

7 hrs
Test Coverage
# This file must be run as a module in order for it to access
# modules in sibling directories.
# Run with:
#   python -m data.update

import subprocess
import datetime
import os
import ujson
import logging

# Import all the constants from data/
from data.env import *

# Import processing just for the function call.
import data.processing
from data import logger

LOGGER = logger.get_logger(__name__)

# Orchestrate the overall regular Pulse update process.
# Steps:
# 1. Kick off domain-scan to scan each domain for each measured thing.
#    - Should drop results into data/output/parents (or a symlink).
#    - If exits with non-0 code, this should exit with non-0 code.
# 1a. Subdomains.
#    - Gather latest subdomains from public sources, into one condensed deduped file.
#    - Run pshtt and sslyze on gathered subdomains.
#    - This creates 2 resulting CSVs: pshtt.csv and sslyze.csv
# 2. Run to generate front-end-ready data as data/db.json.
# 3. Upload data to S3.
#    - Depends on the AWS CLI and access credentials already being configured.
#    - TODO: Consider moving from aws CLI to Python library.

# Options:
# --date: override date, defaults to contents of meta.json
# --scan=[skip,download,here]
#     skip: skip all scanning, assume CSVs are locally cached
#     download: download scan data from S3
#     here: run the default full scan
# --upload: upload scan data and resulting db.json anything to S3
# --gather=[skip,here]
#     skip: skip gathering, assume CSVs are locally cached
#     here: run the default full gather

def run(options):
  # If this is just being used to download production data, do that.
  if options.get("just-download", False):

  # Definitive scan date for the run.
  today = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d")

  # 1. Download scan data, do a new scan, or skip altogether.
  scan_mode = options.get("scan", "skip")

  # Whether to gather domains (defaults to doing so).
  gather_mode = options.get("gather", "here")

  if scan_mode == "here":
    # 1a. Gather .gov federal subdomains.
    if gather_mode == "here":"Gathering subdomains.")
      gather_subdomains(options)"Subdomain gathering complete.")
    elif gather_mode == "skip":"Skipping subdomain gathering.")

    # 1b. Scan subdomains for some types of things."Scanning subdomains.")
    scan_subdomains(options)"Subdomain scanning complete")

    # 1c. Scan parent domains for all types of things."Scanning parent domains.")
    scan_parents(options)"Scan of parent domains complete.")
  elif scan_mode == "download":"Downloading latest production scan data from S3.")
    download_s3()"Download complete.")

  # Sanity check to make sure we have what we need.
  if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(PARENTS_RESULTS, "meta.json")):"No scan metadata downloaded, aborting.")

  # Date can be overridden if need be, but defaults to meta.json.
  if options.get("date", None) is not None:
    the_date = options.get("date")
    # depends on YYYY-MM-DD coming first in meta.json time format
    scan_meta = ujson.load(open("data/output/parents/results/meta.json"))
    the_date = scan_meta['start_time'][0:10]

  # 2. Process and load data into Pulse's database."[%s] Loading data into Pulse." % the_date), options)"[%s] Data now loaded into Pulse." % the_date)

  # 3. Upload data to S3 (if requested).
  if options.get("upload", False):"[%s] Syncing scan data and database to S3." % the_date)
    upload_s3(the_date)"[%s] Scan data and database now in S3." % the_date)"[%s] All done." % the_date)

# Upload the scan + processed data to /live/ and /archive/ locations by date.
def upload_s3(date):
  # Used for all operations.
  acl = "--acl=public-read"

  # Used when uploading to the live/ dir.
  delete = "--delete"

  live_parents = "s3://%s/live/parents/" % BUCKET_NAME
  live_subdomains = "s3://%s/live/subdomains/" % BUCKET_NAME
  live_db = "s3://%s/live/db/" % BUCKET_NAME

  shell_out(["aws", "s3", "sync", PARENTS_DATA, live_parents, acl, delete])
  shell_out(["aws", "s3", "sync", SUBDOMAIN_DATA, live_subdomains, acl, delete])
  shell_out(["aws", "s3", "cp", DB_DATA, live_db, acl])

  # Then copy the entire live directory to a dated archive.
  # Ask S3 to do the copying, to save on time and bandwidth.
  live = "s3://%s/live/" % (BUCKET_NAME)
  archive = "s3://%s/archive/%s/" % (BUCKET_NAME, date)
  shell_out(["aws", "s3", "sync", live, archive, acl])

# Makes use of the public URLs so that this can be run in a dev
# environment that doesn't have write credentials to the bucket.
def download_s3():

  def download(src, dest):
    # remote sources relative to bucket
    url = "" % (AWS_REGION, BUCKET_NAME, src)

    # local destinations are relative to data/
    path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dest)

    shell_out(["curl", url, "--output", path])

  # Ensure the destination directories are present.
  os.makedirs(os.path.join(PARENTS_DATA, "results"), exist_ok=True)
  os.makedirs(os.path.join(SUBDOMAIN_DATA_GATHERED, "results"), exist_ok=True)
  os.makedirs(os.path.join(SUBDOMAIN_DATA_SCANNED, "results"), exist_ok=True)

  # Use cURL to download files.
  # Don't rely on aws being configured, and surface any permission issues.
  # Just grab results, not all the cached data.

  # Results of parent domain scanning.
  for scanner in SCANNERS:
    download("live/parents/results/%s.csv" % scanner, "output/parents/results/%s.csv" % scanner)
  download("live/parents/results/meta.json", "output/parents/results/meta.json")

  # Results of subdomain scanning.
  for scanner in SUBDOMAIN_SCANNERS:
    download("live/subdomains/scan/results/%s.csv" % scanner, "output/subdomains/scan/results/%s.csv" % scanner)
  download("live/subdomains/scan/results/meta.json", "output/subdomains/scan/results/meta.json")

  # Results of subdomain gathering.
  download("live/subdomains/gather/results/gathered.csv", "output/subdomains/gather/results/gathered.csv")
  download("live/subdomains/gather/results/meta.json", "output/subdomains/gather/results/meta.json")

  # Also download the latest compiled DB.
  # This will be overwritten immediately if this is being used in
  # the context of a full data load/processing.
  download("live/db/db.json", "db.json")

# Use domain-scan to scan .gov domains from the set domain URL.
# Drop the output into data/output/parents/results.
def scan_parents(options):
  scanners = "--scan=%s" % (str.join(",", SCANNERS))
  analytics = "--analytics=%s" % ANALYTICS_URL
  output = "--output=%s" % PARENTS_DATA
  a11y_redirects = "--a11y-redirects=%s" % A11Y_REDIRECTS
  a11y_config = "--a11y-config=%s" % A11Y_CONFIG

  full_command =[
    analytics, a11y_config, a11y_redirects,
    # "--debug", # always capture full output

  # Allow some options passed to python -m data.update to go
  # through to domain-scan.
  # Boolean flags.
  for flag in ["cache", "serial", "lambda"]:
    value = options.get(flag)
    if value:
      full_command += ["--%s" % flag]

  # Flags with values.
  for flag in ["lambda-profile"]:
    value = options.get(flag)
    if value:
      full_command += ["--%s=%s" % (flag, str(value))]

  # Until third_parties and a11y are moved to Lambda, can't
  # do Lambda-sized worker count. Stick with default (10).
  # if options.get("lambda"):
  #   full_command += ["--workers=%i" % LAMBDA_WORKERS]


# Use domain-scan to gather .gov domains from public sources.
def gather_subdomains(options):"[gather] Gathering subdomains.")

  full_command = [GATHER_COMMAND]

  full_command += [",".join(GATHERER_NAMES)]
  full_command += GATHERER_OPTIONS

  # Common to all gatherers.
  # --parents gets auto-included as its own gatherer source.
  full_command += [
    "--output=%s" % SUBDOMAIN_DATA_GATHERED,
    "--suffix=%s" % GATHER_SUFFIXES,
    "--parents=%s" % DOMAINS,
    "--debug" # always capture full output

  # Allow some options passed to python -m data.update to go
  # through to domain-scan.
  for flag in ["cache"]:
    if options.get(flag):
      full_command += ["--%s" % flag]


# Run pshtt on each gathered set of subdomains.
def scan_subdomains(options):"[scan] Scanning subdomains.")

  subdomains = os.path.join(SUBDOMAIN_DATA_GATHERED, "results", "gathered.csv")

  full_command = [
    "--scan=%s" % str.join(",", SUBDOMAIN_SCANNERS),
    "--output=%s" % SUBDOMAIN_DATA_SCANNED,
    # "--debug", # always capture full output

  # Allow some options passed to python -m data.update to go
  # through to domain-scan.
  # Boolean flags.
  for flag in ["cache", "serial", "lambda"]:
    value = options.get(flag)
    if value:
      full_command += ["--%s" % flag]

  # Flags with values.
  for flag in ["lambda-profile"]:
    value = options.get(flag)
    if value:
      full_command += ["--%s=%s" % (flag, str(value))]

  # If Lambda mode is on, use way more workers.
  if options.get("lambda") and (options.get("serial", None) is None):
    full_command += ["--workers=%i" % LAMBDA_WORKERS]


## Utils function for shelling out.

def shell_out(command, env=None):
    try:"[cmd] %s" % str.join(" ", command))
        response = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, env=env)
        output = str(response, encoding='UTF-8')
        return output
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        LOGGER.critical("Error running %s." % (str(command)))
        return None

### Run when executed.

if __name__ == '__main__':