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Test Coverage
1. [Getting Started](01-getting-started.md)
2. [Obtaining OAuth Tokens For Patrons](02-oauth.md)
3. [Patreon Integration Examples](03-examples.md)
4. [Method Documentation](04-documentation.md)
5. Library Architecture

# Resources, Entities and Collections

This library is designed to be easy to work with and easy to understand if you
wish to learn how it works under the hood. Take a look at the
[src/Patreon](/src/Patreon) directory to see the Entities and Resources that
make up the library, and check out [tests/Patreon](/tests/patreon) to see
examples of how the various methods can be used.

## Entities

Entities are objects with properties that are populated from Patreon responses.
Each Entity has defined properties which you can depend on existing (with a
`null` value). Additionally, Entities expose helper methods that allow your
application not to concern itself with making determinations about Entity
states, e.g: `$reward->isAvailableToChoose()` and `$pledge->hasMadeAPayment()`.

You can browse the properties of each Entity via their class files:

* [Address](/src/Patreon/Entities/Address.php)
* [Campaign](/src/Patreon/Entities/Campaign.php)
* [Goal](/src/Patreon/Entities/Goal.php)
* [Pledge](/src/Patreon/Entities/Pledge.php)
* [Reward](/src/Patreon/Entities/Reward.php)
* [User](/src/Patreon/Entities/User.php)

## Resources

Resources represent Patreon API endpoints. Each Resource exposes methods for
fetching data from these endpoints. Each Resource can be accessed through the
`Patreon` client, e.g: `$patreon->resource()->method()`.

- `campaigns` provides `getMyCampaign`, `getMyCampaignWithPledges`,
  `getCampaign` and `getCampaignWithPledges`
- `me` provides `get`
- `pledges` provides `getCampaignPledges` and `getPageOfCampaignPledges`

Additionally, the `webhook` resource provides an `accept` method which will
verify the signature of a Webhook received from Patreon and return the Pledge

## Collections

When there is more than one Entity a
[Collection](https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/collections) is given, Collections
"[...] provide a fluent, convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data".
This makes it very easy to work with groups of Entities and extract, transform
or manage their properties. For example:

$patreon = new Patreon('access_token');
$campaign = $patreon->campaigns()->getMyCampaignWithPledges();

// echo a list of each patron's full_name
$campaign->pledges->each(function ($pledge) {
    echo "{$pledge->patron->full_name}\n";

// extract each patron's email address
$emails = $campaign->pledges->map(function ($pledge) {
    return $pledge->patron->email;

// get all Pledges of at least $50
$pledges = $campaign->pledges->where('amount_cents', '>=', 5000);

As a general pointer, when working this library you should never need to use
`while` or `foreach` loops.

# Next Steps

* Contribute!
* Get help!