# frozen_string_literal: true require 'csv'begin require 'reporting/cloudwatch_client' require 'reporting/cloudwatch_query_quoting' require 'reporting/command_line_options'rescue LoadError => e warn 'could not load paths, try running with "bundle exec rails runner"' raise eend module Reporting class MfaReport include Reporting::CloudwatchQueryQuoting attr_reader :issuers, :time_range EVENT = 'Multi-Factor Authentication' # @param [Array<String>] issuers # @param [Range<Time>] time_range def initialize( issuers:, time_range:, verbose: false, progress: false, slice:, threads: 10 ) @issuers = issuers @time_range = time_range @verbose = verbose @progress = progress @slice = slice @threads = threads end def verbose? @verbose end def progress? @progress end def as_tables [ overview_table, multi_factor_auth_table, ] end def as_emailable_reports [ title: 'Overview', table: overview_table, ), title: 'Multi Factor Authentication Metrics', table: multi_factor_auth_table, ), ] end def to_csvs do |table| CSV.generate do |csv| table.each do |row| csv << row end end end end # @return Array<Hash> def data @data ||= begin fetch_results end end def fetch_results cloudwatch_client.fetch(query:, from: time_range.begin, to: time_range.end) end def query params = { issuers: quote(issuers), event: quote(EVENT), } format(<<~QUERY, params) fields properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'backup_code' as backup_code, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'voice' as voice, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'webauthn' as webauthn, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'webauthn_platform' as webauthn_platform, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'personal-key' as personal_key, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'totp' as totp, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'piv_cac' as piv_cac, properties.event_properties.multi_factor_auth_method = 'sms' as sms | filter properties.service_provider IN %{issuers} | filter name = %{event} AND NOT properties.event_properties.confirmation_for_add_phone AND properties.event_properties.context != 'reauthentication' | filter properties.event_properties.success = '1' | stats sum(backup_code) as `backup_code_total`, sum(voice) as `voice_total`, sum(webauthn) as `webauthn_total`, sum(webauthn_platform) as `webauthn_platform_total`, sum(personal_key) as `personal_key_total`, sum(totp) as `totp_total`, sum(piv_cac) as `piv_cac_total`, sum(sms) as `sms_total` QUERY end def cloudwatch_client @cloudwatch_client ||= num_threads: @threads, ensure_complete_logs: false, slice_interval: @slice, progress: progress?, logger: verbose? ? : nil, ) end def overview_table [ ['Report Timeframe', "#{time_range.begin} to #{time_range.end}"], # This needs to be so it works when run on the command line ['Report Generated',], # rubocop:disable Rails/Date ['Issuer', issuers.join(', ')], ] end def totals(key) data.reduce(0) { |sum, slice| slice[key].to_i + sum } end def multi_factor_auth_table [ ['Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) method', 'Number of successful sign-ins'], [ 'SMS', totals('sms_total'), ], [ 'Voice', totals('voice_total'), ], [ 'Security key', totals('webauthn_total'), ], [ 'Face or touch unlock', totals('webauthn_platform_total'), ], [ 'PIV/CAC', totals('piv_cac_total'), ], [ 'Authentication app', totals('totp_total'), ], [ 'Backup codes', totals('backup_code_total'), ], [ 'Personal key', totals('personal_key_total'), ], [ 'Total number of phishing resistant methods', totals('webauthn_total') + totals('webauthn_platform_total') + totals('piv_cac_total'), ], ] end endend if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME options =!(ARGV)**options).to_csvs.each do |csv| puts csv endend