#!/usr/bin/env ruby# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json'require 'net/http'require 'optparse' # Posts a message to Slack via webhookclass NotifySlack def run(argv:, stdin:, stdout:) channel = nil username = nil text = nil webhook = nil icon = ':login-gov:' raise_on_failure = false program_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<~STR #{program_name} [options] Usage: * Using arguments #{program_name} --text "my *message*" \\ --channel "#some-channel" \\ --webhook * Passing text over STDIN echo "my *message*" | #{program_name} --text - \\ --channel "#some-channel" \\ --webhook Options: STR opts.on('--channel CHANNEL', 'which channel to notify') do |channel_v| channel = channel_v end opts.on('--webhook WEBHOOK', 'Slack webhook URL') do |webhook_v| webhook = webhook_v end opts.on('--username USERNAME', 'which username to notify as') do |username_v| username = username_v end opts.on('--text TEXT', 'text of notification, pass - to read from STDIN') do |text_v| if text_v == '-' if stdin.tty? stdout.print 'please enter text of message: ' text = stdin.gets else text = end else text = text_v end end opts.on('--icon ICON', 'slack emoji to use as icon (optional)') do |icon_v| icon = icon_v end opts.on('--[no-]raise', <<~EOS) do |raise_v| raise errors/exit uncleanly if the webhook fails. defaults to not raising EOS raise_on_failure = raise_v end opts.on('--help') do puts opts exit 0 end end parser.parse!(argv) if !channel || !username || !text || !webhook stdout.puts parser exit 1 end notify( webhook: webhook, channel: channel, username: username, text: text, icon: format_icon(icon), ) stdout.puts 'OK' rescue Net::HTTPClientException => err stdout.puts "#{program_name} HTTP ERROR: #{err.response.code}" raise err if raise_on_failure rescue => err stdout.puts "#{program_name} ERROR: #{err.message}" raise err if raise_on_failure end # @raise [Net::HTTPClientException] throws an error for non-successful response # @return [Net::HTTPResponse] def notify(webhook:, channel:, username:, text:, icon:) url = URI(webhook) req = req.form_data = { 'payload' => { channel: channel, username: username, text: text, icon_emoji: icon, }.to_json, } Net::HTTP.start( url.hostname, url.port, use_ssl: url.scheme == 'https', open_timeout: 1, read_timeout: 1, write_timeout: 1, ssl_timeout: 1, ) do |http| http.request(req) end.value end def format_icon(icon) if icon.start_with?(':') && icon.end_with?(':') icon else ":#{icon}:" end endend if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ ARGV, stdin: STDIN, stdout: STDOUT)end