# frozen_string_literal: true require 'aws-sdk-pinpoint'require 'aws-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice'require 'forwardable'require 'i18n'require 'telephony/util'require 'telephony/alert_sender'require 'telephony/configuration'require 'telephony/errors'require 'telephony/otp_sender'require 'telephony/phone_number_info'require 'telephony/response'require 'telephony/test/call'require 'telephony/test/message'require 'telephony/test/error_simulator'require 'telephony/test/sms_sender'require 'telephony/test/voice_sender'require 'telephony/pinpoint/aws_credential_builder'require 'telephony/pinpoint/pinpoint_helper'require 'telephony/pinpoint/opt_out_manager'require 'telephony/pinpoint/sms_sender'require 'telephony/pinpoint/voice_sender' module Telephony # GSM 03.38 character set # GSM_NON_WHITE_SPACE_CHARACTERS = %w[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z à Å å Ä ä Ç É é è ì Ñ ñ ò Ø ø Ö ö ù Ü ü Æ æ ß 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 & * @ : , ¤ $ = ! > # - ¡ ¿ ( < % . + £ ? " ) § ; ' / _ ¥ Δ Φ Γ Λ Ω ΠΨ Σ Θ Ξ ].to_set.freeze GSM_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS = ["\n", "\r", ' '].to_set.freeze GSM_DOUBLE_CHARACTERS = ['^', '{', '}', '\\', '[', ']', '~', '|', '€'].to_set.freeze GSM_CHARACTERS = (GSM_NON_WHITE_SPACE_CHARACTERS + GSM_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS + GSM_DOUBLE_CHARACTERS).freeze UCS_2_BASIC_CHAR_MAX = 0xFFFF LOG_FILENAME = 'telephony.log' extend SingleForwardable def self.config @config ||= yield @config if block_given? @config end def self.send_authentication_otp(to:, otp:, expiration:, otp_format:, channel:, domain:, country_code:, extra_metadata:) to: to, otp: otp, expiration: expiration, otp_format: otp_format, channel: channel, domain: domain, country_code: country_code, extra_metadata: extra_metadata, ).send_authentication_otp end def self.send_confirmation_otp(to:, otp:, expiration:, otp_format:, otp_length:, channel:, domain:, country_code:, extra_metadata:) to: to, otp: otp, expiration: expiration, otp_format: otp_format, otp_length: otp_length, channel: channel, domain: domain, country_code: country_code, extra_metadata: extra_metadata, ).send_confirmation_otp end def self.alert_sender end def_delegators :alert_sender, :send_doc_auth_link, :send_personal_key_regeneration_notice, :send_personal_key_sign_in_notice, :send_account_deleted_notice, :send_account_reset_notice, :send_account_reset_cancellation_notice, :send_notification # @param [String] phone_number phone number in E.164 format # @return [PhoneNumberInfo] info about the phone number def self.phone_info(phone_number) sender = case Telephony.config.adapter when :pinpoint when :test end sender.phone_info(phone_number) end def self.log_info(event:) event[:log_filename] = LOG_FILENAME end def self.log_warn(event:) event[:log_filename] = LOG_FILENAME self.config.logger.warn(event.to_json) end # A character in a GSM 03.38 message counts as one character, unless it is explicitly one of # the characters that requires an escape sequence, which makes it count as two characters. # # Messages that contain non-GSM 03.38 characters are encoded as UCS-2 with 2-byte characters. # Codepoints less than 0xFFFF can be represented as one character, but other codepoints are # encoded as two. # # This method does not handle message length added for multi-part message headers. def self.sms_character_length(text) if gsm_chars_only?(text) text.chars.sum do |character| if GSM_DOUBLE_CHARACTERS.include?(character) 2 else 1 end end else text.chars.sum do |char| char.codepoints.sum do |codepoint| if codepoint <= UCS_2_BASIC_CHAR_MAX 1 else 2 end end end end end # A single GSM 03.38 message can contain up to 160 characters. If the length is beyond that, # the message is split into parts containing 153 characters each. The capacity is lower because # messages must now also encode information about message order. # # UCS-2 messages behave similarly, but the size is limited to 70 and 67 characters respectively. def self.sms_parts(text) length = sms_character_length(text) if gsm_chars_only?(text) gsm_parts(length) else non_gsm_parts(length) end end def self.gsm_chars_only?(text) text.chars.all? { |x| GSM_CHARACTERS.include?(x) } end def self.gsm_parts(length) if length <= 160 1 else (length / 153.0).ceil end end def self.non_gsm_parts(length) if length <= 70 1 else (length / 67.0).ceil end end private_class_method :gsm_parts, :non_gsm_partsend