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# Upgrade and A/B test Acuant SDK

Instructions to upgrade the Acuant JavaScript Web SDK, which the identity-idp app uses for identity document image capture.
* [§ Watch SDK versions](#watch-sdk-versions)
* [§ Add new SDK files](#add-new-sdk-files)
* [§ Turn on A/B testing](#turn-on-ab-testing)
* [§ Monitor A/B testing](#monitor-ab-testing)
* [§ Switch versions](#switch-versions)

## Watch SDK versions

New versions come from [this Acuant repo](https://github.com/Acuant/JavascriptWebSDKV11). To determine if we need an upgrade, compare the [latest release](https://github.com/Acuant/JavascriptWebSDKV11/releases) version number to the latest in our [`/public/acuant`](/public/acuant) directory.

Someone on the team should watch the current version so we know when to upgrade. Team members can sign up for notifications of new versions at **Watch → Custom → Releases** in the Acuant repo.

## Add new SDK files

Steps in this section add new, tested SDK files to the repo. They do not activate a new version of the SDK; they simply put it in place.

You will need:
* a mobile phone with a camera (Android or iPhone or both)
* a USB cable that plugs into the phone
* your state ID, or a substitute wallet-sized card


1. From the terminal, run `make download_acuant_sdk`. This command will place the most recent Acuant SDK files in a directory under [`/public/acuant`](/public/acuant) named for the version you downloaded. The name will be similar to `/public/acuant/11.N.N`. It should exist alongside a few previous versions.

2. This would be a good time to create a new Git branch, if you haven't done so already, and to commit the new version-numbered directory and its new SDK files.

3. Next, we must test the new SDK version. We will switch it on by setting our local default version of the Acuant SDK to our new version. Open the `/config/application.yml` file in your local repo. Set the `idv_acuant_sdk_version_default` key to the new version number. Create the key if it does not yet exist. The result will look like:
      idv_acuant_sdk_version_default: '11.N.N' # new version

4. Follow [these instructions to use the app from your mobile phone](mobile.md). Complete both the "Use the app from a mobile device" section, which lets you view the app from your phone, and the "Debugging with the desktop browser" section, which hooks your desktop/laptop browser debugging tools to your phone via USB cable.

5. With your phone plugged into your computer via USB cable, and with your computer's browser debugging tools set to inspect a browser tab on your phone, navigate on your phone to the app's document capture page. This is the page that asks you to photograph your state ID card.

6. Inspect the `Sources` of the page. Expand the local IP address from which you are serving the page. You should see a folder with a version number in the name, like `acuant/11.N.N`. Check that the version here is the new one — the version you noted in step 1. This screenshot shows where the version number appears in Chrome:


7. Assuming the version is correct and you have it set in your `application.yml`, you are ready to test it.

    1. See below for a sample chart of what you might want to test.

    | device  | chrome | firefox | safari | manual capture | sdk capture | upload |
    | ios     |        |         |        |                |             |        |
    | android |        |   N/A   |   N/A  |                |             |        |

    1. Look at the [Testing Considerations](#testing-considerations) for other ideas on what you might want to test.
    1. Here is a sample plan:
        - For each combination of devices and browsers above:
            1. Locally go to `/test/oidc/login` and choose `facial match`
            1. First test document capture
                1. On your phone, tap to photograph your state ID card
                1. Point the camera at the card
                1. Ensure the SDK finds the edges of the card and captures an image. Normally the SDK will put a yellowish box over the card to show where it believes the edges are
            1. Then test selfie capture. Make sure you see:
                1. an outline for the face
                1. hint text when your face is not aligned (like - "Too close to the frame" and "Face not found")
                1. make sure you're able to take a picture of yourself that is then saved and displayed on the `verify/document_capture` page
            1. Follow through until your identity is verified
            1. Go to the next device / browser combination

8. After you have photographed the front and back of your card, you have tested the SDK locally. You do not need to submit the images. If you have both an Android and an iPhone, test the SDK with both of them. (Or, pair with someone who has the other type of phone.)

9. If you are running into errors testing locally, you can try:
    - making sure the new files in `public/acuant/11.N.N` match what's in the `webSdk` directory [in Acuant's repo](https://github.com/Acuant/JavascriptWebSDKV11/tree/master/webSdk) for the new version
        - if they don't match, try looking at our [`download_acuant_sdk` script](../scripts/download_acuant_sdk.sh) and see if more files need to be copied over
        - there may be some we don't need (as of 3/20/2024 we don't need `AcuantCamera.js`, for instance)

10. Open a pull request for the modified SDK files. The next process &mdash; A/B testing the new version &mdash; can only take place after the files are accepted into the main branch.

## Turn on A/B testing

After you have added the new SDK files per [the above instructions](#add-new-sdk-files), and after those new files have been merged into the main Git branch and deployed, you may A/B test the new Acuant SDK version.

👥 Consider pairing with someone. There is a lot to monitor; you could use another set of eyes.

You may want to first A/B test in staging. These instructions show how to A/B test in production.

You will need:
* the AWS prod-power role ([request access](https://github.com/18F/identity-devops/issues/new?assignees=&labels=administration&template=onboarding-devops-prod.md&title=Onboarding+to+Production+for+%5BTEAM_MEMBER%5D))
* a YubiKey ([setup](https://github.com/18F/identity-devops/wiki/Setting-Up-your-Login.gov-Infrastructure-Configuration#configuring-a-yubikey-as-a-virtual-mfa-device))
* a GFE computer


1. In identity-devops, run the command:

    aws-vault exec prod-power -- bin/app-s3-secret --env prod --app idp --edit

    The command downloads a configuration file and opens an editor so you can modify it.

2. Start a Slack thread in `#login-appdev` notifying people that you are going to recycle prod. An example message:
   > ♻ prod IdP to update Acuant SDK

3. Make the file look like this:

    idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_enabled: true
    idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_percent: 50 # ignored
    idv_acuant_sdk_version_alternate: 11.M.M       # previous
    idv_acuant_sdk_version_default: 11.N.N         # newest
    Set the default to the new SDK version and the alternate to the old version. (That way, the new version is in place if the A/B testing goes well.)
   **Note**: For testing in `staging`, `idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_enabled` can be set to `false` like following to test the new SDK version:
   idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_enabled: false
   idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_percent: 50 # ignored
   idv_acuant_sdk_version_alternate: 11.M.M       # previous
   idv_acuant_sdk_version_default: 11.N.N         # newest
   The testing phase should continue until we have accumulated sufficient traffic.
4. Save the file. If the file opened in the vi editor, use `:wq` to save. A diff of your changes will appear. Copy the diff and paste it into the Slack thread. Type `y` to accept the changes.

5. Recycle the servers [with these Handbook instructions](https://handbook.login.gov/articles/appdev-deploy.html#production). This will involve:
    * recycling server instances (which will double the instances into a 50/50 mix of old and new)
    * monitoring that new instances come up (using `ls-servers`)
    * checking NewRelic for errors
    * in production only: removing old servers, taking us back out of the 50/50 state

6. While you monitor the recycle, manually check the document capture page in the environment you are deploying to. Ensure the SDK loads and can capture images.

Monitoring the A/B test begins now. Proceed to the next section.

## Testing Considerations
Manual testing should be performed to cover the following with verification *Success* or *Failure*:
  * Camera permission prompt is shown
  * Instruction text for taking ID and selfie
  * Countdown while capturing
  * Auto-capture mode
* Camera permissions
  * Prompt is shown upon the first time opening the SDK
  * Tapping 'Decline' shows error message on the 'Add photos' page
  * Opening the SDK again shows the same prompt

Operating systems: 
  * iOS
  * Android

  * Chrome
  * Firefox
  * Safari

Capture methods:
  * SDK
  * Upload
  * Native camera capture

## Monitor A/B testing

Per the handbook, above, you should monitor the server instances as they come online and manually verify image capture still works.

For 3 days, monitor the A/B test with this [AWS CloudWatch Acuant upgrade dashboard](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-west-2#dashboards:name=js-acuant-upgrade).


In this screenshot from the dashboard, the pie chart on the right shows a newer version of the SDK approaching 50% of document capture requests as A/B testing kicks in. The chart on the left shows that the newer version of the SDK is responsible for a proportionately lesser share of document capture failures, indicating that the new version is likely an improvement on the old.

If the new version of the SDK is performing well for a few days of A/B testing, it is time to cut over 100% of traffic to the new version per the next section.

## Switch versions

When the test is concluded, for better or for worse, you'll want to end A/B testing, leaving only one SDK version. The procedure is the same as the above procedure to [turn on A/B testing](#turn-on-ab-testing) with one exception:

#### ✅ If the test went well

The only line in the configuration file that needs to be changed is this:

idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_enabled: false

This switches A/B testing off. The new, desired SDK version should already be set in the `idv_acuant_sdk_version_default` field, so it should not need to be changed. Double-check that this number is correct.

#### ❌ If the test went poorly

If the new version under A/B testing is performing poorly, you may want to end the test, returning to the *old* SDK version. Hence, you should set the default back to the version you want. Edit these two lines of the configuration file:

idv_acuant_sdk_upgrade_a_b_testing_enabled: false
idv_acuant_sdk_version_default: 11.M.M # old version you are returning to

#### 🔄 In either case
Save the configuration file, recycle, and monitor the recycle just as you did when you turned A/B testing on. This is covered in the [Deployment instructions in the Handbook](https://handbook.login.gov/articles/appdev-deploy.html#production).

Monitor the return to a single SDK version with the [AWS CloudWatch Acuant upgrade dashboard](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-west-2#dashboards:name=js-acuant-upgrade).

### Cleanup

After successful A/B testing clears us to move to a new version of the Acuant SDK:

1. We want to remove the oldest SDK version from our repository. In the [`/public/acuant/`](/public/acuant/) directory, there should be three versions. We only want to keep the newer two. Delete the directory containing the oldest of the three versions.

2. We also want to update the SDK version in the app's [`/config/application.yml.default`](/config/application.yml.default) file. This governs the SDK version that will be used by any environment &mdash; including one's local dev environment &mdash; when no explicit value is set to override it. Modify the file to look something like this:

    idv_acuant_sdk_version_alternate: 11.M.M # previous
    idv_acuant_sdk_version_default: 11.N.N   # newest
3. We also need to grep the codebase for any outstanding references to the old version. Examples will likely include test files and React component default parameters. You can replace these strings with the new version. 

    git grep 11.M.M # previous

4. Create a pull request to move these changes to the main branch.