_html: Please try again. If you keep getting these errors, %{link_html}.
idv.failure.exit.with_sp: Exit %{app_name} and return to %{sp_name}
idv.failure.exit.without_sp: Exit identity verification and go to your account page
idv.failure.gpo.rate_limited.heading: Try again later
idv.failure.phone.heading: We could not match this phone number to other records
idv.failure.phone.jobfail: Something went wrong and we cannot process your request at this time. Please try again.
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.body: For security reasons, we limit the number of times you can attempt to verify your phone number online.
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.gpo.button: Verify by mail
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.heading: We couldn’t verify your identity by phone
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.option_try_again_later_html: Cancel and start over again after <strong>%{time_left}</strong>
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.option_try_again_later_no_gpo_html: You can try again after <strong>%{time_left}</strong>.
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.option_verify_by_mail_html: Verify by mail, which takes <strong>5 to 10 days</strong>
idv.failure.phone.rate_limited.options_header: 'You can:'
idv.failure.phone.timeout: Our request to verify your information timed out. Please try again.
idv.failure.phone.warning.attempts_html.one: For security reasons, you have <strong>one attempt</strong> remaining.
idv.failure.phone.warning.attempts_html.other: For security reasons, you have <strong>%{count} attempts</strong> remaining.
idv.failure.phone.warning.gpo.button: Verify by mail
idv.failure.phone.warning.gpo.explanation: If you don’t have another phone number to try, verify by mail instead.
idv.failure.phone.warning.gpo.heading: Verify by mail
idv.failure.phone.warning.gpo.how_long_it_takes_html: This takes <strong>5 to 10 days</strong>.
idv.failure.phone.warning.heading: We couldn’t match you to this number
idv.failure.phone.warning.learn_more_link: Learn more about what phone number to use
idv.failure.phone.warning.next_steps_html: Try <strong>another</strong> number that you use often and have used for a long time. This can be a work or home number.
idv.failure.phone.warning.try_again_button: Try another number
idv.failure.phone.warning.you_entered: 'You entered:'
idv.failure.sessions.exception: There was an internal error processing your request.
idv.failure.sessions.fail_html: For your security, we limit the number of times you can attempt to verify personal information online. <strong>Try again in %{timeout}.</strong>
idv.failure.sessions.heading: We couldn’t find records matching your personal information
idv.failure.sessions.warning: Please check the information you entered and try again. Common mistakes are an incorrect Social Security number or ZIP Code.
idv.failure.setup.fail_date_html: Call our contact center by <strong>%{date_html}</strong> to continue verifying your identity.
idv.failure.setup.fail_html: Call <strong>%{contact_number}</strong> and provide them with the error <br/>code <strong>%{support_code}</strong>.
idv.failure.setup.heading: Please give us a call
idv.failure.timeout: We are experiencing higher than usual wait time processing your request. Please try again.
idv.failure.verify.exit: Exit %{app_name}
idv.failure.verify.fail_link_html: Get help at <strong>%{sp_name}</strong>
idv.failure.verify.fail_text: to access services.
idv.failure.verify.heading: We couldn’t verify your identity
idv.forgot_password.link_text: Forgot password?
idv.forgot_password.modal_header: Are you sure you can’t remember your password?
idv.forgot_password.reset_password: Reset password
idv.forgot_password.try_again: Try again
  - If you forgot your password, you’ll need to reset it and fill out the form again.
  - You’ll have to re-enter your personal information, like your name, state‑issued ID, etc.
idv.form.address1: Address line 1
idv.form.address2: Address line 2
idv.form.city: City
idv.form.dob: Date of birth
idv.form.first_name: First name
idv.form.id_number: ID number
idv.form.issuing_state: Issuing state
idv.form.last_name: Last name
idv.form.password: Password
idv.form.ssn: Social Security number
idv.form.ssn_label: Social Security number
idv.form.state: State
idv.form.zipcode: ZIP Code
idv.gpo.address_accordion.body: 'We sent a letter with your verification code to:'
idv.gpo.address_accordion.cta_html: Not the right address? %{cta_link_html}
idv.gpo.address_accordion.cta_link: Clear your information and start over.
idv.gpo.address_accordion.title: Where was my letter sent?
idv.gpo.alert_rate_limit_warning_html: You can’t request more letters right now. Your previous letter request was on <strong>%{date_letter_was_sent}</strong>.
idv.gpo.did_not_receive_letter.form.instructions: If you have your letter, enter the 10-character code from the letter you received.
idv.gpo.did_not_receive_letter.intro_html: You last requested a letter on <strong>%{date_letter_was_sent}</strong>.
idv.gpo.did_not_receive_letter.request_a_new_letter_html: Request a new letter if it’s been over <strong>10 days</strong> since you last requested a letter or if your verification code has expired.
idv.gpo.did_not_receive_letter.title: Didn’t get your letter?
idv.gpo.form.otp_label: Verification code
idv.gpo.form.submit: Submit
idv.gpo.intro: Welcome back. Enter the 10-character code from the letter you received.
idv.gpo.last_letter_request_message_html: You last requested a letter on <strong>%{date_letter_was_sent}</strong>. If your letter hasn’t arrived yet, please be patient as letters take up to <strong>10 days</strong> to arrive. Thank you for your patience.
idv.gpo.request_another_letter.button: Request another letter
idv.gpo.request_another_letter.instructions_html: Request a new letter if you have issues with your current letter or it never arrived. Letters take <strong>5 to 10 days</strong> to arrive.
idv.gpo.request_another_letter.learn_more_link: Learn more about verifying your address by mail
idv.gpo.request_another_letter.title: Request another letter?
idv.gpo.return_to_profile: Return to your profile
idv.gpo.title: Enter your verification code
idv.gpo.will_send_to: 'We’ll mail a letter to:'
idv.images.come_back_later: Letter with a check mark
idv.messages.activated_html: Your identity has been verified. If you need to change your verified information, please %{link_html}.
idv.messages.activated_link: contact us
idv.messages.come_back_later_html: 'Letters take <strong>5 to 10 days</strong> to arrive. Sign back in to enter your verification code once you get your letter.'
idv.messages.confirm: We secured your verified information
idv.messages.enter_password.by_mail_password_reminder_html: '<strong>Remember your password.</strong> The verification code in your letter won’t work if you reset your password later.'
idv.messages.enter_password.message: '%{app_name} will encrypt your information with your password. This means that your information is secure and only you will be able to access or change it.'
idv.messages.enter_password.phone_verified: We verified your phone number
idv.messages.gpo.address_on_file: 'We’ll mail the letter to the address you verified earlier:'
idv.messages.gpo.another_letter_on_the_way: We are sending you another letter
idv.messages.gpo.info_alert: You’ll need to wait until your letter is delivered to finish verifying your identity.
idv.messages.gpo.learn_more_verify_by_mail: Learn more about verifying your address by mail
idv.messages.gpo.letter_on_the_way: We are sending you a letter
idv.messages.gpo.resend: Send me another letter
idv.messages.gpo.start_over_html: If this isn’t the right address, you’ll need to %{start_over_link_html}.
idv.messages.gpo.start_over_link_text: start over and verify with your new address
idv.messages.gpo.timeframe_html: You’ll get a letter with a <strong>verification code</strong> in <strong>5 to 10 days</strong>.
idv.messages.otp_delivery_method_description: If you entered a landline above, please select “Phone call” below.
idv.messages.phone.alert_html: '<strong>Enter a phone number that is:</strong>'
idv.messages.phone.description: We’ll check your number with records and send you a one-time code to verify your identity.
idv.messages.phone.failed_number.alert_text: We couldn’t match you to this number.
idv.messages.phone.failed_number.gpo_alert_html: Try <strong>another</strong> number or %{link_html}.
idv.messages.phone.failed_number.gpo_verify_link: verify by mail
idv.messages.phone.failed_number.try_again_html: Try <strong>another</strong> number.
  - Based in the United States
  - Your primary number (the one you use the most often)
idv.messages.return_to_profile: '‹ Return to your %{app_name} profile'
idv.messages.sessions.enter_password_message: When you re-enter your password, %{app_name} will protect the information you’ve given us, so that only you can access it.
idv.messages.sessions.no_pii: TEST SITE - Do not use real personal information (demo purposes only) - TEST SITE
idv.messages.verify_info: We read your information from your ID. Review it and make any updates before submitting for verification.
idv.messages.verifying: Verifying…
idv.titles.activated: Your identity has already been verified
idv.titles.come_back_later: Your letter is on the way
idv.titles.enter_password: Review and submit
idv.titles.mail.verify: Verify your address
idv.titles.session.enter_password: Re-enter your %{app_name} password
idv.titles.session.enter_password_letter: Re-enter your %{app_name} password to send your letter
idv.titles.unavailable: We are working to resolve an error
idv.troubleshooting.headings.need_assistance: 'Need immediate assistance? Here’s how to get help:'
idv.troubleshooting.options.contact_support: Contact %{app_name} Support
idv.troubleshooting.options.doc_capture_tips: Tips for taking clear photos of your ID
idv.troubleshooting.options.learn_more_verify_by_mail: Learn more about verifying your address by mail
idv.troubleshooting.options.learn_more_verify_by_phone: Learn more about what phone number to use
idv.troubleshooting.options.learn_more_verify_by_phone_in_person: Learn more about verifying your phone number
idv.troubleshooting.options.learn_more_verify_in_person: Learn more about verifying in person
idv.troubleshooting.options.supported_documents: Learn more about accepted IDs
idv.troubleshooting.options.verify_by_mail: Verify your address by mail instead
idv.unavailable.exit_button: Exit %{app_name}
idv.unavailable.idv_explanation.with_sp_html: '<strong>%{sp}</strong> needs to make sure you are you — not someone pretending to be you.'
idv.unavailable.idv_explanation.without_sp: The agency that you are trying to access needs to make sure you are you — not someone pretending to be you.
idv.unavailable.next_steps_html: '%{status_page_link_html} or exit %{app_name} and try again later.'
idv.unavailable.status_page_link: Get updates on our status page
idv.unavailable.technical_difficulties: Unfortunately, we are having technical difficulties and cannot verify your identity at this time.
idv.warning.sessions.heading: We couldn’t find records matching your personal information
idv.warning.state_id.cancel_button: Exit %{app_name}
idv.warning.state_id.explanation: Unfortunately, we’re experiencing technical difficulties with IDs from your state and are currently unable to verify your information.
idv.warning.state_id.heading: We are working to resolve an error
  - Try again now <strong>or</strong>
  - Exit %{app_name} and try again later
idv.warning.state_id.next_steps.preamble: 'You can:'
idv.warning.state_id.try_again_button: Try again
idv.welcome.no_js_header: You must enable JavaScript to verify your identity.
idv.welcome.no_js_intro: '%{sp_name} needs you to verify your identity. You need to enable JavaScript to continue this process.'
image_description.camera_mobile_phone: Camera flashing on a mobile phone
image_description.delete: Red trash can
image_description.error: Red error x
image_description.error_lock: Red error lock
image_description.info_pin_map: Image of a map pin
image_description.info_question: Blue question mark
image_description.laptop: Laptop computer
image_description.laptop_and_phone: Laptop and phone
image_description.personal_key: Personal key
image_description.phone_icon: Image of a phone
image_description.post_office: Post office
image_description.totp_qrcode: QR code for authenticator app
image_description.us_flag: US flag
image_description.warning: Yellow caution sign
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.cancel_link_text: Cancel your barcode
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.close_window: You may now close this window.
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.deadline: You must visit any participating Post Office by %{deadline}.
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.deadline_restart: If you go after this deadline, your information will not be saved and you will need to restart the process.
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.eipp_tag: GSA Enhanced Pilot Barcode
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.eipp_what_to_bring: 'Depending on your ID, you may need to show supporting documents. Review the following options carefully:'
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.email_sent: We have sent your barcode and the information below to the email you used to sign in
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.learn_more: Learn more about what to bring
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.location_details: Location details
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.questions: Questions?
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.retail_hours: Retail hours
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.retail_hours_closed: Closed
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.return_to_partner_html: You may now %{link_html} to complete any next steps you can access until your identity has been verified.
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.return_to_partner_link: sign out and return to %{sp_name}
in_person_proofing.body.barcode.what_to_expect: What to expect at the Post Office
in_person_proofing.body.cta.button: Try in person
in_person_proofing.body.cta.prompt_detail: You may be able to verify your identity at a participating Post Office near you.
in_person_proofing.body.expect.heading: What to expect after your visit
in_person_proofing.body.expect.info: We’ll send you an email to let you know if your identity verification was successful or unsuccessful within 24 hours of your visit to the Post Office.
in_person_proofing.body.location.distance.one: '%{count} mile away'
in_person_proofing.body.location.distance.other: '%{count} miles away'
in_person_proofing.body.location.heading: Post Office information
in_person_proofing.body.location.info: No appointment is needed to verify your identity. You can visit any participating Post Office location.
in_person_proofing.body.location.inline_error: Enter a valid address with city, state, and ZIP code
in_person_proofing.body.location.location_button: Select
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.address_label: Address
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.address_search_hint: 'Example: 1234 N Example St., Allentown, PA 12345'
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.address_search_label: Enter an address to find a Post Office near you.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.city_label: City
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.is_searching_message: Searching for Post Office locations…
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.none_found: Sorry, there are no participating Post Offices within 50 miles of %{address}
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.none_found_tip: You can search using a different address, or add photos of your ID to try and verify your identity online again.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.po_search_about: You can verify your identity in person at a local participating United States Post Office.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.results_description.one: There is one participating Post Office within 50 miles of %{address}.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.results_description.other: There are %{count} participating Post Offices within 50 miles of %{address}.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.results_instructions: Select a Post Office location below, or search again using a different address.
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.search_button: Search
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.state_label: State
in_person_proofing.body.location.po_search.zipcode_label: ZIP Code
in_person_proofing.body.location.retail_hours_heading: Retail Hours
in_person_proofing.body.location.retail_hours_sat: 'Sat:'
in_person_proofing.body.location.retail_hours_sun: 'Sun:'
in_person_proofing.body.location.retail_hours_weekday: 'Monday to Friday:'
in_person_proofing.body.location.selection: 'This is the location you selected:'
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.privacy_disclaimer: '%{app_name} is a secure, government website. We and the U.S. Postal Service use your data to verify your identity.'
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.privacy_disclaimer_link: Learn more about privacy and security.
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.privacy_disclaimer_questions: Questions?
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.verify_step_about: 'Complete the steps below to generate the barcode you’ll take with you to the Post Office:'
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.verify_step_enter_phone: Enter your primary phone number or the number that you use most often.
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.verify_step_enter_pii: Enter your name, date of birth, state‑issued ID number, address and Social Security number.
in_person_proofing.body.prepare.verify_step_post_office: Find a participating Post Office near you.
in_person_proofing.body.state_id.alert_message: 'Your state‑issued ID must not be expired. Accepted forms of ID are:'
  - State Driver’s License
  - State Non-Driver’s Identification Card
in_person_proofing.body.state_id.info_html: Enter information <strong>exactly as it appears on your state-issued ID.</strong> We will use this information to confirm it matches your ID in person.
in_person_proofing.body.state_id.learn_more_link: Learn more about accepted forms of ID.
in_person_proofing.body.state_id.questions: Questions?
in_person_proofing.form.address.errors.unsupported_chars: 'Our system cannot read the following characters: %{char_list}. Please try again using substitutes for those characters.'
in_person_proofing.form.address.state_prompt: '- Select -'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.address1: Address line 1
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.address1_hint: 'Example: 150 Calle A Apt 3'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.address2: Address line 2
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.address2_hint: 'Example: URB Las Gladiolas or COND Miraflor'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.city: City
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.date_hint.day: 'Example: 28'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.date_hint.month: 'Example: 4'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.date_hint.year: 'Example: 1986'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.dob: Date of birth
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.dob_hint: 'Example: 4 28 1986'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.errors.unsupported_chars: 'Our system cannot read the following characters: %{char_list}. Please try again using the characters on your ID.'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.first_name: First name
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.identity_doc_address_state: State
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.identity_doc_address_state_prompt: '- Select -'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.last_name: Last name
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.memorable_date.errors.date_of_birth.missing_month_day_year: Enter a date of birth
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.memorable_date.errors.date_of_birth.range_min_age: You must be over 13 years of age to use %{app_name}
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.memorable_date.errors.date_of_birth.range_overflow: Enter a date that is in the past
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.same_address_as_id: Do you currently live at the address listed on your state‑issued ID?
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.same_address_as_id_no: No, I live at a different address
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.same_address_as_id_yes: Yes, I live at the address on my state‑issued ID
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_jurisdiction: Issuing state
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_jurisdiction_hint: This is the state that issued your ID
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_jurisdiction_prompt: '- Select -'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number: ID number
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_florida_hint_html: This is the number on your ID with one letter and 12 numbers. Example:&nbsp;D123-456-78-901-2
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_hint: 'May include letters, numbers, and the following symbols:'
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_hint_asterisks: asterisks
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_hint_dashes: dashes
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_hint_forward_slashes: forward slashes
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_hint_spaces: spaces
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.state_id_number_texas_hint: This is the 8-digit number on your ID. Enter only numbers in this field.
in_person_proofing.form.state_id.zipcode: ZIP Code
in_person_proofing.headings.address: Enter your current residential address
in_person_proofing.headings.barcode: Show this barcode and your state‑issued ID at a Post Office to finish verifying your identity
in_person_proofing.headings.barcode_eipp: Bring this barcode and supporting documents to a Post Office to finish verifying your identity
in_person_proofing.headings.barcode_what_to_bring: What to bring to the Post Office
in_person_proofing.headings.cta: Try verifying your ID in person
in_person_proofing.headings.id_address: Address on your ID
in_person_proofing.headings.po_search.location: Find a participating Post Office
in_person_proofing.headings.prepare: Verify your identity in person
in_person_proofing.headings.state_id_milestone_2: Enter the information on your state‑issued ID
in_person_proofing.headings.switch_back: Switch back to your computer to prepare to verify your identity in person
in_person_proofing.headings.update_address: Update your current address
in_person_proofing.headings.update_state_id: Update the information on your ID
in_person_proofing.process.barcode.caption_label: Enrollment code
in_person_proofing.process.barcode.heading: Show your %{app_name} barcode
in_person_proofing.process.barcode.info: The retail associate needs to scan your barcode at the top of this page. You can print this page or show it on your mobile device.
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id_plus_documents.heading: 'Option 2: Bring a standard state-issued ID plus supporting documents'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id_plus_documents.info: 'You can present your standard driver’s license or state ID card, along with supporting documents from the following options A, B or C. You only need to pick ONE option:'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id_with_current_address.heading: A. REAL ID with current address
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id.heading: 'Option 1: Bring a REAL ID'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id.image_alt_text: Real ID
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_bring_id.info: 'If you present a REAL ID driver’s license or ID card and the address on it is your current address, you don’t need to show supporting documents.'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_military_id.heading: B. State-issued ID + military ID
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_military_id.image_alt_text: State ID and Military ID
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_military_id.info: 'Present a standard driver’s license or state ID card, along with a military ID.'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_passport.heading: A. State-issued ID + passport
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_passport.image_alt_text: State ID and passport
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_passport.info: 'Present a standard driver’s license or state ID card, along with a passport or passport card.'
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_supporting_docs.heading: C. State-issued ID + two supporting documents
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_supporting_docs.image_alt_text: State ID and two documents
in_person_proofing.process.eipp_state_id_supporting_docs.info: 'Present a standard driver’s license or state ID card, along with two supporting documents from this list:'
  - Lease
  - Mortgage
  - Deed of trust
  - Voters registration card
  - Vehicle registration card
  - Home insurance policy
  - Vehicle insurance policy
in_person_proofing.process.real_id_and_supporting_docs.heading: B. REAL ID + two supporting documents
in_person_proofing.process.real_id_and_supporting_docs.image_alt_text: REAL ID and two documents
in_person_proofing.process.real_id_and_supporting_docs.info: 'If the address on your REAL ID is not your current address, present a REAL ID, along with two supporting documents from this list:'
in_person_proofing.process.state_id.heading: Show your State Driver’s License or State Non-Driver’s Identification Card
in_person_proofing.process.state_id.heading_eipp: Show your ID and supporting documents
in_person_proofing.process.state_id.info: This must not be expired. We do not currently accept any other forms of identification, such as passports and military IDs.
in_person_proofing.process.state_id.info_eipp: The retail associate will scan your ID. This must not be expired. Depending on the type of ID that you present, you may need to show supporting documents. See the requirements in the “What to bring to the Post Office” section.
in_person_proofing.process.what_to_do.heading: Stand in any line
in_person_proofing.process.what_to_do.info: Tell the Post Office retail associate you are here to verify your identity with %{app_name}.
instructions.account.reactivate.begin: Let’s get started.
instructions.account.reactivate.explanation: 'When you created your account, we gave you a list of words and asked you to store them in a safe place. It looked similar to this:'
instructions.account.reactivate.intro: We take extra steps to keep your personal information secure and private, so resetting your password takes a little extra effort.
instructions.account.reactivate.modal.copy: If you don’t have your personal key, you will need to verify your identity again.
instructions.account.reactivate.modal.heading: Don’t have your personal key?
instructions.account.reactivate.with_key: Do you have your personal key?
instructions.forgot_password.close_window: You can close this browser window once you have reset your password.
instructions.go_back_to_mobile_app: To continue, please go back to the %{friendly_name} app and sign in.
instructions.mfa.authenticator.confirm_code_html: Enter the code from your authenticator app. If you have several accounts set up in your app, enter the code corresponding to %{app_name_html}.
instructions.mfa.authenticator.manual_entry: Or enter this code manually into your authentication app
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.account_not_found_html: '<p>%{sign_in} with your email address and password. Then insert your PIV/CAC into a smart card reader to add to your account.</p><p>Don’t have a %{app_name} account? %{create_account}</p>'
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.add_from_sign_in_html: '<strong>Instructions:</strong> Insert your PIV or CAC on <strong>“ADD PIV/CAC”</strong>. You’ll need to <strong>choose a certificate</strong> (the right one likely has your name of it) and <strong>enter your PIN</strong> (your PIN was created when you set up your PIV/CAC).'
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.already_associated_html: Please choose a certificate from a different PIV/CAC, contact your administrator to ensure your PIV/CAC is up to date. If you think this is an error, %{try_again_html}.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.back_to_sign_in: Go back to sign in
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.confirm_piv_cac: Insert your PIV/CAC that you associated with your account into a smart card reader.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.did_not_work_html: Please make sure your PIV/CAC is properly inserted into your smart card reader and %{please_try_again_html}. If this problem continues, contact your agency administrator.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.http_failure: The server took too long to respond. Please try again.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.no_certificate_html: Please make sure your PIV/CAC is properly inserted into your smart card reader and %{try_again_html}. If this problem continues, contact your agency administrator.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.not_auth_cert_html: The certificate you selected is invalid for this account. Please %{please_try_again_html} with a different certificate. If this problem continues, contact your agency administrator.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.please_try_again: try again
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.sign_in: Make sure you have a %{app_name} account and you’ve set up your Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) as a two-factor authentication method.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.step_1: Give it a nickname
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.step_1_info: If you add more than one PIV/CAC, you’ll know which one’s which.
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.step_2: Insert your PIV/CAC into your card reader
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.step_3: Add your PIV/CAC
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.step_3_info_html: You’ll need to <strong>choose a certificate</strong> (the right one likely has your name in it) and <strong>enter your PIN</strong> (your PIN was created when you set up your PIV/CAC).
instructions.mfa.piv_cac.try_again: try again
instructions.mfa.sms.number_message_html: We sent a text (SMS) with a one-time code to %{number_html}. This code will expire in %{expiration} minutes.
instructions.mfa.voice.number_message_html: We made a call with a one-time code to %{number_html}. This code will expire in %{expiration} minutes.
instructions.mfa.webauthn_platform.learn_more_help: Learn more about face or touch unlock
instructions.mfa.webauthn.confirm_webauthn: Present the security key that you associated with your account.
instructions.mfa.webauthn.confirm_webauthn_platform_html: '<p>You can authenticate the same way you unlock your device, whether it’s with your face or fingerprint, a password or another method. </p> <p>If you used a password manager to set up face or touch unlock, you can authenticate from any device that uses that password manager. Otherwise, use the same device where you set up face or touch unlock.</p>'
instructions.mfa.wrong_number: Entered the wrong phone number?
instructions.password.forgot: Don’t know your password? Reset it after confirming your email address.
instructions.password.help_text: Avoid reusing passwords from your other accounts, such as your banks, email and social media. Don’t include words from your email address.
instructions.password.help_text_header: Password safety tips
instructions.password.info.lead_html: Your password must be <strong> %{min_length} characters </strong> or longer. Don’t use common phrases or repeated characters, like abc or 111.
instructions.password.password_key: You need your 16-character personal key to reset your password if you verified your identity with this account. If you don’t have it, you can still reset your password and then reverify your identity.
instructions.password.strength.0: Very weak
instructions.password.strength.1: Weak
instructions.password.strength.2: Average
instructions.password.strength.3: Good
instructions.password.strength.4: Great
instructions.password.strength.intro: 'Password strength:'
instructions.sp_handoff_bounced: Your sign in was successful, but %{sp_name} sent you back to %{app_name}. Please contact %{sp_link} for help.
instructions.sp_handoff_bounced_with_no_sp: your service provider
links.accessibility_statement: Accessibility statement
links.account.reactivate.with_key: I have my key
links.account.reactivate.without_key: I don’t have my key
links.back_to_sp: Back to %{sp}
links.cancel: Cancel
links.cancel_account_creation: '‹ Cancel account creation'
links.contact: Contact
links.continue_sign_in: Continue sign in
links.create_account: Create an account
links.exit_login: Exit %{app_name}
links.go_back: Go back
links.help: Help
links.new_tab: '(opens new tab)'
links.passwords.forgot: Forgot your password?
links.privacy_policy: Privacy & security
links.resend: Resend
links.reverify: Please verify your identity again.
links.sign_in: Sign in
links.sign_out: Sign out
links.two_factor_authentication.send_another_code: Send another code
links.what_is_totp: What is an authentication app?
login_cancel.account_page: account page
login_cancel.bullet1_html: You won’t be able to use %{app_name} to access <strong>%{sp_name}</strong> until you share your information with them.
login_cancel.bullet2_html: You’ll still have a %{app_name} account which you can manage or delete on your %{link_html}.
login_cancel.exit: Exit %{app_name}
login_cancel.header: 'If you exit %{app_name} now:'
login_cancel.keep_going: No, keep going
mailer.about: About %{app_name}
mailer.email_reuse_notice.subject: This email address is already associated with an account.
mailer.help_html: If you need help, visit %{link_html}
mailer.logo: '%{app_name} logo'
mailer.no_reply: Please do not reply to this message.
mailer.privacy_policy: Privacy policy
mailer.sent_at: Sent at %{formatted_timestamp}
mfa.account_info: Adding another authentication method prevents you from getting locked out of your account if you lose one of your methods.
mfa.add: Add another method
mfa.info: Add an additional layer of protection to your %{app_name} account by selecting a multi-factor authentication method.
mfa.recommendation: We recommend you select at least two different options in case you lose one of your methods.
mfa.second_method_warning.link: Add a second authentication method.
mfa.second_method_warning.text: You will have to delete your account and start over if you lose your only authentication method.
mfa.skip: Skip for now
mfa.webauthn_platform_message: Add another authentication method in case you lose access to your first one.
notices.account_reactivation: Great! You have your personal key.
notices.authenticated_successfully: Authenticated successfully.
notices.backup_codes_configured: Backup codes were added to your account.
notices.backup_codes_deleted: Your backup codes were deleted from your account.
notices.dap_participation: We participate in the US government’s analytics program. See the data at analytics.usa.gov.
notices.forgot_password.first_paragraph_end: with a link to reset your password. Follow the link to continue resetting your password.
notices.forgot_password.first_paragraph_start: We sent an email to
notices.forgot_password.no_email_sent_explanation_start: Didn’t receive an email?
notices.forgot_password.resend_email_success: We sent another password reset email.
notices.password_changed: You changed your password.
notices.phone_confirmed: A phone was added to your account.
notices.piv_cac_configured: A government employee ID was added to your account.
notices.privacy.privacy_act_statement: Privacy Act Statement
notices.privacy.security_and_privacy_practices: Security Practices and Privacy Act Statement
notices.resend_confirmation_email.success: We sent another confirmation email.
notices.session_cleared: For your security, we clear what you entered if you don’t move to a new page within %{minutes} minutes.
notices.session_timedout: We signed you out. For your security, %{app_name} ends your session when you haven’t moved to a new page for %{minutes} minutes.
notices.sign_in.recaptcha.disclosure_statement_html: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google %{google_policy_link_html} and %{google_tos_link_html} apply.
notices.signed_up_and_confirmed.first_paragraph_end: with a link to confirm your email address. Follow the link to continue adding this email to your account.
notices.signed_up_and_confirmed.first_paragraph_start: We sent an email to
notices.signed_up_and_confirmed.no_email_sent_explanation_start: Didn’t receive an email?
notices.signed_up_but_unconfirmed.first_paragraph_end: with a link to confirm your email address. Follow the link to continue creating your account.
notices.signed_up_but_unconfirmed.first_paragraph_start: We sent an email to
notices.signed_up_but_unconfirmed.resend_confirmation_email: Resend the confirmation email
notices.timeout_warning.partially_signed_in.continue: Continue sign in
notices.timeout_warning.partially_signed_in.live_region_message_html: You will be signed out in %{time_left_in_session_html}. Select “keep me signed in” to stay logged in. Select “sign me out” to sign out.
notices.timeout_warning.partially_signed_in.message_html: For your security, in %{time_left_in_session_html} we will cancel your sign in.
notices.timeout_warning.partially_signed_in.sign_out: Cancel sign in
notices.timeout_warning.signed_in.continue: Keep me signed in
notices.timeout_warning.signed_in.live_region_message_html: You will be signed out in %{time_left_in_session_html}. Select “keep me signed in” to stay logged in. Select “sign me out” to sign out.
notices.timeout_warning.signed_in.message_html: For your security, we will sign you out in %{time_left_in_session_html} unless you tell us otherwise.
notices.timeout_warning.signed_in.sign_out: Sign me out
notices.totp_configured: An authentication app was added to your account.
notices.use_diff_email.link: use a different email address
notices.use_diff_email.text_html: Or, %{link_html}
notices.webauthn_configured: A security key was added to your account.
notices.webauthn_platform_configured: You used your device’s screen lock to add face or touch unlock to your account.
openid_connect.authorization.errors.bad_client_id: Bad client_id
openid_connect.authorization.errors.invalid_verified_within_duration.one: value must be at least %{count} day or older
openid_connect.authorization.errors.invalid_verified_within_duration.other: value must be at least %{count} days or older
openid_connect.authorization.errors.invalid_verified_within_format: Unrecognized format for verified_within
openid_connect.authorization.errors.missing_ial: Missing a valid IAL level
openid_connect.authorization.errors.no_auth: The acr_values are not authorized
openid_connect.authorization.errors.no_valid_acr_values: No acceptable acr_values found
openid_connect.authorization.errors.no_valid_scope: No valid scope values found
openid_connect.authorization.errors.no_valid_vtr: No acceptable vots found
openid_connect.authorization.errors.prompt_invalid: No valid prompt values found
openid_connect.authorization.errors.redirect_uri_invalid: redirect_uri is invalid
openid_connect.authorization.errors.redirect_uri_no_match: redirect_uri does not match registered redirect_uri
openid_connect.authorization.errors.unauthorized_scope: Unauthorized scope
openid_connect.logout.confirm: Yes, sign out of %{app_name}
openid_connect.logout.deny: No, go to my account page
openid_connect.logout.errors.client_id_invalid: client_id was not recognized
openid_connect.logout.errors.client_id_missing: client_id is missing
openid_connect.logout.errors.id_token_hint: id_token_hint was not recognized
openid_connect.logout.errors.id_token_hint_present: This application is misconfigured and should not be sending id_token_hint. Please send client_id instead.
openid_connect.logout.errors.no_client_id_or_id_token_hint: This application is misconfigured and must send either client_id or id_token_hint.
openid_connect.logout.heading: Do you want to sign out of %{app_name}?
openid_connect.logout.heading_with_sp: Do you want to sign out of %{app_name} and return to %{service_provider_name}?
openid_connect.token.errors.expired_code: is expired
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_aud: Invalid audience claim, expected %{url}
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_authentication: Client must authenticate via PKCE or private_key_jwt, missing either code_challenge or client_assertion
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_code: is invalid because doesn’t match any user. Please see our documentation at https://developers.login.gov/oidc/#token
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_code_verifier: code_verifier did not match code_challenge
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_iat: iat must be an integer or floating point Unix timestamp representing a time in the past
openid_connect.token.errors.invalid_signature: Could not validate assertion against any registered public keys
openid_connect.user_info.errors.malformed_authorization: Malformed Authorization header
openid_connect.user_info.errors.no_authorization: No Authorization header provided
openid_connect.user_info.errors.not_found: Could not find authorization for the contents of the provided access_token or it may have expired
pages.page_took_too_long.body: You might want to wait a few minutes and try again. (503)
pages.page_took_too_long.header: The server took too long to process your request.
report_mailer.deleted_accounts_report.issuers: Issuers
report_mailer.deleted_accounts_report.name: Name
report_mailer.deleted_accounts_report.subject: Deleted accounts report
risc.security_event.errors.alg_unsupported: unsupported algorithm, must be signed with %{expected_alg}
risc.security_event.errors.aud_invalid: invalid aud claim, expected %{url}
risc.security_event.errors.event_type_missing: missing event
risc.security_event.errors.event_type_unsupported: unsupported event type %{event_type}
risc.security_event.errors.exp_present: SET events must not have an exp claim
risc.security_event.errors.jti_not_unique: jti was not unique
risc.security_event.errors.jti_required: jti claim is required
risc.security_event.errors.jwt_could_not_parse: could not parse JWT
risc.security_event.errors.no_public_key: could not load public key for issuer
risc.security_event.errors.sub_not_found: invalid event.subject.sub claim
risc.security_event.errors.sub_unsupported: top-level sub claim is not accepted
risc.security_event.errors.subject_type_unsupported: subject_type must be %{expected_subject_type}
risc.security_event.errors.typ_error: typ header must be %{expected_typ}
saml_idp.auth.error.title: Error
saml_idp.shared.saml_post_binding.heading: Submit to continue
saml_idp.shared.saml_post_binding.no_js: JavaScript seems to be turned off in your browser. Normally this step happens automatically, but because you have JavaScript turned off, please click the submit button to continue signing in or signing out.
security_check_failed.contact: Contact %{app_name} support
security_check_failed.details: We don’t recognize the device or browser you’re signing in from.
security_check_failed.info_p1: 'Use the same device and browser you created your %{app_name} account with.'
security_check_failed.info_p2_html: Try <a href="%{piv_cac_url}">signing in with your government employee ID</a> if you are a government employee.
security_check_failed.info_p3: Turn off any VPN, ad blockers, and clear your cache.
security_check_failed.learn_more: Learn more about %{app_name}’s security checks
security_check_failed.title: Security check failed
service_providers.errors.generic_sp_name: This agency
service_providers.errors.inactive.button_text: View my %{app_name} account
service_providers.errors.inactive.heading: '%{sp_name} no longer uses %{app_name}'
service_providers.errors.inactive.instructions: '%{sp_name} no longer uses %{app_name} as a sign-in service for their website. If you already created a %{app_name} account, it is still active and can be used to access other participating government websites.'
service_providers.errors.inactive.instructions2: Please visit the agency’s website to contact them for more information.
shared.banner.fake_site: A DEMO website of the United States government
shared.banner.gov_description_html: A <strong>.gov</strong> website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.
shared.banner.gov_heading: Official websites use .gov
shared.banner.how: Here’s how you know
shared.banner.landmark_label: Official government website
shared.banner.lock_description: A locked padlock
shared.banner.official_site: An official website of the United States government
shared.banner.secure_description_html: A <strong>lock</strong> ( %{lock_icon} ) or <strong>https://</strong> means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
shared.banner.secure_heading: Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
shared.footer_lite.gsa: US General Services Administration
shared.skip_link: Skip to main content
sign_up.agree_and_continue: Agree and continue
sign_up.cancel.success: Your account has been deleted. We did not save your information.
sign_up.cancel.warning_header: 'If you cancel now:'
sign_up.completed.smiling_image_alt: A smiling person with a green checkmark indicating success
sign_up.terms: I read and accept the %{app_name}
simple_form.error_notification.default_message: 'Please review the problems below:'
simple_form.no: 'No'
simple_form.required.html: ''
simple_form.required.mark: ''
simple_form.required.text: This field is required
simple_form.yes: 'Yes'
step_indicator.accessible_label: Step progress
step_indicator.flows.idv.find_a_post_office: Find a Post Office
step_indicator.flows.idv.getting_started: Getting started
step_indicator.flows.idv.go_to_the_post_office: Go to the Post Office
step_indicator.flows.idv.re_enter_password: Re-enter your password
step_indicator.flows.idv.secure_account: Secure your account
step_indicator.flows.idv.verify_address: Verify your address
step_indicator.flows.idv.verify_id: Verify your ID
step_indicator.flows.idv.verify_info: Verify your information
step_indicator.flows.idv.verify_phone: Verify your phone number
step_indicator.status.complete: Completed
step_indicator.status.current: Current step
step_indicator.status.not_complete: Not completed
time.am: AM
time.formats.event_date: '%B %-d, %Y'
time.formats.event_time: '%-l:%M %p'
time.formats.event_timestamp: '%B %-d, %Y at %-l:%M %p'
time.formats.event_timestamp_js: '%{month} %{day}, %{year} at %{hour}:%{minute} %{day_period}'
time.formats.event_timestamp_utc: '%B %-d, %Y at %-l:%M %p UTC'
time.formats.event_timestamp_with_zone: '%B %-d, %Y at %-l:%M %p %Z'
time.formats.full_date: '%B %-d, %Y'
time.formats.sms_date: '%m/%d/%Y'
time.pm: PM
titles.account: Account
titles.account_locked: Account temporarily locked
titles.add_info.phone: Add a phone number
titles.backup_codes: Don’t lose your backup codes
titles.cancel_exit_login: Are you sure you want to cancel and exit %{app_name}?
titles.confirmations.delete: Please confirm
titles.confirmations.show: Choose a password
titles.doc_auth.address: Update your mailing address
titles.doc_auth.doc_capture: Add your ID
titles.doc_auth.hybrid_handoff: Verify your ID
titles.doc_auth.link_sent: Link sent
titles.doc_auth.processing_images: Processing your images
titles.doc_auth.ssn: Enter your Social Security number
titles.doc_auth.switch_back: Switch back to your computer
titles.doc_auth.verify: Verify your identity
titles.edit_info.email_language: Edit email language preference
titles.edit_info.password: Edit your password
titles.edit_info.phone: Edit your phone number
titles.enter_2fa_code.one_time_code: Enter the secure one-time code
titles.enter_2fa_code.security_code: Enter the secure one-time security code
titles.failure.information_not_verified: Personal information not verified
titles.failure.phone_verification: Phone number not verified
titles.forget_all_browsers: Forget all browsers
titles.idv.canceled: Identity verification is canceled
titles.idv.cancellation_prompt: Cancel identity verification
titles.idv.come_back_soon: Come back soon
titles.idv.enter_one_time_code: Enter your one-time code
titles.idv.enter_password: Re-enter your password
titles.idv.enter_password_letter: Re-enter your password to send your letter
titles.idv.get_letter: Get a letter
titles.idv.personal_key: Save your personal key
titles.idv.phone: Verify your phone number
titles.idv.reset_password: Reset Password
titles.idv.verify_info: Verify your information
titles.mfa_setup.face_touch_unlock_confirmation: Face or touch unlock added
titles.mfa_setup.suggest_second_mfa: You’ve added your first authentication method! Add a second method as a backup.
titles.no_auth_option: No sign-in method found
titles.openid_connect.authorization: OpenID Connect Authorization
titles.openid_connect.logout: OpenID Connect Logout
titles.passwords.change: Change the password for your account
titles.passwords.forgot: Reset password
titles.personal_key: Just in case
titles.piv_cac_login.add: Add your government employee ID
titles.piv_cac_login.new: Use your PIV/CAC to sign in to your account
titles.piv_cac_setup.new: Use your PIV/CAC card to secure your account
titles.piv_cac_setup.upsell: Add your government employee ID for a faster, more secure sign in
titles.present_piv_cac: Insert your government employee ID
titles.present_webauthn: Connect your hardware security key
titles.reactivate_account: Reactivate your account
titles.registrations.new: Create your account
titles.revoke_consent: Revoke Consent
titles.rules_of_use: Rules of Use
titles.select_email: Select your preferred email
titles.sign_up.completion_consent_expired_ial1: It’s been a year since you gave us consent to share your information
titles.sign_up.completion_consent_expired_ial2: It’s been a year since you gave us consent to share your verified identity
titles.sign_up.completion_first_sign_in: Continue to %{sp}
titles.sign_up.completion_ial2: Connect your verified information to %{sp}
titles.sign_up.completion_new_attributes: '%{sp} is requesting new information'
titles.sign_up.completion_new_sp: You are now signing in for the first time
titles.sign_up.completion_reverified_consent: Share your updated information with %{sp}
titles.sign_up.confirmation: Continue to sign in
titles.totp_setup.new: Add authentication app
titles.two_factor_setup: Two-factor authentication setup
titles.verify_email: Check your email
titles.visitors.index: Welcome
titles.webauthn_setup: Add your security key
two_factor_authentication.aal2_request.phishing_resistant_html: '<strong>%{sp_name}</strong> requires a high-security authentication method, such as face or touch unlock, a security key or a government employee ID.'
two_factor_authentication.aal2_request.piv_cac_only_html: '<strong>%{sp_name}</strong> requires your government employee ID, a high-security authentication method.'
two_factor_authentication.account_reset.cancel_link: Cancel your request
two_factor_authentication.account_reset.link: deleting your account
two_factor_authentication.account_reset.pending: You currently have a pending request to delete your account. It takes %{interval} from the time you made the request to complete the process. Please check back later.
two_factor_authentication.account_reset.successful_cancel: Thank you. Your request to delete your %{app_name} account has been canceled.
two_factor_authentication.account_reset.text_html: If you can’t use any of the authentication methods above, you can reset your preferences by %{link_html}.
two_factor_authentication.attempt_remaining_warning_html.one: You have <strong>%{count} attempt</strong> remaining.
two_factor_authentication.attempt_remaining_warning_html.other: You have <strong>%{count} attempts</strong> remaining.
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.change_nickname: Change nickname
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.delete: Delete this device
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.deleted: Successfully deleted an authentication app method
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.edit_heading: Manage your authentication app settings
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.manage_accessible_label: Manage authentication app
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.nickname: Nickname
two_factor_authentication.auth_app.renamed: Successfully renamed your authentication app method
two_factor_authentication.backup_code_header_text: Enter your backup code
two_factor_authentication.backup_code_prompt: You can use this backup code once. After you submit it, you’ll need to use a new backup code next time.
two_factor_authentication.backup_codes.instructions: If you don’t have access to another device, keep your backup codes safe. If you lose your backup codes, you won’t be able to sign into %{app_name}.
two_factor_authentication.backup_codes.warning_html: '<strong>You’ve only set up backup codes on your account. </strong>If you have access to another device, such as a phone, protect your account with another authentication method.'
two_factor_authentication.choose_another_option: '‹ Choose another authentication method'
  - '<strong>Backup codes are the least preferred authentication method</strong> because the codes can easily be lost. Try a safer option, like an authentication application or a security key.'
  - We’ll give you %{number_of_codes} codes that you can download, print, copy or write down. You’ll enter one code every time you sign in.
two_factor_authentication.confirm_backup_code_setup_title: Are you sure you want to use backup codes?
two_factor_authentication.form_legend: Choose your authentication methods
two_factor_authentication.header_text: Enter your one-time code
two_factor_authentication.important_alert_icon: important alert icon
two_factor_authentication.invalid_backup_code: That backup code is invalid.
two_factor_authentication.invalid_otp: That one-time code is invalid. Try again or request a new code.
two_factor_authentication.invalid_personal_key: That personal key is invalid.
two_factor_authentication.invalid_piv_cac: That PIV/CAC didn’t work. Make sure it’s the right PIV/CAC for this account. If it is, there may be a problem with your PIV/CAC, PIN, or something went wrong on our end. Try again or choose another authentication method.
two_factor_authentication.learn_more: Learn more about authentication options
two_factor_authentication.login_intro: You set these up when you created your account.
two_factor_authentication.login_intro_reauthentication: Before you can make changes to your account, we need to make sure it’s really you by using one of your authentication methods.
two_factor_authentication.login_options_link_text: Choose another authentication method
two_factor_authentication.login_options_reauthentication_title: Reauthentication required
two_factor_authentication.login_options_title: Select your authentication method
two_factor_authentication.login_options.auth_app: Authentication app
two_factor_authentication.login_options.auth_app_info: Use your authentication application to get a security code.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.backup_code: Backup codes
two_factor_authentication.login_options.backup_code_info: Use a backup code from your list of backup codes to sign in.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.personal_key: Personal Key
two_factor_authentication.login_options.personal_key_info: Use the 16 character personal key you received at account creation.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.piv_cac: Government employee ID
two_factor_authentication.login_options.piv_cac_info: Use your PIV/CAC card instead of a security code.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.sms: Text message
two_factor_authentication.login_options.sms_info_html: Get one-time code via text message to <strong>%{phone}</strong>.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.voice: Automated phone call
two_factor_authentication.login_options.voice_info_html: Get one-time code via phone call to <strong>%{phone}</strong> (North America phone numbers only).
two_factor_authentication.login_options.webauthn: Security key
two_factor_authentication.login_options.webauthn_info: Use your security key to access your account.
two_factor_authentication.login_options.webauthn_platform: Face or touch unlock
two_factor_authentication.login_options.webauthn_platform_info: Use your face or fingerprint to access your account without a one-time code.
two_factor_authentication.max_backup_code_login_attempts_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked because you have entered the backup code incorrectly too many times.
two_factor_authentication.max_generic_login_attempts_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked.
two_factor_authentication.max_otp_login_attempts_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked because you have entered the one-time code incorrectly too many times.
two_factor_authentication.max_otp_requests_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked because you have requested a one-time code too many times.
two_factor_authentication.max_personal_key_login_attempts_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked because you have entered the personal key incorrectly too many times.
two_factor_authentication.max_piv_cac_login_attempts_reached: For your security, your account is temporarily locked because you have presented your piv/cac credential incorrectly too many times.
two_factor_authentication.mobile_terms_of_service: Mobile terms of service
two_factor_authentication.no_auth_option: No authentication option could be found for you to sign in.
two_factor_authentication.opt_in.error_retry: Sorry, we are having trouble opting you in. Please try again.
two_factor_authentication.opt_in.opted_out_html: You’ve opted out of receiving text messages at %{phone_number_html}. You can opt in and receive a security code again to that phone number.
two_factor_authentication.opt_in.opted_out_last_30d_html: You’ve opted out of receiving text messages at %{phone_number_html} within the last 30 days. We can only opt in a phone number once every 30 days.
two_factor_authentication.opt_in.title: We could not send a security code to your phone number
two_factor_authentication.opt_in.wait_30d_opt_in: After 30 days, you can opt in and receive a security code to that phone number.
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.instruction: You can change this anytime. If you use a landline number, select “Phone call.”
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.landline_warning_html: The phone number entered appears to be a <strong>landline phone</strong>. Request a one-time code by %{phone_setup_path} instead.
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.no_supported_options: We are unable to verify phone numbers from %{location}
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.phone_call: phone call
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.sms: Text message (SMS)
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.sms_unsupported: We are unable to send text messages to phone numbers in %{location}.
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.title: How you’ll get your code
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.voice: Phone call
two_factor_authentication.otp_delivery_preference.voice_unsupported: We are unable to call phone numbers in %{location}.
two_factor_authentication.otp_make_default_number.instruction: Send one-time codes to this number by default.
two_factor_authentication.otp_make_default_number.label: Default phone number
two_factor_authentication.otp_make_default_number.one_number_instruction: You must have more than one phone number added to select a default phone number.
two_factor_authentication.otp_make_default_number.one_number_title: This is your default number
two_factor_authentication.otp_make_default_number.title: Make this your default phone number?
two_factor_authentication.personal_key_header_text: Enter your personal key
two_factor_authentication.personal_key_prompt: You can use this personal key once. After you enter it, you’ll be provided a new key.
two_factor_authentication.phone_fee_disclosure: Message and data rates may apply.
two_factor_authentication.phone_info: We’ll send you a one-time code each time you sign in.
two_factor_authentication.phone_label: Phone number
two_factor_authentication.phone_verification.troubleshooting.change_number: Use another phone number
two_factor_authentication.phone_verification.troubleshooting.code_not_received: I didn’t receive my one-time code
two_factor_authentication.phone.delete.failure: Unable to remove your phone.
two_factor_authentication.phone.delete.success: Your phone has been removed.
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_header_text: Insert your government employee ID
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_upsell.add_piv: Add PIV/CAC card
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_upsell.choose_other_method: Choose other methods instead
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_upsell.explain: This will improve your account security and let you skip entering your email and password when signing in.
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_upsell.recommendation: If your employer issued you a PIV/CAC, we recommend adding it as one of your authentication methods.
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac_upsell.skip: Skip
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.change_nickname: Change nickname
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.delete: Delete this method
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.deleted: Successfully deleted a PIV/CAC method
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.edit_heading: Manage your PIV/CAC settings
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.manage_accessible_label: Manage PIV/CAC
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.nickname: Nickname
two_factor_authentication.piv_cac.renamed: Successfully renamed your PIV/CAC method
two_factor_authentication.please_try_again_html: Please try again in <strong>%{countdown}</strong>.
two_factor_authentication.read_about_two_factor_authentication: Read about two-factor authentication
two_factor_authentication.recaptcha.disclosure_statement_html: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google %{google_policy_link_html} and %{google_tos_link_html} apply. Read %{app_name}’s %{login_tos_link_html}.
two_factor_authentication.recaptcha.google_policy_link: Privacy Policy
two_factor_authentication.recaptcha.google_tos_link: Terms of Service
two_factor_authentication.recaptcha.login_tos_link: Mobile Terms of Use
two_factor_authentication.recommended: Recommended
two_factor_authentication.totp_header_text: Enter your authentication app code
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_aal3_choice: Additional authentication required
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_aal3_choice_intro: This app requires a higher level of security. You need to verify your identity using a physical device such as a security key or government employee ID (PIV or CAC) to access your information.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice: Authentication method setup
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.auth_app: Authentication application
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.auth_app_info: Download or use an authentication app of your choice to generate secure codes.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.backup_code: Backup codes
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.backup_code_info: A list of %{count} codes you can print or save to your device. Because backup codes are easy to lose, choose this option only as a last resort.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.configurations_added.one: '%{count} added'
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.configurations_added.other: '%{count} added'
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.no_count_configuration_added: Added
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.phone: Text or voice message
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.phone_info: Receive a secure code by (SMS) text or phone call.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.phone_info_no_voip: Do not use web-based (VOIP) phone services or premium rate (toll) phone numbers.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.piv_cac: Government employee ID
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.piv_cac_info: PIV/CAC cards for government and military employees. Desktop only.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.webauthn: Security key
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.webauthn_info: Connect your physical security key to your device. You won’t need to enter a code.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.webauthn_platform: Face or touch unlock
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_choice_options.webauthn_platform_info: Use your face or fingerprint to access your account without a one-time code.
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_hspd12_choice: Additional authentication required
two_factor_authentication.two_factor_hspd12_choice_intro: This app requires a higher level of security. You need to verify your identity using a government employee ID (PIV/CAC) to access your information.
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_authenticating: Authenticating your credentials…
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.additional_methods_link: choose another authentication method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.connect_html: We were unable to connect the security key. Please try again or %{link_html}.
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.screen_lock_no_other_mfa: We couldn’t authenticate with face or touch unlock. Try signing in on the device where you first set up face or touch unlock.
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.screen_lock_other_mfa_html: We couldn’t authenticate with face or touch unlock. %{link_html}, or try signing in on the device where you first set up face or touch unlock.
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.try_again: Face or touch unlock was unsuccessful. Please try again or %{link}.
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_error.use_a_different_method: Use a different authentication method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_header_text: Connect your security key
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform_header_text: Use face or touch unlock
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform_use_key: Use screen unlock
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.change_nickname: Change nickname
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.delete: Delete this device
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.deleted: Successfully deleted a face or touch unlock method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.edit_heading: Manage your face or touch unlock settings
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.manage_accessible_label: Manage face or touch unlock
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.nickname: Nickname
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_platform.renamed: Successfully renamed your face or touch unlock method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.change_nickname: Change nickname
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.delete: Delete this device
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.deleted: Successfully deleted a security key method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.edit_heading: Manage your security key settings
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.manage_accessible_label: Manage security key
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.nickname: Nickname
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_roaming.renamed: Successfully renamed your security key method
two_factor_authentication.webauthn_use_key: Use security key
user_authorization_confirmation.continue: Continue
user_authorization_confirmation.currently_logged_in: 'You are already signed in with the following email:'
user_authorization_confirmation.or: Or
user_authorization_confirmation.sign_in: Switch emails
user_mailer.account_reinstated.subject: Your account is unlocked
user_mailer.account_reinstated.we_have_finished_reviewing: We have finished reviewing your %{app_name} account and you can now log back in with your account information.
user_mailer.account_rejected.intro: We couldn’t verify your identity with %{app_name}. Please contact the agency whose service you are trying to access.
user_mailer.account_rejected.subject: We couldn’t verify your identity
user_mailer.account_reset_cancel.intro_html: This email confirms you have canceled your request to delete your %{app_name_html} account.
user_mailer.account_reset_cancel.subject: Request canceled
user_mailer.account_reset_complete.intro_html: This email confirms you have deleted your %{app_name_html} account.
user_mailer.account_reset_complete.subject: Account deleted
user_mailer.account_reset_granted.button: Confirm account deletion
user_mailer.account_reset_granted.cancel_link_text: please cancel
user_mailer.account_reset_granted.help_html: If you don’t want to delete your account, %{cancel_account_reset_html}.
user_mailer.account_reset_granted.intro_html: Your waiting period of %{waiting_period} has ended. Please complete step 2 of the process.<br><br> If you’ve been unable to locate your authentication methods, select “confirm account deletion” to delete your %{app_name} account.<br><br> In the future, if you need to access participating government websites who use %{app_name}, you can create a new %{app_name} account using the same email address after your account is deleted.<br><br>
user_mailer.account_reset_granted.subject: Delete your %{app_name} account
user_mailer.account_reset_request.cancel: Don’t want to delete your account? Sign in to your %{app_name} account to cancel.
user_mailer.account_reset_request.header: Your account will be deleted in %{interval}
user_mailer.account_reset_request.intro_html: 'As a security measure, %{app_name} requires a two-step process to delete your account:<br><br> Step One: There is a waiting period of %{waiting_period} if you have lost access to your authentication methods and need to delete your account. If you locate your authentication methods, you can sign in to your %{app_name} account to cancel this request.<br><br> Step Two: After the waiting period of %{waiting_period}, you will receive an email that will ask you to confirm the deletion of your %{app_name} account. Your account will not be deleted until you confirm.'
user_mailer.account_reset_request.subject: How to delete your %{app_name} account
user_mailer.account_verified.change_password_link: change your password
user_mailer.account_verified.contact_link: contact %{app_name} support
user_mailer.account_verified.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.account_verified.intro: You successfully verified your identity on %{date}.
user_mailer.account_verified.next_sign_in.with_sp.with_cta: Next, click the button or copy the link below to access %{sp_name} and sign in.
user_mailer.account_verified.next_sign_in.with_sp.without_cta: You can now sign in from %{sp_name}’s website.
user_mailer.account_verified.next_sign_in.without_sp: Next, click the button or copy the link below to sign in to %{app_name}.
user_mailer.account_verified.sign_in: Sign in
user_mailer.account_verified.subject: You successfully verified your identity with %{app_name}
user_mailer.account_verified.warning_contact_us_html: If you did not attempt to verify your identity, please sign in to %{change_password_link_html}. To report this, %{contact_link_html}.
user_mailer.add_email_associated_with_another_account.help_html: If you did not request a new email or suspect an error, please visit the %{app_name_html} %{help_link_html} or %{contact_link_html}.
user_mailer.add_email_associated_with_another_account.intro_html: This email address is already associated with a %{app_name_html} account, so we can’t add it to another account. You must first delete or remove it from the account it is associated with. To do this, follow the link below and sign in with this email address. If you are not trying to add this email address to an account, you can ignore this message.
user_mailer.add_email_associated_with_another_account.link_text: Go to %{app_name}
user_mailer.add_email_associated_with_another_account.reset_password_html: If you can’t remember your password, go to %{app_name_html} to reset it.
user_mailer.add_email.footer: This link will expire in %{confirmation_period}.
user_mailer.add_email.header: Thanks for adding an email. Please click the link below or copy and paste the entire link into your browser.
user_mailer.add_email.subject: Confirm your email
user_mailer.contact_link_text: contact us
user_mailer.email_added.header: A new email address was added to your %{app_name} profile.
user_mailer.email_added.help: If you did not make this change, sign in to your profile and manage your email addresses. We recommend that you also change your password.
user_mailer.email_added.subject: New email address added
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.first_sentence.confirmed: Trying to change your email address?
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.first_sentence.unconfirmed: Thanks for submitting your email address.
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.footer: This link will expire in %{confirmation_period}.
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.header: '%{intro} Please click the link below or copy and paste the entire link into your browser.'
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.link_text: Confirm email address
user_mailer.email_confirmation_instructions.subject: Confirm your email
user_mailer.email_deleted.header: An email address was deleted from your %{app_name} profile.
user_mailer.email_deleted.help_html: If you did not want to delete this email address, please visit the %{app_name_html} %{help_link_html} or %{contact_link_html}.
user_mailer.email_deleted.subject: Email address deleted
user_mailer.help_link_text: Help Center
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.cta.callout: Click the button below to get started.
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.cta.label: Take our survey
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.intent: We want to hear about your experience verifying your identity in person at the Post Office.
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.privacy_html: Your answers to this survey will be protected according to the following <a href="%{url}">privacy and security standards</a>.
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.request_description: Fill out a short, anonymous survey and we’ll use your input to help us get better at serving your needs.
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.body.thanks: Thanks for using %{app_name}.
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.header: Take a minute to tell us how we did
user_mailer.in_person_completion_survey.subject: Tell us about your recent experience with %{app_name}
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.body.canceled: The deadline to verify your identity in person has passed and we automatically canceled your request in order to protect your personal data.
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.body.cta: Start over
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.body.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.body.restart: You can start a new request to verify your identity with %{partner_agency}.
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.header: The deadline to verify your identity in person has passed
user_mailer.in_person_deadline_passed.subject: Your request to verify your identity in person has expired
user_mailer.in_person_failed_suspected_fraud.body.help_center_html: If you need further help, you can <a href="%{help_center_url}">visit our Help Center</a> or reach out to the agency you are trying to access.
user_mailer.in_person_failed_suspected_fraud.body.intro: We understand that you were attempting to verify your identity through %{app_name}, however your identity could not be verified at the %{location} Post Office on %{date}.
user_mailer.in_person_failed_suspected_fraud.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.in_person_failed_suspected_fraud.subject: Your identity could not be verified in person
user_mailer.in_person_failed.body.with_cta: Click the button or copy the link below to try verifying your identity again through %{sp_or_app_name}. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact the agency you are trying to access.
user_mailer.in_person_failed.body.without_cta: Please try verifying your identity again from %{sp_name}’s website. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact the agency you are trying to access.
user_mailer.in_person_failed.intro: Your identity could not be verified at the %{location} Post Office on %{date}.
user_mailer.in_person_failed.subject: Your identity could not be verified in person
user_mailer.in_person_failed.verifying_identity: 'When verifying your identity:'
user_mailer.in_person_failed.verifying_step_not_expired: Your state‑issued ID or driver’s license must not be expired. We do not currently accept any other forms of identification, such as passports and military IDs.
user_mailer.in_person_please_call.body.contact_message_html: Call <strong>%{contact_number}</strong> and provide them with the error code <strong>%{support_code}</strong>.
user_mailer.in_person_please_call.body.intro_html: Call our contact center by <strong>%{date}</strong> to continue verifying your identity.
user_mailer.in_person_please_call.header: Please give us a call
user_mailer.in_person_please_call.subject: Call %{app_name} to continue with your identity verification
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.heading.one: You have %{count} day left to verify your identity in person
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.heading.other: You have %{count} days left to verify your identity in person
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.intro: Don’t miss the chance to verify your identity at your local Post Office. Complete this step to access %{sp_name}.
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.subject.one: Verify your identity at a Post Office in the next day
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify_reminder.subject.other: Verify your identity at a Post Office in the next %{count} days
user_mailer.in_person_ready_to_verify.subject: You’re ready to verify your identity with %{app_name} in person
user_mailer.in_person_verified.greeting: Hello,
user_mailer.in_person_verified.intro: You successfully verified your identity at the %{location} Post Office on %{date}.
user_mailer.in_person_verified.next_sign_in.with_sp.with_cta: Next, click the button or copy the link below to access %{sp_name} and sign in.
user_mailer.in_person_verified.next_sign_in.with_sp.without_cta: You can now sign in from %{sp_name}’s website.
user_mailer.in_person_verified.next_sign_in.without_sp: Next, click the button or copy the link below to sign in to %{app_name}.
user_mailer.in_person_verified.sign_in: Sign in
user_mailer.in_person_verified.subject: You successfully verified your identity with %{app_name}
user_mailer.in_person_verified.warning_contact_us_html: If you did not attempt to verify your identity in person, please sign in to <a href="%{reset_password_url}">reset your password</a>. To report this, <a href="%{contact_us_url}">contact %{app_name} support</a>.
user_mailer.letter_reminder_14_days.body_html: '<p>You requested a letter with a verification code on <strong>%{date_letter_was_sent}</strong>.</p><p>Sign back in to %{app_name} and enter the verification code to finish verifying your identity. %{help_link}.</p>'
user_mailer.letter_reminder_14_days.did_not_get_a_letter_html: If you didn’t get this letter, %{another_letter_link_html}.
user_mailer.letter_reminder_14_days.finish: Finish verifying your identity
user_mailer.letter_reminder_14_days.sign_in_and_request_another_letter: sign in to request another letter
user_mailer.letter_reminder_14_days.subject: Finish verifying your identity
user_mailer.letter_reminder.info_html: The letter you are about to receive will contain a verification code that helps us verify your address. You can complete the identity verification process by signing into %{link_html} and entering the verification code.
user_mailer.letter_reminder.subject: We mailed a letter to the address you have on file
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.authentication_methods: authentication methods
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.info_p1: Your %{app_name} email and password were used to sign-in and authenticate on a new device.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.info_p2: If you recognize this activity, you don’t need to do anything.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.info_p3_html: If this wasn’t you, %{reset_password_link_html} and change your %{authentication_methods_link_html} immediately.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.reset_password: reset your password
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_after_2fa.subject: New sign-in and authentication with your %{app_name} account
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_attempts.events.sign_in_after_2fa: Authenticated
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_attempts.events.sign_in_before_2fa: Signed in with password
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_attempts.events.sign_in_unsuccessful_2fa: Failed to authenticate
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_attempts.new_sign_in_from: New sign-in potentially located in %{location}
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.info_p1_html.one: Your %{app_name} email and password were used to sign in from a new device but <strong>failed to authenticate</strong>.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.info_p1_html.other: Your %{app_name} email and password were used to sign in from a new device but <strong>failed to authenticate %{count} times</strong>.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.info_p1_html.zero: Your %{app_name} email and password were used to sign in from a new device but <strong>failed to authenticate</strong>.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.info_p2: If you recognize this activity, you don’t need to do anything.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.info_p3_html: Two-factor authentication protects your account from unauthorized access. If this wasn’t you, %{reset_password_link_html} immediately.
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.reset_password: reset your password
user_mailer.new_device_sign_in_before_2fa.subject: New sign-in with your %{app_name} account
user_mailer.password_changed.disavowal_link: reset your password
user_mailer.password_changed.help_html: If you did not make this change, %{disavowal_link_html}. For more help, please visit the %{app_name_html} %{help_link_html} or %{contact_link_html}.
user_mailer.password_changed.intro_html: You have a new password for your %{app_name_html} account.
user_mailer.personal_key_regenerated.help_html: <p>Your %{app_name} account was just issued a new 16-character personal key. You’re getting this email to make sure it was you.</p><p>If you just signed in and reset your personal key, great! There’s nothing you need to do.</p><p>If you did not just reset your personal key, or if you’re not sure, please immediately take these steps to secure your account:<ol><li><strong><a href="%{reset_password_url}">Change your password</a>.</strong> Choose a password that you haven’t already used with this account.</li><li><strong><a href="%{account_url}">Sign in to your %{app_name} account</a></strong> and make sure you recognize all of the information on your account page, including the methods you use for two-factor authentication, such as phone number, authentication app, or security key.</li><li><strong>On your <a href="%{account_url}">%{app_name} account page</a>, request a new personal key.</strong> Remember, never share it unless you are using it to sign into a trusted website that uses %{app_name}.</li></ol></p><br>Thanks,<br>The %{app_name} team
user_mailer.personal_key_regenerated.intro: New personal key issued
user_mailer.personal_key_regenerated.subject: Account Security Alert
user_mailer.personal_key_sign_in.help_html: <p>Your %{app_name} account was just signed into using your 16-character personal key. You’re getting this email to make sure it was you.</p> <p>If you just signed in using your personal key, great! There’s nothing you need to do.</p><p>If you did not sign in with a personal key, or if you’re not sure, please immediately take these steps to secure your account:<ol><li><strong><a href="%{reset_password_url}">Change your password</a>.</strong> Choose a password that you haven’t already used with this account.</li><li><strong><a href="%{account_url}">Sign in to your %{app_name} account</a></strong> and make sure you recognize all of the information on your account page, including the methods you use for two-factor authentication, such as phone number, authentication app, or security key.</li><li><strong>On your <a href="%{account_url}">%{app_name} account page</a>, request a new personal key.</strong> Remember, never share it unless you are using it to sign into a trusted website that uses %{app_name}.</li></ol></p> <br>Thanks,<br>The %{app_name} team
user_mailer.personal_key_sign_in.intro: Personal key used to sign in
user_mailer.personal_key_sign_in.subject: Account Security Alert
user_mailer.phone_added.disavowal_link: reset your password
user_mailer.phone_added.help_html: If you did not make this change, sign in to your profile and manage your phone numbers. We also recommend that you %{disavowal_link_html}.
user_mailer.phone_added.intro: A new phone number was added to your %{app_name} profile.
user_mailer.phone_added.subject: New phone number added
user_mailer.please_reset_password.call_to_action: 'As a precaution, we’ve disabled your password to keep your information safe. Please follow the steps below to reset your password and secure your account:'
user_mailer.please_reset_password.intro: We’ve detected unusual activity on your %{app_name} account. We are concerned someone other than you may be trying to access your information.
user_mailer.please_reset_password.learn_more_link_text: Learn more about your options
user_mailer.please_reset_password.reminder_html: As a reminder, <strong>%{app_name} will never ask for your login credentials by phone or email</strong>. You can take additional steps to secure your account by enabling two-factor authentication.
user_mailer.please_reset_password.step_1: Visit the %{app_name} website and select sign in
user_mailer.please_reset_password.step_2: Select “forgot your password?” at the bottom of the page
user_mailer.please_reset_password.step_3: Follow the instructions to reset your password
user_mailer.please_reset_password.subject: Unusual activity — reset your %{app_name} password
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.footer: This link expires in %{expires} hours.
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.gpo_letter_description: If you reset your password, the verification code in your letter will no longer work and you’ll have to verify your identity again.
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.gpo_letter_header: Your letter is on the way
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.header: To finish resetting your password, please click the link below or copy and paste the entire link into your browser.
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.link_text: Reset your password
user_mailer.reset_password_instructions.subject: Reset your password
user_mailer.signup_with_your_email.help_html: If you did not request a new account or suspect an error, please visit the %{app_name_html} %{help_link_html} or %{contact_link_html}.
user_mailer.signup_with_your_email.intro_html: This email address is already associated with a %{app_name_html} account, so we can’t use it to create a new account. To sign in with your existing account, follow the link below. If you are not trying to sign in with this email address, you can ignore this message.
user_mailer.signup_with_your_email.link_text: Go to %{app_name}
user_mailer.signup_with_your_email.reset_password_html: If you can’t remember your password, go to %{app_name_html} to reset it.
user_mailer.suspended_create_account.message: There was an issue creating your %{app_name} account with this email address. Please give our contact center a call at %{contact_number} and provide this code - %{support_code}.
user_mailer.suspended_create_account.subject: We can’t create your account
user_mailer.suspended_reset_password.message: There was an issue resetting your password. Please give our contact center a call at %{contact_number} and provide this code - %{support_code}.
user_mailer.suspended_reset_password.subject: We couldn’t reset your password
user_mailer.suspension_confirmed.contact_agency: Please contact the agency whose service you are trying to access.
user_mailer.suspension_confirmed.remain_locked: We have completed our review of your %{app_name} account and your account will remain locked.
user_mailer.suspension_confirmed.subject: Your account is locked
users.delete.actions.cancel: Back to profile
users.delete.actions.delete: Delete account
users.delete.bullet_1: You won’t have a %{app_name} account
users.delete.bullet_2_basic: We’ll delete your email address, password, and phone number
users.delete.bullet_2_verified: '%{app_name} will delete your email address, password, phone number, name, address, date of birth and Social Security number from our system.'
users.delete.bullet_3: You won’t be able to securely access your information using %{app_name}.
users.delete.bullet_4: We will notify the agencies you access with %{app_name} that you no longer have an account
users.delete.heading: Are you sure you want to delete your account?
users.delete.instructions: Enter your password to confirm that you want to delete your account.
users.delete.subheading: 'If you delete your account:'
users.password_compromised.warning: We found your password in a data breach on another site or app. %{app_name} requires you to change your password to protect your account.
users.personal_key.accessible_labels.code_example: A personal key example with 16 characters
users.personal_key.accessible_labels.preview: Personal key preview
users.personal_key.confirmation_error: You’ve entered an incorrect personal key.
users.personal_key.generated_on_html: Your personal key was generated on %{date_html}
users.phones.error_message: You’ve added the maximum number of phone numbers.
users.rules_of_use.check_box_to_accept: Check this box to accept the %{app_name}
users.rules_of_use.details_html: |-
  <div class="bold margin-bottom-1">Rules of Use:</div>
  <li>Explain how the %{app_name} service works and what you can expect from it,</li>
  <li>The terms under which we provide the %{app_name} service to you,</li>
  <li>How we use your information and your rights to that information, and</li>
  <li>The conditions you agree to when you take certain actions on the %{app_name} service.</li>
users.rules_of_use.overview_html: We’ve updated our %{link_html}. Please review and check the box below to continue.
users.second_mfa_reminder.add_method: Add an authentication method
users.second_mfa_reminder.continue: Continue to %{sp_name}
users.second_mfa_reminder.description: Your account only has a single authentication method. Avoid being locked out of your account by adding another authentication method.
users.second_mfa_reminder.heading: Improve your account security
users.suspended_sign_in_account.contact_details: We couldn’t sign you in. Please call our contact center at %{contact_number}.
users.suspended_sign_in_account.error_details: Please provide the error code %{error_code}.
users.suspended_sign_in_account.heading: Please give us a call
valid_email.validations.email.invalid: Email address is not valid
vendor_outage.alerts.phone.default: We cannot verify phones at this time. Please use another authentication method if you have one, or try again later.
vendor_outage.alerts.phone.idv: We cannot verify phones at this time. Please try again later or verify your address by mail instead.
vendor_outage.alerts.pinpoint.idv.header: We are working to resolve an error
vendor_outage.alerts.pinpoint.idv.message_html: '%{sp_name_html} needs to make sure you are you — not someone pretending to be you.'
  - Continue now and verify by mail, which takes <strong>5 to 10 days</strong>.
  - Exit %{app_name} and try again later.
vendor_outage.alerts.pinpoint.idv.options_prompt: 'You can:'
vendor_outage.alerts.pinpoint.idv.status_page_html: Unfortunately, we’re having technical difficulties right now. %{link_html} to learn when the error is resolved.
vendor_outage.alerts.pinpoint.idv.status_page_link: Get updates on our status page
vendor_outage.alerts.sms.default: We cannot send text messages (SMS) at this time. You can get a code by phone call, or choose another authentication method if you have one.
vendor_outage.alerts.sms.idv: We cannot send text messages (SMS) at this time. You can get a code by phone call, or verify your address by mail instead.
vendor_outage.alerts.voice.default: We cannot send phone calls at this time. You can get a code by text message (SMS), or choose another authentication method if you have one.
vendor_outage.alerts.voice.idv: We cannot send phone calls at this time. You can get a code by text message (SMS), or verify your address by mail instead.
vendor_outage.blocked.idv.generic: We are having technical difficulties on our end and cannot verify your identity at this time. Please try again later.
vendor_outage.blocked.phone.default: We cannot verify phones at this time. Please try again later.
vendor_outage.get_updates: Get updates
vendor_outage.get_updates_on_status_page: Get updates on our status page
vendor_outage.working: We are working to resolve an error
zxcvbn.feedback.a_word_by_itself_is_easy_to_guess: A word by itself is easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.add_another_word_or_two_uncommon_words_are_better: Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better
zxcvbn.feedback.all_uppercase_is_almost_as_easy_to_guess_as_all_lowercase: All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase
zxcvbn.feedback.avoid_dates_and_years_that_are_associated_with_you: Avoid dates and years that are associated with you
zxcvbn.feedback.avoid_recent_years: Avoid recent years
zxcvbn.feedback.avoid_repeated_words_and_characters: Avoid repeated words and characters
zxcvbn.feedback.avoid_sequences: Avoid sequences
zxcvbn.feedback.avoid_years_that_are_associated_with_you: Avoid years that are associated with you
zxcvbn.feedback.capitalization_doesnt_help_very_much: Capitalization doesn’t help very much
zxcvbn.feedback.common_names_and_surnames_are_easy_to_guess: Common names and surnames are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.dates_are_often_easy_to_guess: Dates are often easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.for_a_stronger_password_use_a_few_words_separated_by_spaces_but_avoid_common_phrases: For a stronger password, use a few words separated by spaces, but avoid common phrases
zxcvbn.feedback.names_and_surnames_by_themselves_are_easy_to_guess: Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.no_need_for_symbols_digits_or_uppercase_letters: No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters
zxcvbn.feedback.predictable_substitutions_like__instead_of_a_dont_help_very_much: Predictable substitutions like ‘@’ instead of ‘a’ don’t help very much
zxcvbn.feedback.recent_years_are_easy_to_guess: Recent years are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.repeats_like_aaa_are_easy_to_guess: Repeats like “aaa” are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.repeats_like_abcabcabc_are_only_slightly_harder_to_guess_than_abc: Repeats like “abcabcabc” are only slightly harder to guess than “abc”
zxcvbn.feedback.reversed_words_arent_much_harder_to_guess: Reversed words aren’t much harder to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.sequences_like_abc_or_6543_are_easy_to_guess: Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.short_keyboard_patterns_are_easy_to_guess: Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.straight_rows_of_keys_are_easy_to_guess: Straight rows of keys are easy to guess
zxcvbn.feedback.there_is_no_need_for_symbols_digits_or_uppercase_letters: There is no need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters
zxcvbn.feedback.this_is_a_top_10_common_password: This is a top-10 common password
zxcvbn.feedback.this_is_a_top_100_common_password: This is a top-100 common password
zxcvbn.feedback.this_is_a_very_common_password: This is a very common password
zxcvbn.feedback.this_is_similar_to_a_commonly_used_password: This is similar to a commonly used password
zxcvbn.feedback.use_a_few_words_avoid_common_phrases: Use a few words, avoid common phrases
zxcvbn.feedback.use_a_longer_keyboard_pattern_with_more_turns: Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns