# frozen_string_literal: true require 'csv'begin require 'reporting/cloudwatch_client' require 'reporting/cloudwatch_query_quoting' require 'reporting/command_line_options'rescue LoadError => e warn 'could not load paths, try running with "bundle exec rails runner"' raise eend module Reporting class IdentityVerificationReport include Reporting::CloudwatchQueryQuoting attr_reader :issuers, :time_range module Events IDV_DOC_AUTH_WELCOME = 'IdV: doc auth welcome visited' IDV_DOC_AUTH_WELCOME_SUBMITTED = 'IdV: doc auth welcome submitted' IDV_DOC_AUTH_GETTING_STARTED = 'IdV: doc auth getting_started visited' IDV_DOC_AUTH_IMAGE_UPLOAD = 'IdV: doc auth image upload vendor submitted' IDV_DOC_AUTH_VERIFY_RESULTS = 'IdV: doc auth verify proofing results' IDV_PHONE_FINDER_RESULTS = 'IdV: phone confirmation vendor' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION = 'IdV: final resolution' GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED = 'IdV: enter verify by mail code submitted' GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED_OLD = 'IdV: GPO verification submitted' USPS_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_UPDATED = 'GetUspsProofingResultsJob: Enrollment status updated' FRAUD_REVIEW_PASSED = 'Fraud: Profile review passed' FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_AUTOMATIC = 'Fraud: Automatic Fraud Rejection' FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_MANUAL = 'Fraud: Profile review rejected' def self.all_events { |c| const_get(c) } end end module Results # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_VERIFIED = 'IdV: final resolution - Verified' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_FRAUD_REVIEW = 'IdV: final resolution - Fraud Review Pending' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO = 'IdV: final resolution - GPO Pending' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_FRAUD_REVIEW = 'Idv: final resolution - GPO Pending + Fraud Review Pending' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON = 'IdV: final resolution - In Person Proofing' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW = 'IdV: final resolution - In Person Proofing + Fraud Review Pending' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON = 'IdV: final resolution - GPO Pending + In Person Pending' IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW = 'IdV: final resolution - GPO Pending + In Person Pending + Fraud Review' IDV_REJECT_DOC_AUTH = 'IdV Reject: Doc Auth' IDV_REJECT_VERIFY = 'IdV Reject: Verify' IDV_REJECT_PHONE_FINDER = 'IdV Reject: Phone Finder' # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength end # Because historically fraud-related events were not tagged with SP data, # we need pull these out-of-band events *even if* the are marked as # pending fraud review. This allows us to attribute untagged fraud-related # events (by matching on user_id). We filter these events for counting # purposes, though. EVENTS_TO_IGNORE_IF_FRAUD_REVIEW_PENDING = [ Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED, Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED_OLD, Events::USPS_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_UPDATED, ].to_set.freeze # @param [Array<String>] issuers # @param [Range<Time>] date def initialize( issuers:, time_range:, verbose: false, progress: false, slice: 3.hours, threads: 5, data: nil, cloudwatch_client: nil ) @issuers = issuers @time_range = time_range @verbose = verbose @progress = progress @slice = slice @threads = threads @data = data @cloudwatch_client = cloudwatch_client end def verbose? @verbose end def progress? @progress end def identity_verification_emailable_report subtitle: 'Identity Verification Metrics', table: as_csv, filename: 'identity_verification_metrics', ) end # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength def as_csv csv = [] csv << ['Report Timeframe', "#{time_range.begin} to #{time_range.end}"] # This needs to be so it works when run on the command line csv << ['Report Generated',] # rubocop:disable Rails/Date csv << ['Issuer', issuers.join(', ')] if issuers.present? csv << [] csv << ['Metric', '# of Users'] csv << [] csv << ['IDV started', idv_started] csv << ['Welcome Submitted', idv_doc_auth_welcome_submitted] csv << ['Image Submitted', idv_doc_auth_image_vendor_submitted] csv << [] csv << ['Workflow completed', idv_final_resolution] csv << ['Workflow completed - With Phone Number', idv_final_resolution_verified] csv << ['Workflow completed - With Phone Number - Fraud Review', idv_final_resolution_fraud_review] csv << ['Workflow completed - GPO Pending', idv_final_resolution_gpo] csv << ['Workflow completed - GPO Pending - Fraud Review', idv_final_resolution_gpo_fraud_review] csv << ['Workflow completed - In-Person Pending', idv_final_resolution_in_person] csv << ['Workflow completed - In-Person Pending - Fraud Review', idv_final_resolution_in_person_fraud_review] csv << ['Workflow completed - GPO + In-Person Pending', idv_final_resolution_gpo_in_person] csv << ['Workflow completed - GPO + In-Person Pending - Fraud Review', idv_final_resolution_gpo_in_person_fraud_review] csv << [] csv << ['Fraud review rejected', idv_fraud_rejected] csv << ['Successfully Verified', successfully_verified_users] csv << ['Successfully Verified - With phone number', idv_final_resolution_verified] csv << ['Successfully Verified - With mailed code', gpo_verification_submitted] csv << ['Successfully Verified - In Person', usps_enrollment_status_updated] csv << ['Successfully Verified - Passed fraud review', fraud_review_passed] csv << ['Blanket Proofing Rate (IDV Started to Successfully Verified)', blanket_proofing_rate] csv << ['Intent Proofing Rate (Welcome Submitted to Successfully Verified)', intent_proofing_rate] csv << ['Actual Proofing Rate (Image Submitted to Successfully Verified)', actual_proofing_rate] csv << ['Industry Proofing Rate (Verified minus IDV Rejected)', industry_proofing_rate] end # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength def to_csv CSV.generate do |csv| as_csv.each do |row| csv << row end end end # @param [Reporting::IdentityVerificationReport] other # @return [Reporting::IdentityVerificationReport] def merge(other) issuers: (Array(issuers) + Array(other.issuers)).uniq, time_range: [time_range.begin, other.time_range.begin].min, [time_range.end, other.time_range.end].max, ), data: data.merge( do |_event, old_user_ids, new_user_ids| old_user_ids + new_user_ids end, ) end def blanket_proofing_rate successfully_verified_users.to_f / idv_started end def intent_proofing_rate successfully_verified_users.to_f / idv_doc_auth_welcome_submitted end def actual_proofing_rate successfully_verified_users.to_f / idv_doc_auth_image_vendor_submitted end def industry_proofing_rate successfully_verified_users.to_f / (successfully_verified_users + idv_doc_auth_rejected) end def idv_final_resolution data[Events::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION].count end def idv_final_resolution_verified data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_VERIFIED].count end def idv_final_resolution_fraud_review data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_FRAUD_REVIEW].count end def idv_final_resolution_gpo data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO].count end def idv_final_resolution_gpo_fraud_review data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_FRAUD_REVIEW].count end def idv_final_resolution_in_person data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON].count end def idv_final_resolution_in_person_fraud_review data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW].count end def idv_final_resolution_gpo_in_person data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON].count end def idv_final_resolution_gpo_in_person_fraud_review data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW].count end def idv_final_resolution_rate idv_final_resolution.to_f / idv_started end def gpo_verification_submitted @gpo_verification_submitted ||= ( data[Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED] + data[Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED_OLD]).count end def usps_enrollment_status_updated data[Events::USPS_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_UPDATED].count end def passed_fraud_review_users # Fraud review events may not be tagged with the issuer. # When we are filtering by SP, we only count fraud review events where # there is another event for the user in the data that _is_ tagged # with the issuer. users = data[Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_PASSED] return users if issuers.nil? || issuers.empty? users_with_events_for_any_issuer = issuers.each_with_object( do |issuer, accumulated_users| accumulated_users.merge(data[sp_key(issuer)]) end users & users_with_events_for_any_issuer end def did_not_pass_fraud_review_users result = ( data[Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_AUTOMATIC] + data[Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_MANUAL] ) issuers&.each do |issuer| users_with_events_for_issuer = data[sp_key(issuer)] result &= users_with_events_for_issuer end result end def successfully_verified_users @successfully_verified_users ||= ( data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_VERIFIED] + data[Events::USPS_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_UPDATED] + passed_fraud_review_users + data[Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED] + data[Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED_OLD] ).count end def idv_started @idv_started ||= (data[Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_WELCOME] + data[Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_GETTING_STARTED]).count end def idv_doc_auth_image_vendor_submitted data[Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_IMAGE_UPLOAD].count end def idv_doc_auth_welcome_submitted data[Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_WELCOME_SUBMITTED].count end def idv_doc_auth_rejected @idv_doc_auth_rejected ||= ( data[Results::IDV_REJECT_DOC_AUTH] + data[Results::IDV_REJECT_VERIFY] + data[Results::IDV_REJECT_PHONE_FINDER] - data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_VERIFIED] - data[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON] ).count end def idv_fraud_rejected did_not_pass_fraud_review_users.count end def fraud_review_passed passed_fraud_review_users.count end def verified_user_count @verified_user_count ||= Reports::BaseReport.transaction_with_timeout do Profile.where(active: true).where('verified_at <= ?', time_range.end.end_of_day).count end end # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength # Turns query results into a hash keyed by event name, values are a count of unique users # for that event # @return [Hash<Set<String>>] def data @data ||= begin users = do |h, event_name| h[event_name] = end # IDEA: maybe there's a block form if this we can do that yields results as it loads them # to go slightly faster fetch_results.each do |row| event = row['name'] user_id = row['user_id'] success = row['success'] gpo_verification_pending = row['gpo_verification_pending'] == '1' in_person_verification_pending = row['in_person_verification_pending'] == '1' fraud_review_pending = row['fraud_review_pending'] == '1' ignore_event_for_user = fraud_review_pending && EVENTS_TO_IGNORE_IF_FRAUD_REVIEW_PENDING.include?(event) users[event] << user_id unless ignore_event_for_user users[sp_key(row['service_provider'])] << user_id if row['service_provider'].present? case event when Events::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_VERIFIED] << user_id if row['identity_verified'] == '1' if !gpo_verification_pending && !in_person_verification_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_FRAUD_REVIEW] << user_id if fraud_review_pending elsif gpo_verification_pending && !in_person_verification_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO] << user_id if !fraud_review_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_FRAUD_REVIEW] << user_id if fraud_review_pending elsif !gpo_verification_pending && in_person_verification_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON] << user_id if !fraud_review_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW] << user_id if fraud_review_pending elsif gpo_verification_pending && in_person_verification_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON] << user_id if !fraud_review_pending users[Results::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION_GPO_IN_PERSON_FRAUD_REVIEW] << user_id if fraud_review_pending end when Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_IMAGE_UPLOAD users[Results::IDV_REJECT_DOC_AUTH] << user_id if row['doc_auth_failed_non_fraud'] == '1' when Events::IDV_DOC_AUTH_VERIFY_RESULTS users[Results::IDV_REJECT_VERIFY] << user_id if success == '0' when Events::IDV_PHONE_FINDER_RESULTS users[Results::IDV_REJECT_PHONE_FINDER] << user_id if success == '0' end end users end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength def fetch_results cloudwatch_client.fetch(query:, from: time_range.begin, to: time_range.end) end def query params = { issuers: issuers.present? && quote(issuers), event_names: quote(Events.all_events), usps_enrollment_status_updated: quote(Events::USPS_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_UPDATED), gpo_verification_submitted: quote( [ Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED, Events::GPO_VERIFICATION_SUBMITTED_OLD, ], ), idv_final_resolution: quote(Events::IDV_FINAL_RESOLUTION), fraud_review_passed: quote(Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_PASSED), fraud_event_names: quote( [ Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_PASSED, Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_AUTOMATIC, Events::FRAUD_REVIEW_REJECT_MANUAL, ], ), normalized_fraud_review_pending: "(#{[ # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength 'coalesce(properties.event_properties.fraud_review_pending, 0)', # NOTE: fraud_pending_reason is present on 'IdV: final resolution' events. For GPO / IPP, # it will be set but the fraud_review_pending flag will be set to 0. # To calculate the 'Workflow completed - GPO Pending - Fraud Review' stat, we # must consider this independently of fraud_review_pending. '!isblank(properties.event_properties.fraud_pending_reason)', 'coalesce(properties.event_properties.fraud_check_failed, 0)', 'coalesce((ispresent(properties.event_properties.tmx_status) and properties.event_properties.tmx_status in ["threatmetrix_review", "threatmetrix_reject"]), 0)', # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength ].join(" OR ")})", } format(<<~QUERY, params) fields name , properties.user_id AS user_id , coalesce(properties.event_properties.success, 0) AS success , coalesce(properties.service_provider, properties.event_properties.issuer) AS service_provider | filter name in %{event_names} | filter (name = %{usps_enrollment_status_updated} and properties.event_properties.passed = 1) or (name != %{usps_enrollment_status_updated}) | filter (name in %{gpo_verification_submitted} and properties.event_properties.success = 1 and !properties.event_properties.pending_in_person_enrollment) or (name not in %{gpo_verification_submitted}) | filter (name = %{fraud_review_passed} and properties.event_properties.success = 1) or (name != %{fraud_review_passed}) #{issuers.present? ? '| filter service_provider IN %{issuers} OR name IN %{fraud_event_names}' : ''} | fields %{normalized_fraud_review_pending} AS fraud_review_pending , coalesce(properties.event_properties.gpo_verification_pending, 0) AS gpo_verification_pending , coalesce(properties.event_properties.in_person_verification_pending, 0) AS in_person_verification_pending , ispresent(properties.event_properties.deactivation_reason) AS has_other_deactivation_reason , properties.event_properties.success = '0' AND properties.event_properties.doc_auth_result NOT IN ['Failed', 'Attention'] AS doc_auth_failed_non_fraud | fields !fraud_review_pending and !gpo_verification_pending and !in_person_verification_pending and !has_other_deactivation_reason AS identity_verified | limit 10000 QUERY end def cloudwatch_client @cloudwatch_client ||= num_threads: @threads, ensure_complete_logs: true, slice_interval: @slice, progress: progress?, logger: verbose? ? : nil, ) end def sp_key(issuer) "sp:#{issuer}" end endend # rubocop:disable Rails/Outputif __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME options =!(ARGV, require_issuer: false) puts**options).to_csvend# rubocop:enable Rails/Output