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Test Coverage
@use "sass:map";

@use "uswds-core" as *;

// Variables

// Size icons based on the theme-type-scale-[size] number and this factor
$icon-list-icon-size-factor: 1.5;
// Center the icon to the title text, works for all size variants
$icon-list-icon-margin-top: -1.5%;
// Fine tune the space between the icon and content with this factor
$icon-list-icon-padding-left-factor: 0.4;
// Fine tune the title top padding given a line height of lh-2
$icon-list-title-padding-top: 0.425ex;

$type-scale: font-size($theme-icon-list-font-family, $theme-body-font-size);

// Get fixed size for icon, based on non-normalized size token
$this-system-token: if(
  map.has-key($all-type-scale, $theme-body-font-size),
  map.get($all-type-scale, $theme-body-font-size),

$icon-size: px-to-rem($this-system-token);

@include override-prose {
  .usa-icon-list {
    @include typeset($theme-icon-list-font-family, $theme-body-font-size);
    @include unstyled-list;
    @include u-measure(5);

  .usa-icon-list__item {
    display: flex;
    position: relative;

    & + .usa-icon-list__item {
      padding-top: units(1.5);

// Allow setting icon color on the icon-list element
.usa-icon-list {
  @each $color, $grades in $all-project-colors {
    @each $grade, $value in $grades {
      @if $value {
        $prefix: if($grade != "default", "#{$color}-#{$grade}", $color);
        &--#{$prefix} {
          .usa-icon-list__icon {
            color: color($prefix);

.usa-icon-list__icon {
  .usa-icon {
    // Set the height and width of the icon based on the size variant and factor
    // Doesn't use u-square() because of non-token size
    display: block;
    height: $icon-size * $icon-list-icon-size-factor;
    // margin-top: $icon-list-icon-margin-top;
    position: relative;
    width: $icon-size * $icon-list-icon-size-factor;

// Don't resize any block-level element inside content
.usa-icon-list__content {
  > p,
  > ul,
  > ol {
    @include u-font($theme-icon-list-font-family, $theme-body-font-size);
    @include u-measure(5);

.usa-icon-list[class*="usa-icon-list--size-"] {
  @include u-measure("none");

// Generate responsive variants
// Create a map for looping that includes a default or no-breakpoint version
$this-null: (
  "none": null,
$icon-list-breakpoints: map-merge($this-null, $system-breakpoints);
@each $mq-key, $mq-value in $icon-list-breakpoints {
  // Set the prefix
  // An empty string if "none"
  $prefix: false;
  @if $mq-key == "none" {
    $prefix: "";
  // Or the standard prefix if the breakpoint is output
  @else if map.get($theme-utility-breakpoints-complete, $mq-key) {
    $prefix: "#{$mq-key}#{$separator}";

  @include at-media($mq-key) {
    @each $token, $val in $all-type-scale {
      @if $prefix {
        $this-type-scale: font-size($theme-icon-list-font-family, $token);
        .#{$prefix}usa-icon-list--size-#{$token} {
          .usa-icon-list__icon {
            .usa-icon {
              // Set the height and width of the icon based on the size variant and factor
              height: $this-type-scale * $icon-list-icon-size-factor;
              width: $this-type-scale * $icon-list-icon-size-factor;

          .usa-icon-list__content {
            @include u-measure(5);
            // Resize simple (un-marked up) content
            font-size: size($theme-icon-list-font-family, $token);
            // Calculate the space between the icon and content based on the size variant and factor
            padding-left: $this-type-scale *

            .usa-icon-list__title {
              @include u-font($theme-icon-list-title-font-family, $token);

.usa-icon-list__title {
  @include typeset(
  margin-bottom: units(0);
  padding-top: $icon-list-title-padding-top;
  & + * {
    margin-top: units(1);

.usa-icon-list__content {
  font-size: $type-scale;
  padding-left: $type-scale * $icon-list-icon-padding-left-factor;
  > *:first-child {
    margin-top: 0;
  > *:last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0;

  ul li {
    list-style-type: disc;