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alt="Void0 utils"
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Some utilities to help you through your projects.
## Linters
### [@void0/eslint-config](./packages/eslint-config/)
Provides a strict ESlint config for TypeScript projects using Prettier and JS modules.
### [@void0/eslint-config-react](./packages/eslint-config-react/)
Provides a strict ESlint config TypeScript and React projects using Prettier, JS modules and concerned about accessibility.
### [@void0/stylelint-config](./packages/stylelint-config/)
Provides a strict stylelint config for projects using Prettier.
### [@void0/commitlint-config](./packages/commitlint-config/)
Shareable commitlint config adding `content` and `design` to conventional commits.
## Helpers
### [@void0/platform](./packages/platform/)
Detects if the current code is running on client or server side.