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Test Coverage
@use "uswds-core" as *;

.usa-form {
  @include typeset(
  @include border-box-sizing;

  @include at-media("mobile-lg") {
    max-width: units("mobile");

  // Don't show dotted underline with "required" asterisk because it can cause legibility issues ad appear as an ellipsis...
  abbr[title="required"] {
    text-decoration: none;

  .usa-textarea {
    // max width not needed since .usa-form has one of its own
    max-width: none;

  .usa-input-group {
    &--2xs {
      max-width: 5ex;
    &--xs {
      max-width: 9ex;
    &--small {
      max-width: 13ex;
    &--medium {
      max-width: 20ex;
    &--lg {
      max-width: 30ex;
    &--xl {
      max-width: 40ex;
    &--2xl {
      max-width: 50ex;

  .usa-button {
    margin-top: units(1);

    @include at-media("mobile-lg") {
      margin-top: units(3);

  // Avoids links styled as buttons
  a:where(:not(.usa-button)) {
    @include typeset-link;

.usa-form--large {
  @include at-media("mobile-lg") {
    max-width: units("mobile-lg");

.usa-show-password {
  @include button-unstyled;
  cursor: pointer;

.usa-show-password {
  @include typeset($theme-form-font-family, "2xs", 3);
  float: right;
  margin: units(0.5) 0 units(2);