package dataconv
import (
stdjson ""
var (
emptyStr string
noopPrintFunc = func(thread *starlark.Thread, msg string) {}
starJSONEncode = stdjson.Module.Members["encode"].(*starlark.Builtin)
starJSONDecode = stdjson.Module.Members["decode"].(*starlark.Builtin)
// IsEmptyString checks is a starlark string is empty ("" for a go string)
// starlark.String.String performs repr-style quotation, which is necessary
// for the starlark.Value contract but a frequent source of errors in API
// clients. This helper method makes sure it'll work properly
func IsEmptyString(s starlark.String) bool {
return s.String() == `""`
// IsInterfaceNil returns true if the given interface is nil.
func IsInterfaceNil(i interface{}) bool {
if i == nil {
return true
defer func() { recover() }()
switch reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Interface, reflect.Struct, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
return reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil()
return false
// MarshalStarlarkJSON marshals a starlark.Value into a JSON string.
// It first converts the starlark.Value into a Go value using the Unmarshal function,
// then marshals the Go value into a JSON string.
// It handles Go-specific types (supports more types like Go slices, maps, structs, interfaces, time) better than EncodeStarlarkJSON but may be slower due to intermediate conversion.
func MarshalStarlarkJSON(data starlark.Value, indent int) (string, error) {
// convert starlark value to a go value
v, err := Unmarshal(data)
if err != nil {
return emptyStr, err
// fix map[interface {}]interface {}
if m, ok := v.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok {
mm := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range m {
mm[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)] = v
v = mm
// prepare json encoder
var bf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&bf)
if indent > 0 {
enc.SetIndent("", strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
// convert go to string
if err = enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
return emptyStr, err
return strings.TrimSpace(bf.String()), nil
// UnmarshalStarlarkJSON unmarshals JSON bytes into a starlark.Value.
// It first unmarshals the JSON bytes into a Go value using the standard JSON Unmarshal function,
// then converts the Go value into a starlark.Value using the Marshal function.
// Time strings are parsed as starlark Time objects.
// In comparison with DecodeStarlarkJSON, it gives you more control over type conversion but may be less efficient due to intermediate steps.
func UnmarshalStarlarkJSON(data []byte) (starlark.Value, error) {
var m interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
if err != nil {
return starlark.None, err
// fix all values to their appropriate types
f := TypeConvert(m)
// convert go value to a starlark value
return Marshal(f)
// EncodeStarlarkJSON encodes a starlark.Value into a JSON string using the official JSON module of Starlark Go.
// It retrieves the "json.encode" function from the Starlark standard library and calls it to perform the encoding.
// It's less flexible but more straightforward for pure Starlark values.
// Compared to the Marshal/Unmarshal* pair, which is more feature-rich and flexible, the Encode/Decode* pair is more focused on core Starlark types.
func EncodeStarlarkJSON(v starlark.Value) (string, error) {
// convert to JSON
v, err := starlark.Call(&starlark.Thread{Name: "dataconv", Print: noopPrintFunc}, starJSONEncode, starlark.Tuple{v}, nil)
if err != nil {
return emptyStr, err
// convert to string
return StarString(v), nil
// DecodeStarlarkJSON decodes JSON bytes into a starlark.Value using the official JSON module of Starlark Go.
// It retrieves the "json.decode" function from the Starlark standard library and calls it to perform the decoding.
// It handles certain Starlark-specific structures better but less control over Go-specific types.
// Compared to the Marshal/Unmarshal* pair, which is more feature-rich and flexible, the Encode/Decode* pair is more focused on core Starlark types.
func DecodeStarlarkJSON(data []byte) (starlark.Value, error) {
return starlark.Call(&starlark.Thread{Name: "dataconv", Print: noopPrintFunc}, starJSONDecode, starlark.Tuple{starlark.String(data)}, nil)
// ConvertStruct converts a struct to a Starlark wrapper.
func ConvertStruct(v interface{}, tagName string) starlark.Value {
// if not a pointer, convert to pointer
if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("v must be a pointer")
return convert.NewStructWithTag(v, tagName)
// ConvertJSONStruct converts a struct to a Starlark wrapper with JSON tag.
func ConvertJSONStruct(v interface{}) starlark.Value {
return ConvertStruct(v, "json")
// WrapModuleData wraps data from the given starlark.StringDict into a Starlark module loader, which can be used to load the module into a Starlark interpreter and accessed via `load("name", "data_key")`.
func WrapModuleData(name string, data starlark.StringDict) func() (starlark.StringDict, error) {
return func() (starlark.StringDict, error) {
return starlark.StringDict{
name: &starlarkstruct.Module{
Name: name,
Members: data,
}, nil
// WrapStructData wraps data from the given starlark.StringDict into a Starlark struct loader, which can be used to load the struct into a Starlark interpreter and accessed via `load("name", "data_key")`.
func WrapStructData(name string, data starlark.StringDict) func() (starlark.StringDict, error) {
return func() (starlark.StringDict, error) {
ss := starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlark.String(name), data)
return starlark.StringDict{name: ss}, nil
// MakeModule creates a Starlark module from the given name and data.
func MakeModule(name string, data starlark.StringDict) *starlarkstruct.Module {
return &starlarkstruct.Module{
Name: name,
Members: data,
// MakeStruct creates a Starlark struct from the given name and data.
func MakeStruct(name string, data starlark.StringDict) *starlarkstruct.Struct {
return starlarkstruct.FromStringDict(starlark.String(name), data)
// TypeConvert converts JSON decoded values to their appropriate types.
// Usually it's used after JSON Unmarshal, Starlark Unmarshal, or similar.
func TypeConvert(data interface{}) interface{} {
switch v := data.(type) {
case string:
// Attempt parsing in different formats
for _, format := range []string{time.RFC3339, time.RFC3339Nano, time.RFC822, time.RFC1123} {
if t, err := time.Parse(format, v); err == nil {
return t
// Attempt to parse as JSON number (integer only)
var num json.Number
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &num); err == nil {
if ni, ei := num.Int64(); ei == nil {
return ni
// If not a time or number, return the original string
return v
case float64:
// Check for exact int match
if math.Floor(v) == v {
return int(v)
return v
case map[string]interface{}:
// If the value is a map, recursively call this function on all map values.
newMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(v))
for key, value := range v {
newMap[key] = TypeConvert(value)
return newMap
case []interface{}:
// If the value is a slice, recursively call this function on all slice values.
newSlice := make([]interface{}, len(v))
for i, value := range v {
newSlice[i] = TypeConvert(value)
return newSlice
// Return original value for other types
return v
// StarString returns the string representation of a starlark.Value, i.e. converts Starlark values to Go strings.
func StarString(x starlark.Value) string {
if IsInterfaceNil(x) {
return emptyStr
switch v := x.(type) {
case starlark.String:
return v.GoString()
case starlark.Bytes:
return string(v)
return v.String()
// GoToStarlarkViaJSON converts any Go value that can be marshaled into JSON into a corresponding Starlark value.
// It first marshals the Go value into a JSON string with the standard Go JSON package,
// then decodes this JSON string into a Starlark value with the official Starlark JSON module.
func GoToStarlarkViaJSON(v interface{}) (starlark.Value, error) {
if v == nil {
return starlark.None, nil
bs, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return starlark.None, err
return DecodeStarlarkJSON(bs)
// GetThreadContext returns the context of the given thread, or new context if not found.
func GetThreadContext(thread *starlark.Thread) context.Context {
if thread != nil {
if c := thread.Local("context"); c != nil {
if co, ok := c.(context.Context); ok {
return co
return context.Background()