# base64
`base64` defines base64 encoding & decoding functions, often used to represent binary as text.
## Functions
### `encode(src,encoding="standard") string`
return the base64 encoding of src
#### Parameters
| name | type | description |
| `src` | `string` | source string to encode to base64 |
| `encoding` | `string` | optional. string to set encoding dialect. allowed values are: standard,standard_raw,url,url_raw |
#### Examples
encode a string as base64
load("base64", "encode")
encoded = encode("hello world!")
# Output: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
### `decode(src,encoding="standard") string`
parse base64 input, giving back the plain string representation
#### Parameters
| name | type | description |
| `src` | `string` | source string of base64-encoded text |
| `encoding` | `string` | optional. string to set decoding dialect. allowed values are: standard,standard_raw,url,url_raw |
#### Examples
encode a string as base64
load("base64", "decode")
decoded = decode("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")
# Output: hello world!