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# .about.yml project metadata
# Short name that acts as the project identifier (required)
name: team-api-server

# Full proper name of the project (required)
full_name: Team API Server

# The type of content in the repo
# values: app, docs, policy
type: app

# Describes whether a project team, working group/guild, etc. owns the repo (required)
# values: guild, working-group, project
owner_type: project

# Name of the main project repo if this is a sub-repo; name of the working group/guild repo if this is a working group/guild subproject
parent: wg-testing

# Maturity stage of the project (required)
# values: discovery, alpha, beta, live
stage: live

# Whether or not the project is actively maintained (required)
# values: active, deprecated
status: active

# Description of the project
description: Webhook handling server that listens for changes on .about.yml files and pushes updates to a destination repo.

# Should be 'true' if the project has a continuous build (required)
# values: true, false
testable: true

# Team members contributing to the project (required)
# Items:
# - github: GitHub user name
#   id: Internal team identifier/user name
#   role: Team member's role; leads should be designated as 'lead'
- github: jseppi
  role: lead
- github: toolness

# Partners for whom the project is developed

# Brief descriptions of significant project developments

# Technologies used to build the project
- Node.js
- GitHub

# Brief description of the project's outcomes

# Services used to supply project status information
# Items:
# - name: Name of the service
#   category: Type of the service
#   url: URL for detailed information
#   badge: URL for the status badge

# Licenses that apply to the project and/or its components (required)
# Items by property name pattern:
#   .*:
#     name: Name of the license from the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX): https://spdx.org/licenses/
#     url: URL for the text of the license
    name: CC0
    url: https://github.com/18F/team-api-server/blob/master/LICENSE.md

# Blogs or websites associated with project development

# Links to project artifacts
# Items:
# - url: URL for the link
#   text: Anchor text for the link
- url: https://team-api.18f.gov/public/api/
  text: 18F Public Team API
- url: https://www.npmjs.com/package/team-api-server
  text: team-api-server npm

# Email addresses of points-of-contact
- url: mailto:james.seppi@gsa.gov
  text: James Seppi
- url: https://github.com/18F/team-api-server/issues
  text: 18F/team-api-server issues

- webhook
- team-api